The fat in the body. The whole truth about lipids.
Posted by: Dicker Cintia Posted date: 6:56 AM / comment : 0
Hello everyone, as always glad to see you on the pages of "The ABCs of Bodybuilding"!
Not so long ago we talked about the basic building block of muscle - protein , today we continue to understand the issues of food and learn a lot of useful about another valuable nutrient - Well Ira . Many sidestep this issue because of the stereotype, saying that from the fat get fatter. We will not think in stereotypes, and we thoroughly (gram for gram) to deal with them and find out what their real value, what role these should play and what they do not like.
So, all in the collection, and this means that the journey into the world of food can continue, well, let's go fatten ...
What is fat and what they eat? Two sides of the same coin.
It so happened that when it comes to fat, we immediately imagine the flashy labels such as - Danger or not come, kill! And try not to go into details of what they are, but in vain, for their contribution to the organization of a balanced diet is quite significant.
Whatever says nutritionist and various supporters of the new-fangled diets, and fat body are essential, because they are a number of important functions: participate in the formation of cell membranes to act as an alternative source of energy and create a (oh, horror!), body fat (so necessary in cold weather ) . In the absence of fat absorption it could not be such fat soluble vitamins as A, D, E, K , which would affect its functionality. The body fat also receives as other nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) - with food. With regard to the people the right to speak not about fat, and about lipids.
Note:Lipids - fat-like organic compounds which are insoluble in water.
Lipids are a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, of which two - linoleic and linolenic are essential and are formed in the body all the others. All known (negative) impact of fat is that at the use of surplus food, the energy is stored as fat depot, or, to put it simply, there are extra kilos.
Fats are composed of glycerol ( 3 atomic alcohol) and fatty acids (which there is big set) . The properties depend on lipids of their constituent fatty acids. Dietary fats are divided into:
- Animals - the solid state;
- Vegetable (oil) - liquid state.
At our table, most often we are faced with the following fats: (see. image) :
- Butter;
- Margarine - consists mostly of hydrogenated (artificial curing) vegetable oils;
- Palm fat (tallow) ;
- Linseed oil (containing up to 60% of polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 20% - Omega-6 10% - omega-9) ;
- Fish oil (containing up to 30% omega-3) .
It is worth knowing that aleinovaya acid, which in large quantities contained in olive oil, resistant to heat, and therefore this oil is better to cook (fry, if you do it) . Linseed oil is not suitable for frying, it is better to fill salads or just eat bread.
Note:Margarine comprises up to 50% of transgenic fatty acid isomers (TGIZHK contained in wafers, cookies, etc.) - this leads to the fact that the properties of the product completely changed and it has a negative effect on the body. For example, palm oil isomers bind minerals (calcium) , and since it is added to infant formula, therefore the child's body receives a small dose of this mineral. Maximum allowable intake of TGIZHK - 1 gram / day.
Natural fats contain the following fatty acids:
- Saturated (palmitic and stearic acid) ;
- Unsaturated (linoleic, linolenic, palmitoleic, oleic and arachidonic acids) .
In general terms, the classification of natural fats can be represented in the following table (see. Table) .
Taste qualities are determined by unequal fat ratio of their constituent saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The daily human need for polyunsaturated fatty acids (based on the daily caloric diet) is 3-5% , which corresponds to 1-2tablespoons.
The consumption of all kinds of "wrong" saturated fats (whether pastries, muffins, cookies, etc.) provides a significant burden on the liver, and it and so there is something to do. Judge for yourself, for example, if you do build muscle volume, then, at least, began to consume large amounts of protein ( 2-2.5 g / kg body weight) , and it already means a higher load on the liver (for it is necessary to filter the different products of protein breakdown ) .
In addition, the process of burning fat as an effect - it is accompanied by the oxidation of fatty acids and the formation of large amounts of free radicals and toxins, and disposal of them again engaged in the liver. So an additional burden in the form of irregular fat - this is a serious blow to it, remember it.
