/ Proteins. The whole truth about the main construction element of muscles. [Part 1].
Proteins. The whole truth about the main construction element of muscles. [Part 1].
Posted by: Dicker Cintia Posted date: 6:57 AM / comment : 0
E-n-gay, dear! I am glad to welcome you again in the pages of "The ABCs of Bodybuilding"!
Finally done!
We got to one of the most fundamental topics related to nutrition bodybuilders - proteins . Fundamental because it is the basic building block of muscle, thanks to him we see (or not see) the amount of muscle that we were able to pump. I must say that even though the topic and is quite complicated, but if you understand it through and through, the relief muscles - is at least your diagnosis.
If you dig a little, in fact, quite a few novice bodybuilders (and just people doing in the gym) , have full knowledge about the proteins. Often, they only know that the proteins - is good, they have to be there, and perhaps all. We'll be with you consistently understand both theoretical issues - the structure and function, the mechanisms of protein synthesis, as well as practical - as they build our muscles, etc. In general, we are paying the utmost attention to this very important component in the diet of a bodybuilder and learn all the nuances and subtle nuances nyuansnye.
Therefore let us not pull the cat's tightening, proceed to consider the theoretical foundations: what proteins, their structure, function, role, etc.
Proteins: what it is and what they eat? Introduction to the Theory.
I would like to start with a small announcement - if you are still quite green in nutrition, then the following article will be very helpful: [food pyramid. Guide to the application], [ Correct and healthy food. All you need to know].
I have said earlier that the food in the form of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins) enters into our body. However, deliberately focused its attention on how much concrete you need to use these components to cover the goals, whether set or reset the muscle weight. Well, it's time to talk about it.
So, the simplest definition of the protein (in terms of its importance) has been formulated by Engels, and it sounded so life - a way of existence of protein bodies. From it immediately clear that there will be a protein - is not life.With regard to bodybuilding can say that there is no protein - not muscle. Now we delve into science.
Protein (aka protein) - a high molecular weight organic substances , consisting of alpha-amino acids, connected to the chain by a peptide bond. The amino acid composition of the protein is completely determined by 20 amino acids( 9 - not replaceable / are not synthesized by the body and 11 - interchangeable) , in its composition.
- Essential: leucine, isoleucine, valine, histidine, lycine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine;
- Nonessential Alanine, argenin, asparagine, aspartic acid, glycine, glutamine, glutamic acid, proline, serine, tyrosine, cystine.
Note:Hemoglobin - the best-known protein, its chemical formula shows how this high-molecular substances - C 3032 H 4816 O 872 N 780 S 8 Fe 4 . The molecular weight of proteins varies from a few thousand to several million. For example, Mr = 36,000 protein eggs, Mr muscle protein = 1500000 (for comparison, Mr alcohol = 46) .
In addition to these 20 amino acids there are also those that are not part of the protein, however, have important functions in the body, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid, dihydroxyphenylalanine involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and are essential components of the nervous system. Without them, the process of training would have been similar to the uncontrolled, amoebic forms of movements (though maybe someone and with them he looks) .
The most important for the organism (in terms of metabolism) are amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine andfromvaline (see. Table I) .
All three amino acids are the representatives of so-called BCAA -class (Branched Chain Amino Acids, branched chain). The share of this class of all the essential acids account for 42% , which is a very impressive figure. BCAA amino acids play an important role in protein metabolism and the energy component of the muscles. For optimum processes of protein synthesis, all three amino acids must be included in the diet (either by natural products, or with food additives) .
With the consumption of these specific numbers of three amino acids, as well as amino acid composition of dietary protein, you can see in the following table (see. Table I) .
Come on.
The structure of such proteins includes both chemical elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus and, of course, is the basis of nitrogen. In connection with this, just need to know (remember) about such a concept as the nitrogen balance. Apart from the fact that the nitrogen (primarily of protein) comes to us with food, it is also formed (and excreted from the body) in the metabolic process of the decomposition products of proteins. Therefore, our body - a station for processing (on one side) and excretion (the other side) of nitrogen.
The difference between the parish and the nitrogen flow rate allows us to talk about the positive (consumed more than highlight) or negative (on the contrary), nitrogen balance. Thus, it must be remembered that gain strength and muscle mass can only be a positive nitrogen balance.
Note:Depending on the athlete's fitness for maintaining a positive nitrogen balance must be different protein intake for 1 kg body weight of the athlete. In general, the figures are roughly the following:
- an athlete, a bodybuilder with the experience ( 2-3 years or more) - 2 g / kg body weight;
- beginners ( 1 year or less) - 2-3 g / kg body weight.
Actually, in addition to the protein - a basic structural element muscle, it also performs many other functions. Let's take a closer look at them.
Protein function
Of course, in terms of the greatest value is bodybuilding construction function of proteins, but they also perform many important and relevant to the organism (see. the image) .
