Carbohydrates. Role in bodybuilding.
Posted by: Dicker Cintia Posted date: 6:50 AM / comment : 0
My respects, ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to welcome you to the pages of the project!
Outside the window, already being hosted by the spring, which means that until the summer quite at hand, and it can not but rejoice. However, we have no time to relax, because there is still much to learn, to achieve its goal and today we finish the deal with the basic nutrients and talk about the last of them - carbohydrates. Later will deal withvitamins , and it can be said that the basic foundations of the power you laid.
In this article, I have tried to generate the maximum of what is possible and you need to know about carbohydrates , namely, we know what it is, and what role they perform in the body bodybuilder; what the "right" carbohydrate sources should include in your diet; We learn their unenviable fate, and whether they turn into fat.
Well, first things first, so to speak, with the feeling, really, with the arrangement. Let's go light.
Carbohydrates: Introduction to the theory
Before proceeding to the main part, make a small digression.
As you probably noticed, the purpose of the project - it is education and cultivation (if you want) generation of thinking (from the very first steps) athletes, athletes, bodybuilders, and just good people who decided to start their own health, the body, in general, We decided to put everything in order and harmony. Without high-quality knowledge base can not do, I think you will agree. So that's why some articles go beyond conventional projects "nakachatelnoy" theme, where in a few paragraphs are some common methods, programs and other information, which supposedly should help to shake your body.
You first of all need to understand how the process takes place inside that underlies it, that is, if I eat this "uglevodinku." In general, the first thing you need to form your fitness mindset. Then there will be many times easier to achieve their goals, and sunk to achieve them will be enough for a long time. Therefore, to study the information with interest, read a variety of saturated articles in general, approach the creative process.
Well, okay, a little distracted, in fact - to the case.
In our previous articles, namely those [ proteins , fats ], we learned many useful things about the basic building element, as well as about lipids. Now it's time to introduce you to another member of a large "supply" troika (one might say, the main power station person) - carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates (saccharides) - natural organic compounds, widely distributed, for the most part in the plant world.Its name they got from the combination of two words "coal" and "water" - and not by accident, because carbs first it was not nothing but a compound of carbon (C) and water (H2O) . Carbohydrates are formed in plants during photosynthesis and are found in plant foods (except lactose) . They are composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. In the human body come primarily with food (in the form of cereals, vegetables / fruits, legumes, and the like) , and can be produced from fats and certain amino acids.
Besides the fact that carbohydrates are the primary source of energy, they also have the following functions (see. the image) .
Of course, in terms of bodybuilding, the main function is the timely, efficient supply of the body's most readily available energy. However, the percentage of carbohydrates in the body is only 2% of total energy reserves, 80percent of the stored energy contained in the fat depot proteins accounted for the remaining 18% .
Note:Carbohydrates are accumulated in the body along with the body of water (at 1 c. accounts 4 c. water) . In turn, the fat storage of water is not required, so the body and accumulates them easier to subsequently rely on them as the backup power source.
Carbohydrates are divided on (see. image) :
- simple (sugar) - mono / disaccharides;
- complex - oligo / polysaccharides and fiber dietary fiber - fiber.
Simple carbohydrates. Monosaccharides.
Contains one sugar group. Examples: glucose, fructose, galactose. We go over each of them. Glucose - the main fuel of the body, a major supplier of energy to the brain. It is also necessary for the formation of glycogen in the liver.The day a person consumes food with about 18 grams. glucose, but for the normal functioning of the central nervous system needs to be 140 g, in addition, it "feeds" erythrocytes (red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues) in the size of 40 grams.
Question: where did the body takes that amount of glucose to ensure functioning of the body? Now a look. The fact is that in the body, glucose is stored as glycogen. Glycogen - is nothing more than a polymer of glucose, ie, a long chain of linked molecules. In the case where the body requires energy produced cleavage of the desired number of molecules occurs and further using them as "refueling" organism.
The blood glucose level is constant and sufficiently regulated hormone insulin. As soon as after a meal blood glucose rises, insulin immediately intervenes and lowers it to the level of normal ( 5.5 mmol / l) . No matter how much you eat carbs 200 or 50 grams - the circulatory system still go as much as distribute insulin, because it is its main function.
Foods rich in glucose grapes - ( 7.8% ) , cherry / cherry - ( 5.5% ) , raspberries - ( 3.9% ) , pumpkin ( 2.6% ) , carrots - ( 2.5% ) .