Note:The assimilation of fats is easier than protein and carbohydrates. Thus, for example, cleavage of the protein is spent to 30% of the total "protein" calories while on lipolysis spends only 10 .This explains the mechanism of the rapid accumulation of body fat is so nutrition program with a high-fat accelerates weight gain better than similar to carbohydrates.
Now let's talk about a product like eggs, because they also contain animal fat and cholesterol, so many unloved.There is a myth that you can not eat a lot of eggs, a maximum of 3-4 per week, and that cholesterol can any high level and that ... In fact, this information is obsolete, and the new rules are derived egg consumption: for women -2-3 pcs. in a day; for men - up to 6 pieces. Of course, bodybuilders need to consume more - up to 10 pcs. But what about cholesterol, you ask? Everything will be OK, because with sufficient water consumption (up to 3-4 liters per day for men) and physical activity, he did not have any negative effects on the body.
At the cholesterol we get such an important component of lecithin. This connection is the basis of all our nerves, and because muscle growth for beginners at the initial stage is due to neuromuscular innervation, the egg is just what the doctor ordered.
In a nutshell, all our nerves (in particular, their myelin sheath ) composed by 17% of lecithin, and when the body loses this connection, given the myelin sheath becomes thinner, the person becomes overly-excitable, tired. Well, because Our brain is 30% composed of lecithin, it generally turns a depressing picture, so to speak, no hand or foot :). Well, the last plus lecithin (and, accordingly, eggs) - it increases the liver's ability to deal with breeding of various toxins, toxins, because lean on eggs.
The daily intake of lecithin is from 5 to 10 grams, it is contained in 3 medium chicken eggs.
Note:The average chicken egg weighs 60 gr. (without shell - 50 ) , 1/3 of the mass - a yolk. It turns out that in every 20 grams. yolk contains 2 grams. pure lecithin. If we say in simple language, the lecithin like "dissolve" cholesterol, so do not worry about it postpone the consumption of eggs.
The moral of the story is - do not be afraid to eat eggs, afraid of saturated fats.
By the way, eggs are easily replaced quail, which can be boiled (or take raw) is entirely from the shell, because it contains essential amino acids and minerals. The weight ratio of chicken to quail eggs - 1 : 4 .
Options fats
Well, it's time to get acquainted with the functions that fulfill the first lipids and is ..
Grease surfaces
Very often coming to the gym, you can hear the distinctive sound of crunching bones, when, say, someone squatting .This all happens because of the lack of fat in the bone structure of the body, in addition reinforced possible breakdown of muscle tissue in ectomorphs .
Reserve fuel source
We already know that the main source of energy for humans are carbohydrates, however fats can easily serve as an auxiliary source feeding the organism, in addition, they provide the energy to break down protein foods. With sufficient intake of lipids, muscle glycogen is consumed much slower, ie, it lasts for a longer period.
Note:Not many people know, but at the expense of fat oxidation formed 50% of all energy in the body.
As an energy source used primarily triglycerides - solid saturated fats, for example beef tallow ( 58% fatty acids) , butter ( 40% ) . In fat the highest energy value - allocated 37.7 kJ of energy from the combustion of 1 gram that allows them to be considered the best source of energy. It is for this reason, they are deposited in the body as fat to create energy reserves.
Protecting and restoring cells
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLC) , which are mainly found in oils (linseed, mustard) , are actively involved in the mechanisms of cell protection from oxidation. Esters VLS part of cell membranes, which protects them from the penetration of foreign bodies, they are made of different materials transportation: Nutrient - inside the cell, waste - outwardly. Thus, if after strength training, your body does not receive a sufficient amount of building material for cell membranes, the recovery processes will slow down significantly, and muscle growth will be hindered.
Note:VLC is used for the synthesis of prostaglandins - important regulators of vital processes.Maintaining the optimal ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6, we control and anti-inflammatory processes in the body.