More clearly the functions and role of the proteins can be found from the video at the end of the article so that the finish to the end!
The human body is a very intelligent, self-regulating system. He knows in advance that, although proteins can act as a backup power source, but to spend this high-quality material for power supply is impractical, so the use of carbohydrates. When the body feels that an athlete diet depleted of carbohydrates, he had no choice but to take the valuable protein and use it as a source of energy to fuel the body. So do not forget the carbs, too (of which we shall speak in our articles, do not miss it) .
Proteins have different effects on the muscles, it is primarily driven by their different chemical composition and molecular structure. Therefore it is necessary to know the source of high quality protein, which in its entirety will build your muscles. It is important such a thing as the biological value of protein ( BV ) - this is the amount that is stored by the body by eating 100 grams of protein. In addition, if BV = 1 , it means that the product contains a complete set of all essential amino acids.
Note:For example, chicken (quail) egg has a coefficient of biological value ( BV ) - 1 , but wheat - contains only half of the essential acids (ie its BV = 0.54 ) . It turns out that with the same content in the product of the amount of protein (12.7 g / 100 g. of product) , the body will be able to more fully and in greater volume precisely grasp the eggs, because BV have higher than wheat.
Once we have used proteins (in the form of food, food additives) , they are broken down in the digestive tract by enzymes to amino acids, and then to the final product - water, carbon dioxide and ammonia, then absorbed through the intestinal wall, distributed throughout body to perform its direct functions.
What are proteins?
It is best to consume mostly protein foods of animal origin (meat, fish, seafood, etc.) , because it is in its amino acid profile of the most valuable in terms of getting nutrients from food. But do not forget about vegetable protein. In general, the ratio (protein only) should look something like this: 70-80% - of animal origin, 20-30% - plant.
Proteins according to the degree of comprehensibility are divided into:
- Fast - the speed of obtaining the elementary component of the food is high. Example: fish, eggs, chicken, seafood;
- Slow - on the contrary. Example: cheese ("long-playing" protein on 70% consists of casein) .
According to the amino acid composition of proteins are:
- Complete;
- Defective;
- Simple - consist only of aminok;
- Complex - consisting of non-amino acid residue is an amino acid + (complex lipids, carbohydrates) .
According to the degree of solubility:
- Soluble (form colloidal solutions) in water;
- Not soluble in water.
When people talk about bodybuilding, a protein involve proteins , highly concentrated protein. The most abundant protein on their method of preparation of the following products:
- Serum - is made from the whey has the highest BV and very rapidly absorbed;
- Egg - has a high BV , suction time 4-6 hours;
- Casein - the longest-acquisition, BV = 80% ;
- Soy - lowers the level of cholesterol in blood, BV = 74% .
If there are vegetarians among readers, then you should know that all vegetable proteins (soy, mushroom) - defective in its amino acid composition. Meat, milk, eggs - these are the products that best meet the requirements of the usefulness of the content in their amino acid composition. They (whey protein - lactalbumin) and egg yolk protein with albumin (egg white) in their most balanced amino acid profile and is best absorbed by the body.
So knowing all this information, you need to properly prepare your food intake so that it is balanced in all main amino acids, and above all - indispensable. Next item, this ..
The structure of the protein
We already know that the protein - is a complex macromolecular organic matter, structural organization which can be represented by 4 levels (bodies) : primary ( 1 ) , secondary ( 2 ) , tertiary ( 3 ) and quaternary ( 4 ) (see. picture).
The technical side of the protein levels of the organization (which as arranged in terms of elements / relationships) , you do not necessarily know, but we are now a practical turn.
So, some protein products assimilated to one, two, and some are digested for a long time. What does it depend, you ask? Of course, on their structure. For example, milk and egg proteins are well absorbed because they are in solution in the form of individual molecules folded into balls. For example, if the milk has turned sour and cottage cheese (ie precipitated casein) , or we cook eggs, denaturation (the change of the spatial structure of a protein associated with the loss of his or her levels of the organization) .
Part connections (especially sulfide bridges) in this process breaks, protein molecules in foods are straightened, tangled and body is becoming more difficult to learn the structure of the modified protein. However, it should be noted that in the process of cooking meat, its proteins are easily digestible on the contrary, although lose some nutritional value.
This information does not encourage you to eat raw eggs or boiled milk (although most of the stores - pasteurized) .Just remember, if you have your house in the village (or you are just as convinced of purchase) , you can use them in their original form, without any treatment.
Note:Eggs can be easily replaced in the quail and eat them raw, as the quail are not ill with salmonellosis, as its body temperature is 42 degrees.