Note:The sweetness of glucose - 74 units of sucrose - 100 units.
Fructose - a natural sugar found in fruits and vegetables. Converted to glucose in the liver. It is understood that although this is natural sugar, but eat sweet types of fruits / vegetables (persimmons, grapes) in large quantities not only useful but also harmful, because they contain large amounts of sugar. Once in the intestine, they cause a lump(increased) the secretion of the hormone insulin, ie You like to do "sit down" your body to insulin needle. So, if you currently do not engage in physical activity (jogging, fitness, etc.) , the glucose gets under the skin and stored there in the form of fat .
Note:Who's spring - vitamin deficiency, which means that you should eat more fruits and vegetables, it is. However, you should always remember about exercise and moderate consumption of fruits(for example, 2 green apples a day, 1-2 sprigs of grapes) , because fructose is easily converted to fat than glucose.
The main sources of fructose: grapes, apples, pears, melons, honey. Despite the fact that the fructose in 2.5 times sweeter than glucose, it does not cause dental caries.
Galactose - a part of the milk sugar (lactose) in free form and practically does not occur.
Simple carbohydrates. Disaccharides.
Molecules consist of two simple sugars whose composition always includes glucose molecule. Examples: sucrose, maltose, lactose. We go over each of them.
Sucrose - glucose and fructose together. Most of all, we put in sucrose tea / coffee in the form of table sugar. Very often you can hear from people that they do something sweet and do not like, but when it comes to tea, here they come off in full - for use 5-6 spoons on a mug. So, all these sugar postponed as fat, so do not use them in such numbers, even in tea. The main sources of sucrose sugar ( 99.5% ) , beet ( 8.6% ) , plum ( 4.8% ) , jam, honey, ice cream.
Maltose - consists of two glucose molecules. Contained in beer, malt, honey, molasses, confectionery.
Lactose - mostly found in dairy products. In the intestine cleaved to glucose and galactose. At deficiency of the enzyme lactase, there is intolerance to dairy products, ie It is their fermentation in the stomach (and then - hello, toilet :)) . The main sources of lactose: milk ( 4.7% ) , cheese (to 2.8% ) , yogurt (to 5.1% ) .
With simple carbohydrates are done, we move on to the ...
Complex carbohydrates
They are divided into digestible fiber - starch and non-digestible dietary fiber - fiber.
Starch - the main source of complex carbohydrates, which constitutes the basis of the pyramid power (accounting for80% of all carbohydrates) . It is found in grains, cereals, fruits, potatoes, beans. The starch content in potato ahead of cereals. It should be remembered, and about the biological value (BC) products such as semolina and white milled rice are low BC, ie There is little minerals and water-soluble vitamins of group B.
The main sources of starch: buckwheat (unground, 60% ) , oatmeal ( 49% ), barley, lentils ( 40% ) , peas ( 44% ) .
Note:Include in your diet baked (or jacket) potatoes, it is rich in potassium and other minerals. When cooking cereals they swell, thereby reducing the initial amount of starch contained therein, the starting material may be up to 70% , during the cooking process can remain only 20% .
The role of dietary fiber in the human body is very high. It normalizes the intestinal peristalsis, is responsible for the normal functioning of the digestive tract and is a favorable breeding ground for beneficial microorganisms of the intestine. Body tissue almost digested, and it is called "ballast" substance. Most fiber found in whole grain bread, fruits and vegetables, and it is these products that are not having high energy, contribute to the early sense of fullness and can be used for the prevention of obesity.
Now let's look at some "stock-exchange" processes associated with carbohydrates.
Carbohydrate stores in the body. Technology accumulation of fat.
If we consider the carbohydrate reserves (in the form of glycogen) in the human body, they are about 500 g: 2/3 of them are located in the muscles and 1/3 in the liver. Stocks him without receiving carbohydrates consumed for 12-18hours. If during this time no throw fuel carbohydrates begin to form from the intermediate metabolic products of proteins. If you create a deficit of carbohydrates, this will lead to the depletion of glycogen stores in the liver and fat deposition in her cells.
