Pyramid Power. Guide to the application.
Posted by: Dicker Cintia Posted date: 6:59 AM / comment : 0
My you-something, dear readers!
We all remember from previous articles that proper nutrition - is the foundation of success in building quality muscle mass. Many athletes have a fairly large amount of time to drawing up their diet. Ie they include in it the foods that are most valuable for building a proper composition of the body and try to minimize the ballast (empty) calories and useless products.
Of course, all of this information, they are not taken from the ceiling, and adhere to certain schemes, rules that are immutable truth, and that there is already a long time. These principles are reflected in a geometric figure - a pyramid, but some kind of Cheops or some, but food pyramid, which serves the starting point for drawing up a balanced diet. That's just about a pyramid today and we'll talk.
So, we will get answers to questions such as: What is the pyramid of power , the role it plays in human life and how to make it work for yourself. In general, it will be interesting, so sit comfortably, we begin.
The food pyramid, what is it and how to treat it? Introduction to the Theory.
The first is to say that all the products that we encounter and use every day, you can abortattributed to certain groups of nutrients in their physical state, for example - solid (bread, cheese) , bulk (cereals, sugar) , liquid (water, milk) . If we take in general, there are certain foods that are often included in our diet, and without which we simply can not imagine your day nasuschnyy.Takzhe have products that we include in their product basket in much smaller amounts (compared to the baseline / Main) , well, there are some that we generally try to avoid whenever possible.
So, a generalized, schematic representation etc. incipit healthy diet designed by nutritionists, is precisely the food pyramid . And, as expected, at the pyramid has its base and top. Moving from the bottom to the top, gaining all the people and to thwart the required products, which make up its food basket.
If a little deeper into the history and see where this is at the foot of the pyramid grows, then, as usual, ahead of the rest - America. It was there that the Ministry of Agriculture in 1992 was published the first food pyramid (which, incidentally, has undergone many changes and presented to us with all the latest trends and discoveries in the field of nutrition) .
In some countries (such as Japan) have decided that they do not need any America with its pyramid and made his own, slightly different from the original. I do not know whether the associated longevity of the Japanese nation that they redesigned the food pyramid, but the fact on the face - this is the most tenacious men. In Russia, however, did not bother with his pyramid and decided to fully learn from overseas colleagues.
With regard to food, you can say that if his youth is still possible to have what / how horrible. But if you play sports(especially bodybuilders) , this approach is unlikely to lead you to the goal. Therefore, it is advisable to build your diet based on the principles of the food pyramid, and, above all, we must know what foods (of 4 main groups) make up the "body" of the pyramid, that is on what it all worth it.
So the basic principle, which is incorporated into the pyramid - when a person commits everyday movements (some physical activity) and consumes enough fluids. In general, the pyramid is as follows (see. picture) ...
... And base it includes the following three product groups:
- Whole grain products (bread, pasta, rice, cereals) - Sources of "long-playing" carbohydrates.
- Fats of vegetable origin, containing polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3/6 (sunflower, corn, rapeseed oil) ;
- Vegetables and fruits (oranges, watermelon, beets) .
With regard to the exercising body athlete (bodybuilder) base food pyramid is as follows:
- Whole grains: bread from wheat flour (neobdirnaya or 1 / 2 grade) ; pasta from durum wheat; unpolished rice(wild, brown, gold) ; cereals - buckwheat, barley;
- Fats of vegetable origin: mustard oil, linseed oil, olive;
- Vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, bananas, apples) .
The products of these groups, it is desirable to use at each meal, while the share of fruit and vegetables is as follows: 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruit, whole grains also should be consumed in amounts of 6-11 servings.
The second stage of the pyramid represented by:
- Protein-containing plant foods (legumes, beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts, seeds) and animal origin (meat, eggs, chicken, fish, seafood) . Products of this group can be used up to 2 times per day.
The next step includes:
- Milk and its derivatives (yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt) , dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese) . Eat them is at 1 (rarely 2 ) servings per day.
Note:Milk contains carbohydrates - lactose (milk sugar) and some people it can cause indigestion. So if you belong to this category, then replace it with other dairy beverages.
The tip of the pyramid is represented by the products the use of which should be reduced. These include:
- Animal fats (contained in red meats, butter, margarine) , sweets (white sugar, cream, sweet water) , white flour products (including pastries) and alcohol.