As for the meat should be said that his protein fibers are not intended for eating (in both, Come stopped eating it) , they are intended to produce power as a bodybuilder. It is because of his hard fibers, they are permeated crosslinked and difficult to digest. Denaturing process (in particular, cooking the meat) is somewhat easier task our gastrointestinal destroying specific crosslinks, but to completely digest it, the body often requires from 3 to 6 hours.
Bonuses for all their efforts in the digestion of meat is creatine - a natural source of performance-enhancing muscle and intensity of your workouts. What we have in vegetable front?
For the most part, the primary source of vegetable protein - is different seeds (bean, pea, lentil and the like) . They protein "packed" tight enough and to bring it into the feelings proper (for quick digestion) state, you must work hard.Mushroom protein is also heavy due to its fiber structure and presence in its composition of carbohydrate residues.Soy - this is the golden mean (and biological value and digestibility) , which is the most preferred vegetable protein, but it is worth remembering that its protein is incomplete and need to combine it with products of animal origin.
Now let's look at the foods with high protein content, in order to have an idea that you want to include in your diet to build muscle (see. table) .
Actually, based on the above table, you can already make your diet is almost the whole day, the main thing to remember about the principles of a balanced diet and about what amount of protein you need to consume during the day. Let us once again gain a foothold in this example.
For males who have just started going to the gym, the rate of daily consumption of protein per kilogram of body weight should be between 1.5 to 2 m, ie if your weight is 70 kg, then the day you should eat 105-140 grams of pure protein. If you're an advanced athlete, then the figure will rise to consumption of 2.5 g / kg, ie 170 m (for the same weight) - is the norm.
Consume the amount of protein of various products, i.e. not worth it "peel" 7 times a week one chicken breast or cottage cheese, vary your protein food basket, and then the muscles will not wait long!
And finally analyze what are the ...
The criteria for assessing the quality of the protein
We have already mentioned about its biological value ( BV ) . In terms of chemistry - it's the percentage of nitrogen (N ) , trapped in the body of all incoming / vsosavshegosya nitrogen. Measurement BV based on the fact that if a human body is required amounts of all essential amino acids, and a delay N - above.
In addition there are the following figure:
- the complete amino acid profile
Protein should be balanced in their amino acid composition. This means that food protein ratio of essential acids, must comply with human proteins that there was no violation of the processes of synthesis of its own proteins and shift the balance of anabolism-catabolism of muscle in the direction of their decay;
- availability of amino acids in the protein
The more products of various additives, dyes, and the more the heat treatment is carried proteins, the lower the accessibility of individual amino acids;
- digestibility - the degree of digestibility of protein
It reflects how fast or how much time has passed since when the protein was in the stomach (and the digestive tract break, enzymes) and to the subsequent absorption of the individual amino acids through the intestinal wall;
- net protein utilization
The indicator characterizes the degree of nitrogen retention, and the amount of digestible protein;
- protein efficiency ratio
The specific indicator, which is determined by the impact of a particular protein in the muscle growth, ie gain in muscle mass is proportional to the amount of protein intake;
- coefficient of assimilation of protein amino acid composition
It takes into account both the value of the chemical (amino acid composition) and biological value (completeness of digestion) proteins. If the ratio is equal to 1 , then the product - the most complete source of protein. So now let's take a look at the specific numbers (yes as you can :)) and assess the quality of specific proteins in foods (see. picture) .
Actually on the sim all bring some results.
FAQ or FAQs need to learn?
It would be an unforgivable mistake not to let some denominator of all that has been said here (and not a few states). So remember simple tips that will allow you to better navigate the issues included in the diet of a valuable muscle builder, as a fundamental building block of protein.
Always remember that:
- It is necessary that your diet is dominated by animal proteins priority - to 80%, and only 20% , left to the plant;
- Combine vegetable and animal proteins, such as potatoes, soy, wheat, eggs, milk, rye;
- Consume the necessary protein you rate: 1.5-2 g / kg body weight - for beginners to advanced bodybuilders - to 2.5 g;
- Take care about the quality of protein consumed, ie about the sources from which it will receive;
- Do not forget the essential amino acids that the body can not synthesize their own;
- Do not impoverish diet from carbohydrate / fat, do not distortions of essential nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) ;
- Consume vitamins and their complexes for full assimilation of proteins (read about them in the following articles) ;
- Read the project "ABC Bodybuilding"!
Following these simple tips (especially the latter), you dramatically increase your chances of building muscle definition.
Well, that came to an end, our next article. Today we talked about the protein , its role and place in the diet of a bodybuilder. Just found out all the technical aspects related to its structure, composition and so on. The next time we learn more about the practical side of their application, ie how to preserve the value of the protein that is a protein for bodybuilders and what are the myths regarding the protein as a whole.
So it is not going, subscribe to articles, read and analyze and apply information. Did everything to the touch!
Oh, and do not forget to see entertaining video and again to make sure that "life - a way of existence of protein bodies."

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Dicker Cintia
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