Very often many dieters cut back the amount of carbohydrates to a minimum in the belief that the body switches to fat consumption, but it is not. First, "in the flow" will only protein and then fat. Excessive excess carbohydrates can also lead to obesity due to a sharp increase in insulin levels in the blood (because increased blood glucose) . To glucose fell into tissue cells, insulin needs and increase its level stimulates fat synthesis. It is also known that carbohydrates drastically begin to turn into fat only in large (over 500 g) of the body is, in addition, they must be quickly digested.
The processes of carbohydrate metabolism
Carbohydrate metabolism is determined primarily content (presence) of glucose in blood, and it seems three types of processes:
- glycolysis - splitting the glucose and others. sugars release energy needed;
- glycogenesis - glucose synthesis and glycogen;
- gluconeogenesis - formation in the liver and kidneys of glucose from glycerol, lactic acid and amino acids.
In the early hours (after sleep) levels in the blood glucose is minimal, it is connected commonplace that night we did not, "Baton" of refrigerators :). En energy body makeup (in the fasted state) to 75% at the expense of glycolysis and25% - at the expense of gluconeogenesis. Thus, after waking our body it is in the best condition for use as a power source of stored fat. So, if you add a touch of cardio on an empty stomach, you can lose weight.
Now let's get to the practical part, namely - know what carbohydrates and how much it is necessary to consume bodybuilders.
All about carbohydrates in bodybuilding: who, what and how much.
The glycemic index
Speaking of carbohydrates, we can not fail to mention about the glycemic index - the rate of assimilation of carbohydrates. It describes the ability of a particular product to cause an increase in blood glucose. The largest GOP(at 100) itself has a glucose consumption during its blood sugar level is increasing the fastest. The body, in turn, considering that there is an excess of food begins to store calories as fat. Therefore, foods with a high GI - faithful companion extra kilos.
Products also low GI - "long-playing" a source of carbohydrates, which is permanently nourishes your body, providing a uniform flow of glucose into the blood. They promote long-term feeling of satiety, and set up the body for maximum performance in the hall. There are special tables of glycemic index foods, the following is an example of one of them (see. picture) .
The need for carbohydrates and the right sources
Well, that brings me to the most interesting part: how to hang in grams
We all understand (I would even say, we feel for you) , that bodybuilding - this is a very energy-intensive process, and a significant stress to the body. Therefore, the quality of training does not suffer, that is, You perform all the exercises with the light and not in shambles, you must provide the body with the energy of carbohydrates. In general, the structure of supply carbohydrates should make up about 60-65% better, that they are "slow" (low GI) .
Specific "numeric" recommendations for the consumption of hard to, because it all depends on the duration of training, the intensity of the load and speed of the body to convert all incoming nutrients (extent of metabolism) . In general, the consumption of carbohydrates should not fall below the bar in 100 g per night, and 25-30 g (above)should be accounted for dietary fiber - fiber. The minimum requirement for carbohydrates in the different durations of training clearly reflects the following table (see. picture) .
You must also know that the average person consumes per day about 250-300 grams. carbohydrates, and this is considered normal. If you hit the gym, working with weights, the daily requirement should be 450-550 grams.
Of course the amount of carbohydrates is still need to use the right and the best time for this is that the first half of the day. Why is that? everything is very simple: after sleep (in the first 3-4 hours) , the body stores carbohydrates are not as fat as "feeds" of your muscle glycogen depots. Everything that happens after a mark of 12-00 are more likely to get fat. Ideal UBVM follow the scheme - in the morning more night less. Ie You make the first two meals of the most saturated carbohydrates, and then in the evening the number in the dose is gradually reduced. After a workout, you need to maximize the use of the advantages of a protein-carbohydrate windows (talk more in future releases) .
Note:Protein-carbohydrate window - a short-term period, during which the body is able to absorb the high content of food that is consumed in muscle recovery and replenishment of energy.
So, we have understood that our body needs constant refueling, the "correct" carbohydrates, which means that it's time to consider quantitative carbohydrate content in foods, and the following table to help us (see. picture) .
The "correct" carbohydrates will understand carbohydrates with a low GI and high biological value. These products include:
- baked (boiled in their skins) potatoes;
- cereal (oatmeal, sir!) , barley, buckwheat, Pshenko;
- whole-grain bread, black flour 1-2 grades (meal) , products with bran;
- pasta from durum wheat;
- fiber (carrots, turnips) and starchy (pumpkin, squash) vegetables.
- fruit with low glucose / fructose - green apples, pomelo, grapefruit.
In a gentleman's set of "correct" carbohydrates must be present in your grocery cart.