Note:Each brick pyramid (product groups) can be divided into portions. The number of portions and the size (in c.) depends on your calorie diet. The latter is dictated by gender, age, body type and the extent of your activity. In general, it should be guided by the following figures for the group:
- serving of grain products are: 1 piece (slice) of bread, 1 / 4 plates ( 100 gr) porridge, cereal or pasta, 2-3 oat biscuits;
- serving of vegetables is: half a cup ( 125 mL) chopped cooked or raw vegetables, 1 cup of vegetable juice;
- serving of fruit is: 1 medium orange, banana, pear, half a grapefruit, 1 glass of fruit juice;
- serving of protein products are: 100 gr. cooked meat (boneless) , poultry, fish, 3 eggs, 3/ 4 plate of beans;
- serving of dairy products is: 1 cup ( 250 ml) of milk, 2-3 slices ( 50 - 60 grams) of cheese, 1 / 3 pack of cottage cheese;
- a portion of the top of the food pyramid is: 30 gr. butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar.
It is noteworthy that the Russian "second head" - potatoes, American nutritionists also refer to the top of the pyramid(the naive, we think it will stop there) . However, I will say that red potatoes still worth to include in your diet (at least 1-2 times a week) , especially baked.
We have you know that a diet made up of various human nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) that are in a certain percentage, and so, in the food pyramid, the ratio of these compounds is as follows: 60-70% carbohydrates,15-20 % protein, 20-25% fat. If you are a bodybuilder, and your goal - to build muscle, then the optimal percentage of major nutrients will look like this: 50-60% carbohydrates, 20-25% protein, 10-15% fat.
So, now more detailed rundown on the faces of the pyramid and consider the practical recommendations for each food group.
Whole grains. Bread and kasha- our food.
Here's how to succinctly describe the products of the first group of the base of the pyramid - this is the set of "correct" carbohydrates (energy) , which, together with plant fibers (cellulose) and vitamins provide us with the necessary long-running charge for the whole day. On the specific products we mentioned above, now a few words about the portions. At first glance, the recommended value in the 6-11 servings may seem absolutely impossible, but if you look closely, everything is real.
For example, the average plate (volume 400-450 mL) at breakfast - it is from 3 to 4 servings of product (pasta or cereal) , another for dinner and now you are already the norm. Many are wary of carbohydrates, they say, these should neillyuzorno added weight. However, if you buy exactly those kinds of products (as defined above) and to minimize the addition of various "vkusnyashek" (sugar, oil - in cereal, gravy - in pasta) , and it will simply have nothing to fear. Therefore, in one hand - bread with another - a plate of porridge, and so the whole day :).
Fruits and vegetables
It is necessary to thoroughly come to be included in their diet of fruits and vegetables, it is no wonder they are the basis of the pyramid (its first face) . It will help you simple tips:
- Eat a variety of fruits (for example, Monday / Wednesday - bananas, apples, other days - oranges, pears, persimmons) ;
- Foods with a high content of vitamin C (lemon, kiwi) and vitamin A (carrots, cabbage) should be your faithful companions;
- If the court of winter, frozen vegetables should be fine. So buy a variety of mixes of vegetable salads, and all will beam!
Protein Products
Choose wisely proteins - the basic building component of muscle, it's certainly a science, but the binomial theorem.In a nutshell, then stop your choice on:
- Lean meats: beef - sirloin, tenderloin, beef; beef - steaks, escalope; lamb - legs, pieces of the blade;
- Poultry: chicken, turkey, Gusyatin;
- Legumes: peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas;
- Seafood: shrimp, squid, milk:
- Low-fat varieties of fish: tuna, cod, sockeye.
It's all simplicity consume a sufficient amount of a variety of derivatives of the milk:
- Kefir, sour milk, varenets, cream;
- Lactic acid beverages;
- Hard cheeses (parmesan, Dutch) ;
- Cottage cheese (including low-fat) .
This is not only superfluous kgs, but the backup power source, so knowing the measure and the right products, you can safely consume it. There are three types of fats:
- Saturated - found in meat, dairy products. Consumption should be less than 1 / 3 of the total fat consumed;
- Polyunsaturated - found in fish oil, corn, soy, and should be more than 1 / 3 of the diet;
- Monounsaturated - contained in olives, peanuts and should be more than 1 / 3 of the diet.
Use them wisely - that is, if you decide to eat a couple of pieces of red fish (salmon) , then trim the fat intake, for example, rice, then everything will be OK. Thus, the recommended value of servings per day for every brick of the pyramid can be conveniently represented by a picture (see. picture) .
