Bodybuilding: the role of water. Better not finish it, nothing to drink.
Posted by: Dicker Cintia Posted date: 7:00 AM / comment : 0
Hello, pleased to welcome you again in the pages of the project.
Well, here we got to a little water, or rather, the theme "the role of water in bodybuilding." And today we are waiting for an exciting dive into the world of this very valuable natural substance which is very important in the life of any human being, let alone training athlete, bodybuilder. I'll tell you that, yes, the water in bodybuilding - an important component of your full training, recovery, and most effective tool in the fight against excess weight.
So we have a lot of work, because there really talk about that: this general information section of the water and training (the functions of water in the body of the athlete, the rules of consumption, etc.) are also interesting facts about water, and of course the specific recommendations for inclusion in the diet of the drink.
Well, goals are identified, proceed to their implementation. We started, moved, gone ...
Water in the body. Introduction to the Theory.
We all know that the man - a walking gidrostruktura from the very top to toe. Indeed, much of the structure of the human body is as follows:
- Fat free mass: Water - 60-65% , and nonfat, solids (lean body mass in the average male 20-25% ) ;
- Fat mass (average for men 15-18% , women 18-25% ) .
Two-thirds of the water (approximately 60-70% of body weight) is contained in the cells, forming the intracellular fluid. However, quantitatively in body weight is most important intracellular fluid in skeletal muscle. In general, muscle (by weight) make up around 80% of all cells, so the information relating intracellular fluid, mainly in liquid muscles. Therefore, the more muscle a person has, the more water inside it.
Note:It is known that 100 g of dry substance (skeletal muscle) have 290 ml of water. It turns out that knowing the amount of intracellular fluid, it is possible to calculate the muscle cell mass.
The remaining 1/3 of the water (approximately 30-40% of body weight) of extracellular fluid, which is shared by the mobile and coupling. Thus, it can be concluded that the overall weight of the person (body structure changes)influence the ratio of adipose and muscle tissue, changes in the volume of common extracellular and intracellular fluid. For example, the larger the proportion of body fat, the lower the percentage of muscle.
If we consider the ratio of dietary element, the water also holds 60-65% , then 30-35% - are organic substances(which include carbon) , and 5-10% at the mercy of inorganic compounds (lacking the carbon skeleton) . To maintain optimum performance, ie, maintain water balance, a person should consume as much water as he lost during the day, and it's about 2-2, 5 liters for men (medium build) and 1.5-2 liters for women.
Water entering the human body has three channels:
- Consumption of liquid directly ( 60% ) ;
- Food intake ( 30% ) ;
- Metabolic processes ( 10% ) .
Output (flow) of water is also carried out in three ways:
- Excretory system body (urinary excretion to 60% in the feces before and 5% water) ;
- The process of respiration ( 20% ) ;
- Sweat ( 15-20% ) .
Well, let's look at the basic functions of H 2 O in the body of an athlete and to identify the role of water in bodybuilding. Thus, the water takes on the following functions:
Maintenance of all body systems
Water circulates (transfer) to the cells of various nutrients, it is the universal solvent of all minerals, and is responsible for the elimination of toxins and waste products of man. In addition, water is the medium for the occurrence of many chemical reactions, and she is actively involved in the processes of digestion, transportation and use of all incoming nutrients.
In the process of training in the gym, our body stores energy in the exercises, but only 25 percent of it is spent on the implementation of mechanical work, the remaining 75% is released as heat. Thus, during the training the human body is a "micro-oven" and, in order not to boil finally, the body starts to produce sweat, which acts as a cooling agent. If this can not be done, you were subjected to thermal shock every time would increase their body temperature.
Note:To evaporate 1 l water during training organism consumes 600 Kcal. If the evaporation process did not occur, the body temperature can easily be up to the usual 36.6 to 46.6 degrees. Since then the same may extend 1.5-2 liters of water per hour.