The best time of carbohydrate consumption
This is a period of time immediately after waking up and "before", "after", "during" the training, ie practically it turns out, all the methods are equally important, and there is no better or worse. In the morning, in addition to the slow carbohydrates (rice, oatmeal) , you can afford a small amount of fast carbohydrates, for example, something sweet.
Before training (for 2-3 hours) better refuel with medium GI carbohydrates (eg, pasta, cereals - maize, rice) , to maximize the "download" glycogen depots and provide not only muscles but also the brain energy. By volume ratio should be based on up to 4 g per 1 kg body weight.
During training, you can also use an intermediate power, ie, not consume food and carbohydrate-containing beverages ( 200 ml every 20 minutes) . In this way we kill two birds at once - namely, struggling with dehydration(excessive loss of fluid is renewable) and is renewable at the same time muscle glycogen depots (To maintain a high activity of training) . Immediately after the workout take protein-carbohydrate drink, hearty meal followed by 1-1.5after coming out of the hall. You can opt for buckwheat, Perlovka or potato dishes.
Now let's talk about the role of carbohydrates in building muscle mass.
Carbohydrates build muscle mass?
Many believe that if the proteins - the main building block of muscle, so when they build them, but this is not true.They contribute to good muscle growth and even fat loss, of course, with the right of their consumption.
Note:To build up a pound of muscle you need to spend about 2500 calories.
Of course, such a large amount of energy can not provide proteins, and here come to the aid carbohydrates. They promptly delivered the most "clean" energy, which is necessary cells. Thus, carbohydrates prevent the protein so that it fulfilled its main building features - namely, to synthesize new muscle fibers. Carbohydrates help the body adjust to an effective fat burning. It is thanks to their adequate intake of fats will not be slow to decay, and will fully disposed of (burnt) .
It is also worth knowing that the trained athletes (the more muscle mass a) , the greater the supply of glycogen can keep his muscles. To build muscle mass must be taken to 7 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of its own weight, ie, the weight must be multiplied by 7 (for example, 80 * 7 = 560 g) . Also, do not forget, if you began to consume more carbohydrates, then you need to add the power load. This will engage more intensively and for longer.
To have developed a kind of holistic picture of all three nutrients is a summary table showing who, what and how much to consume, depending on physical activity, age and sex (see. picture) .
Classes at the gym / fitness room correspond to the RPO from 1.9 to 2.2 - men and 1.6-1.9 - women. Now you know exactly what kind of "gram" power scheme to be followed.
Uff-F, well, everything seems to be denounced what he wanted, as much sweat :). As always, let's sum up the results and move on to the afterword.
FAQ on carbohydrates
To be always full of energy and maximum quality flat out in training, you need to follow simple tips:
- the percentage of carbohydrates in the diet should be 65-70% , most of them should be accounted for "slow" carbohydrates;
- consume before training products with an average GI, after it - low;
- morning meal should be the most dense and most of their carbohydrates you should eat in the morning;
- when buying products, not be amiss to look into the table glycemic index and choose the desired (average, low) ;
- if you wanted to treat yourself fast carbohydrates (sugar, jam) is better to consume them in the morning;
- like cereals and include in your diet various cereals;
- Remember, carbohydrates proteins help build muscle mass, so if there is no tangible growth, then revise the amount of their consumption;
- drink unsweetened fruit (apples, bananas, kiwi) and dietary fiber (fiber) ;
- do not forget about the bread and the "second head" - a potato (bake it or boil in the skin) ;
- Read more articles on nutrition in the " ABCs of Bodybuilding "!
By following these tips, you will be out of energy just to bubble, and therefore, the iron you will rant and rave with renewed vigor.
In conclusion, we appeal to you, dear reader, come to the training process intelligently and comprehensively, ieknow not only how to perform various exercises, including basic, but do not forget the food - proteins, fats,carbohydrates and water. After all, high-quality training and full maintenance of the body's essential nutrients will allow you to build the body of your dreams.
You should look for products not just as a "soup" set, you need to understand how it will help achieve the cherished goal, what will the impact. In general, include "dumalku" in training, and in the grocery store. I do not say goodbye, and I say to you soon, I was glad to see all, I hope the article will be useful, and you can not keep and share it with your friends.
PS. Use the comments to express their thoughts, ask questions, and other miscellaneous.
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Dicker Cintia
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