Now let's talk about the whole food pyramid and the pillars on which it rests. It is important to understand that although the pyramid power - so say your food basket every day, but do not perceive it as rigid, categorical guide to nutrition. No, it is a flexible tool that allows you to choose from a huge variety of products (included in the concept of healthy eating) that are suitable for you.
It should also be borne in mind that the food pyramid will give the maximum effect when certain conditions are fulfilled, and they sound as follows:
- Combine your diet, so that the body can get to get a variety of calories and nutrients nutrients;
- Eaten food must be balanced physical activity;
- Giving preference to food with lots of cereals, vegetables, fruits, do not forget about the white / red meat, seafood;
- Minimize consumption of white sugar (brown can) , salt and alcohol;
- In the pyramid highlighted three of its lower floors ( 5 categories of products) . Products of these categories can not be replaced by other, i.e. no group more important than others;
- Include in the diet of fresh ingredients, avoiding prepared foods requiring heating.
- When buying a product do not forget to learn about their nutritional and energy value, depending on the label(for details see below) .
Food and energy value of the product. Learning the label.
Few people pay due attention to this inconspicuous, but highly valuable product attributes as a label. It often reflected:
- Ingredients extending in descending order - that means more "heavy" (over all by weight) ingredient is in the first place;
- Information on the food and energy value of the product, ie amount of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, etc.) contained in the product. Consequently, the maximum possible to understand how this type of product corresponds to your principles of healthy eating;
- Information on high-calorie foods on 100 gr. or portion;
- The methods (recipes) preparation of the product;
- Information about the content of vitamins and minerals. Specify only when in 100 grams (ml) of the product contains at least 15% of the recommended daily value of their consumption;
- Information on food additives, dyes, preservatives (if any) ;
- Storage conditions, shelf life, and technology / manufacturing standard (GOST, TU) .
A typical label of the product as follows (see. picture) .
So, we go to the last item on today.
How to make a pyramid of power to work for yourself?
We have already mentioned that for each category of products, there are certain food pyramid recommended servings (or rather, their range, see picture) .
So how many servings you need to eat a particular person?
It all depends on the amount of calories that you need. They also vary according to gender, age, dimensions(constitution) and the degree of physical activity. Definitely we can say that the minimum number of servings (the lower limit of the range) should be present in the diet of any person. Specifically, by age group distribution of calories is as follows:
- 1600 kcal - sedentary women and the elderly;
- 2200 kcal - the majority of children, adolescents, active women (including pregnant women) and sedentary men;
- 2800 kcal - active men and some very active (I would even say, catchy :)) women.
Note:It is worth noting that for exercising athletes (bodybuilders) the number of calories will be approximately as follows:
- Women - 2500-2800 kcal;
- for men - 2800-3400 kcal.
For greater clarity, consider a table (see. Table.) , who says to us how many servings you need to eat for our particular level of calories.
Note:1 ounce or about 30 grams
For example, if you are an active woman who needs 2,200 calories a day, while the 9 servings of grains (rice, bread, cereals) is the best value for you. You can use up to 200 grams of meat / moreprodutov and keep the fat level (top of the pyramid) at the level of 70-75 grams / day.
So, to solve this, we go to the final part (well, finally deigned :)) .
In general, food pyramid has undergone more than one reincarnation, ie it from time to time revise, rearrange, add to, in general, played with the form. Below you can see how it has evolved over the years (see. picture) .
At the moment the basic principles of the pyramid as follows: physical activity (most recently) , moderation, variety, proportionality and individuality.
Note:There are also other kinds of pyramids, for example:
- The pyramid for vegetarians (vegetable) - does not contain meat and / or dairy products, fish, eggs;
- The Mediterranean pyramid - the basis of grain products, vegetables / fruits and olive oil, followed by fish and seafood.
Summarizing all the above, we can say that the food pyramid - is a versatile tool that allows a person to choose the products it needs from the major groups, focusing only on the recommended servings. Thus, it turns out that, on the one hand, there are clear guidelines and specific instructions and on the other - to keep an individual approach to the food basket each individual. And what else does!
Somehow like this. Today, we discussed the main points regarding food pyramid - namely, what it is and how to treat it :). At the rate we will deal with in more detail each side of the pyramid, and learn why the most important products of a group, how to assess your diet (the correct matching food pyramid), resorting to a little test, and that is cholesterol, and many more interesting things.
Well, to keep abreast of developments and not to miss anything interesting, you become a full participant in the project " The ABCs of Bodybuilding through the subscription form. Until next time, I was glad all of you to see and hear success!
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Dicker Cintia
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