Ie like the swing came into the hall, and in fact all lie under a heat stroke anywhere in the simulator and in the mustache does not blow.
Despite the fact that the body - it is self-regulating system, and it is able to cool itself, I think everyone is familiar feeling when in a rocking chair with a 'no sigh, nor Pern ... ", ie very heavy air. This is just due to the fact that a few dozen "micro-ovens" trains with you, so breathe deeply :).
Fat Burning
Yes, you heard right, water is the number one tool in the construction of a slim figure. For example, you can easily burn at 100 calories per day, if consumed by 0.5 pure water, four times a day.
Note:If you want to lose weight and burn more than 100 calories per day, then the following advice for you. We all know that the calories - the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram (ml) of water to 1 degree Celsius. Thus, to use chilled water ( 4degrees) , then the body will have its first warmed to room temperature ( 22 degrees) , and only then discarded. If we translate all this into the language of numbers, we get the following: to 0.5 liters of water (room temperature) is heated to body temperature ( 37 , ie 15 degrees)need 7.5 kkalory - chilled water also require 9 more kkalory for every 0.5 liters of water.
Thus, the consumption of water has a positive effect on the combustion of subcutaneous fat. This is mainly due to the acceleration of metabolism (by an average of 30 , within 90 minutes) - the calories burned by heating the water to body temperature ( 60% of the thermogenic effect associated with other processes in the body) .
We all know that the kidney - a natural filter of the human body, but do not we all know that the lack of water(dehydration) part of their functions, they shift to the liver, which because of their concerns and lack (in particular, it starts the process of disposal of fats power generation) . So, the liver can not cope (in full) with increased her workload and fat burning process is interrupted.
In general, drink more water, because not only did it 0 calories, and it can reduce feelings of hunger, so also a positive effect on your figure.
Brain - is gidrostruktura (composed on 90% of water), n otreblyayuschaya 20% throughout the blood circulating in the body. To perform vital tasks the brain requires an enormous amount of energy consumption and the presence of which he carefully tracks, so if energy reserves are depleted, he ceases to adequately fulfill incoming requests. By lowering the energy level there is thirst and hunger, but in order to get energy from the food you need to spend a lot of time for its processing, and the brain can not wait for this forever. First aid at this moment can become glass of plain water.
In bodybuilding when power load is very important neuromuscular innervation - the mechanism responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the muscle fibers. It is due to the precisely adjusted communication channel excitation transfer may get better results from training. If this channel is blocked or not wide enough (due to lack of nutrients, water) , then good results can be forgotten.
Note:When a person listens to loud music, her brain waves rocked gidrostrukturu. Well, becausewave is spreading fastest in the water, so the brain is one of the first to respond to this action, letting his feet to dance. Generally, the process of moving in the body of water flows lightning, for example, one minute blood renewed 70% water.
Muscle activity and strength
The accumulation of muscle glycogen (comprising 3/4 of the water) and the launch of the contractile processes during exercise are also among the functions of H 2 O . Let me explain. Very often, a bodybuilder is facing a situation where there are no forces to drag the iron, so to speak - training "in the pret." One apparent reason may be simple dehydration. After all, as we explained above, the water is present in high concentrations in muscles - the most metabolically active tissues.
In turn, the work of muscles is controlled by the CNS (central nervous system) , and so if the body will not have enough water / electrolytes, the muscle strength and precision of movement (technique) will suffer. All of this occurs as a result of the impossibility of full exchange eletrolitnymi components dissolved in water (chlorine, magnesium, calcium, etc.) between the cell membranes of nerve and muscle tissue.
Note:Lack of water in total 2-4% (by weight of the body) is capable of reducing aerobic endurance at50% , and the efficiency of power training - by 20% . If you lose 2% of body weight due to the water, the body defense mechanisms include loss of fluid, thereby trying to prevent this very loss, but by the time people are already dehydrated.
Thus, a sufficient filling of all cells (including muscle) water accelerates protein synthesis, increased activity of hormones (growth including) - all contributing to a total capacity of muscle mass.