The synthesis of hormones
As mentioned above, together with food (e.g., eggs) we consume cholesterol - alcohol instead of fat as many people thought. So, in addition to the advertised properties - blockage of blood vessels, the body needs cholesterol becauseIt produces important hormones - testosterone, estrogen, which make a man - a man and a woman - a woman.
Fats, due to its low thermal conductivity, excellent insulator that retains body heat and protect him from hypothermia. Everyone knows that during the winter season is gaining excess body (we think) 2-3 kg, so - it is nothing like his defensive reaction to the impact of low temperatures.
So, the functions are done, we go on.
The lipids in the body: the mechanisms of energy, fat burning and so on.
I do not know whether you know, but fat stores in the body are virtually unlimited (unlike glycogen) , and therefore they seemed to be used as a primary energy source, without having to worry about the number of carbohydrates.However, this is not true. Although we have the necessary fat reserves (able to provide us with energy for the long training) , but the problem lies in the fact that it can be split only if the available oxygen. So, the last in the early stages lessons just do not have time to come to the tissues of the body. This mainly occurs after 30-40 minutes of exercise, i.e. fat "burns" and becomes the most available form of energy in the muscles only after this time interval.
Thus, the mechanism of energy is as follows: in the first course are the glucose in blood and muscle glycogen, then there is a connection directly fats. Moreover, if a person comes to this stage, 1 c. fat provides 9 calories, and this corresponds to 37.7 kJ of energy. Very often in athletes during training there is a feeling that they would be open as a "second wind", and so, in fact, it's just the body comes to handle the stage of obtaining energy by burning fat. The efficiency of this process depends on several factors: 1) the total physical health; 2) metabolic processes; 3) the intensity of strength training and aerobic exercise.
Burning fat. How does this happen?
Generally and overall, the body fat burn through and turns it into energy in two ways:
- Through aerobic exercise.
They expand the capillaries that go to the muscles, thus increasing blood flow to the necessary parts of the body.Also, with aerobic exercise increases the amount of protein, myoglobin, transporting oxygen through the blood to the muscles. All of this - the increased blood flow and a greater amount of available oxygen to muscles, helps the body burn fat more efficiently.
- Through intensive strength training.
High-intensity training stimulates lipase activity - an enzyme which participates in the conversion of fat into energy.Thus, the more it is split, so pull up you look. Despite the fact that oil can be used as a source of energy, the body still prefers to burn first carbohydrates using either contained in blood glucose or glycogen stored in the muscles. So keep that in mind.
Well, go ahead and now we will look ...
Three types of fat, or that it is necessary to burn in the first place?
Almost all bodybuilders with the experience, and now you know the such a thing as different types of fibers - fast(white) and slow (red) . However, what is in the body, there are three main types of fat, and that their metabolic activity is different, not all known.
Forms of the following:
- Subcutaneous fat;
- Fat, sex roles (for women it is 12 % male about 3% ) , the so-called "necessary fat";
- Visceral fat - the most deeply bedded, mostly around the major organs.
Subcutaneous fat
One of the most easily amenable to incineration. Diet and selection of the right exercise (including aerobic) - it had happened like. For maximum fat burning, the best option would be strength training with weights. Thanks to him, a greater number of calories consumed and provides a set of muscle mass, which increases the metabolic rate, thereby stimulating fat burning.
Fat, sex roles
From it much harder to get rid of through exercise. The most common is by the women in the waist, chest, upper thighs. The fact is that the mode of exercise show increased fat mobilization, and some buds begin to run on the fat burning process, while others inhibit and block them. Thus it turns out that receptors work in different directions and increasing the load does not affect the burning of fat .
Visceral fat
The most unstable and "sickly" of fat (which is constantly released into the bloodstream) , ie. from the easiest to get rid of him. A balanced diet and exercise - that is a guarantee of its successful combustion. Getting rid of this type of fat often leads to a reduction in waist circumference. It is said that visceral fat can cause serious harm to the health of your blood vessels and heart, so as soon as possible to get rid of.