Grease the joints
We all know that in the course of work with weights assume the burden not only muscles but also the ligament-articular apparatus. So, how will moving your joints, so quality (ie technically true), you do the exercise. Therefore, it is important that the joints are always lubricated. I do not mean that we should take the sunflower oil and spread his knees
- no. Special lubricates joints, synovial fluid, whose composition and water is formed, it is formed as a damping structure (CSF) of the liquid between the vertebrae and around the head of the cortex.
Strength training - is not only a qualitative growth of your muscles, it is, first and foremost, a tremendous burden on all systems of the body as a whole and on the joints - in particular. Therefore, to preserve the longevity of the sport and maintain optimal performance (during exercise) , should be reserved due amount of protective liquid. How? Of course, by water. After all, much easier to drink more fluid than the rest of his life suffer with the joints, is not it?So, the role of water science talk, now going on.
Note:The cause of lust - an increase in osmotic pressure in plasma and tissues, this is due to lack of water or with an excess of minerals, water retention. So if you feel thirsty, it means that it was necessary to have 15 minutes before drink about 400 ml of water.
Yes, at the end of the article is given visual form, revealing more detail all the processes related to water in the human body, so look, educate and all that!
Practical application of water in bodybuilding: the rules of admission, the dosage, and more.
We have previously found that water helps to accumulate glycogen in the muscles . However, this is only one of many functions it performs in relation to the exercising body athlete with others we will have to meet today. So supplement the foregoing information on the water in bodybuilding .
Enhanced digestion and cleansing the body of toxins and metabolic products
We all remember that the diet of a bodybuilder diet differs from the average person. In particular, the caloric content of diet of the athlete is in the range of 4000 kcal, whereas the ordinary person in the region of 2500-3000kcal per day. Therefore, in order to effectively digest food and fully absorb all the essential nutrients required increased water consumption (from 3 to 4 liters, depending on the weight) .
Note:In total 34% of people drink the recommended water intake for your body .
Due to increased protein intake in the Athlete's body accumulates large amounts of protein decay products(ammonia, ketones, etc.) that need to be washed away by water.
Admission sports supplements
It is no secret that the majority of professional (and not only) platonic athletes are food additives. It is understandable, because it is - one of the factors of growth of muscles and faster recovery. Well, because sports nutrition is mostly chemistry (ie, powders, mixtures, tablets), so they need something to dilute and drink. And the water (sometimes milk) is very helpful here. For example, such a supplement creatine (which helps to increase the intensity of your workout, your muscles creating more affluent environment - that holds water in them) requires a large amount of water for better absorption and obtain maximum results from taking it.
Note:Creatine - natural supplements contained in the muscles of humans and animals, which is responsible for energy production and muscle contraction.
Come on.
Water removes moisture
As strange as it sounds, but with regular water shortages in the diet of the athlete, the body begins to pump it out of all body systems and store for future use (so to speak, a "black day") in the fatty tissues, thus robust design can be "raskabanet" :-) . If you often use the same water excess moisture is not retained, ie the body operates in normal mode.
So, go to the admission rules and water dosage.
As the everyday practice, people usually start to drink water only when thirsty. In turn, this leads to the inability to recover their internal resources and the next day. It turns out that, not finishing his one day, we are in your body take away the power of the next day. It was not necessary to forget everything, and especially bodybuilders who train at 3 (and some of 6 ) days a week. Since the average person is engaged in the gym 3 times a week, and his entire day can be divided into time "before", "during" and "after" training, and it will be our plan of water consumption on the basis of these considerations.
Let's go step by step ...
Water before training
It is necessary to drink for 1.5-2 hours before going to the gym at least 2 cups (for 200 ml) of pure water and 1 cup for 30-40 minutes before the start of classes. Depending on the weather (cold, hot) water consumption increases to3-4 glasses up to the gym and 500 ml of water already for 10-20 minutes before training. To adhere to this schedule of water, you need to constantly carry a water bottle with you wherever you are.