Abdominal fat
Constantly disentangling (even at rest) , it is sent to the liver, where it acts as a substrate for the synthesis of cholesterol. Is the cause of atherosclerosis. Surplus of fat in the abdominal area increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in five times, moreover, diabetes two types are also quite common that satellite fat. The most common place of occurrence of abdominal fat in men is lower abdomen.
Note:Very often, bodybuilders can simultaneously see the news, coupled with the increase in the abdomen. All this is the result of metabolic syndrome - the increase of the internal organs, the combination of the abdominal wall muscle growth and increase in visceral fat.
Let a small output.
To get rid of the dangerous fats, such as visceral, will help you diet and exercise routine (including aerobic exercise). The establishment of such conditions, the first to begin to leave the abdominal (men) and visceral (women) fats. It should be borne in mind that under conditions of excess visceral fat suppressed the activity of growth hormone that mobilizes the fat burning effects. Also, excess fat deposits in the waist talk about the lack of testosterone in men, one feature of which is the ability to reduce abdominal fat stores.
Well, with the theory of fats understood, it is time to move on to the practice. In fact, we now know what products should be, and what not to eat, what is the need of the organism in fats and how to calculate.
We have realized that the body can not do without fat, but you need to follow a certain rate of consumption or, more simply, to know where the "golden mean". Thus, the maximum amount of fat in your everyday diet should be30% , the percentage of saturated fat is 7-10% of total daily calories, polyunsaturated - 10% , monounsaturated - up to 15% .
If we look in more detail, you should observe the following daily allowance of essential acids:
- Linoleic acid - 4-6% of daily energy value of the diet (ie 12-17 g) ;
- Linolenic acid - 1-1.6 m.
To maintain a slim figure is necessary to control the total amount of fat consumed. This can calculate their individual daily requirement using the formula:
The total amount of fat (c) = [Total calories * 30% ] / 9 .
Example:[ 2500 * 0.3] / 9 = 83 grams. fat, with an average daily caloric for men in 2500 kcal.
The need for saturated fatty acids (c) = [Total calories * 5% ] / 9 .
This calculation formula is valid also for all other types of fat, only substituted its interest rules. Generally, the meal plan is best to make a determination of protein requirements / carbohydrates, and only then give the remaining calorie fats, and for the most part in the form of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Do not forget about the product label, wherein said composition of the whole product, including - the proportion of fat in grams.
To make it easier to plan your diet for fats, the following table (the fat content in 100 gr. product) help you.
Actually, I have it all in custody, all eventually "ustakanilos", here are some recommendations for fat consumption.
FAQ or recommendations for fat consumption
Remember these rules, and then you will never shine extra kilos.
- Fats should not exceed 1/3 of the total energy intake;
- The ratio of vegetable and animal fat in your diet should be 1: 2 ;
- Eat marine fish or take fish oil and flaxseed oil as food additives, since they contain beneficial omega-3 fats;
- For cooking, use olive oil, and linseed, mustard refuel dishes;
- Do not consume large amounts of saturated fats (butter, sausages, confectionery products) ;
- Avoid eating foods containing transgenic fats (margarine, peanut butter, etc.) .
- Do not be afraid to eat eggs (from 3 to 6 units / day for men) , in which, in addition to cholesterol, contains valuable lecithin, which "dissolves" cholesterol;
- Eat a sufficient amount of water (up to 3-3.5 liters) .
Follow these guidelines and you'll be in chocolate.
Well, that's another topic closed on diet - fat . It is said that fat - the most controversial component in the structure of power athlete. On the one hand - this is a huge source of energy that with proper intake and physical activity can significantly boost your "explosive" component of the training. On the other hand - step right - step left from the consumption rates of some kind of fat, and you already "floated". Since that article specifically all painted in order to remove the questions, such as - who, what and how much![:)](
Learn, dear readers, analyze your diet, then your proportions will not take long to wait. On the sim all, let me leave, until we meet again. And remember, here you are always welcome!
PS. If you have something to ask, say - glagolte, comments to your service, please.
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Dicker Cintia
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