Note:To calculate the required amount of water consumption simple formula: The amount of water a day = 1 kg body weight x 30 ml. For example: 80 kg = 2.4 x 30 liters .
Water during exercise
On average, during the training required to drink 200-300 ml of fluid every 15-20 minutes, ie it turns out, for 1 hour workout consumption figures will average 600-900 ml - liter bottle is enough. Dosage for girls (for hours of training)is 500-700 ml.
Note:These figures are valid for almost all beginners and those who are not involved with large weights endurance. If you already zamaterevshy (no profanity) athlete and working with polyarticular exercises, heavy weights, the amount of water consumption should be brought to1.5 -2 liters (if more weight 100 kg, the 2-2.5 liter you just right ) .
I agree that the figures at first glance seem to be simply unrealistic, because you might just 1.5 liters of clean water from the power consumed per day. But you, no one offers a swoop to drink such volumes, start small and gradually(every day) is added 100-200 ml. Your body quickly rebuild your metabolism and get used to the sensation of fluid in the stomach. Yes, if you feel that some 2-3 liters a day is too much, think about Dorian Yates ( 6 fold "Mr. Olympia"), which weighs 130 kg drank 10 liters of water a day and did not burst :) .
The water after exercise
Despite the fact that you "camel" water "before" and "during" the training, post-workout intake is also required. It can be weighed before and after classes, the difference is usually on average 500-800 grams. That's where something that amount of water you will need to absorb after a workout within 1.5-2 hours. Continue to replenish lost 25-50%of body weight with a liquid in the near future, until bedtime. If you are closer to math and numbers, then remember - to make up for every 0.5 kg of body weight lost, you need to drink 2-3 cups ( 400-600 ml) of fluid. So we figured with the amount of water consumed, and now a few words about it, and as rules of admission.
The quality and value of water is determined by its ability to retain its natural properties and in full transfer their life-giving force of the body. The process of assimilation of coming into the living body of water is the following: after the use of it is absorbed immediately, but first undergoes the necessary restructuring of its structure, ie,"Adapts" its structure to the living body of water, wasting a lot of energy. However, there are plenty of ways to make the process of assimilation of the minimum energy-consuming. All you need to do - is to structure the water, iecreate its structure or artificial (eg, the impact on the water's magnetic field) or natural (freeze-thaw) ways. The latter method is known under the name - melt water.
Note:Structured water - is such that the microscope has a particular structure (or geometric form) .Examples of structured water - dew, rain, and it is contained in fruits and vegetables.
I think we should not talk about the dangers of tap water, everyone knows that chlorine - a powerful oxidizing agent that destroys not only the disease-causing microbes, but also destroys the whole structure of the water (which is only able to continue to reach the consumer, after overcoming a dozen water pipes) . Therefore, most budget-best options, to somehow help improve the quality of water consumed is:
- Boil;
- Allow the water to settle in large amounts (say three-liter jar, covered with gauze) ;
- Drink mineral water without gas;
- Skip the water through a special magnetic silver plated funnel;
- Put in the bottom of the tank with water a couple of pebbles black silicon or quartz;
- To pass through a special filter (carbon or membrane)
Do not confuse such concepts as "filtered" and distilled water.
- Distilled - water, in which no calcium, magnesium, etc.. Microelements obtained by collecting drops of boiled water with the lid closed dishes.
- Filtered - is passed through a special filter (usually coal), resulting in the drainage are removed heavy metals, nitrates, etc.
In general, the water quality for the bodybuilder in terms of rehabilitation of physical / brain activity - is (as I mentioned above) -talaya and degassed (biologically active) water. And the most simple method of preparing the latter - is to take regular water (tap) , to freeze it in a refrigerator (freezer) , then thawed at room temperature, then boiled and cooled again.
Or such a conventional water heated to 90 degrees (the appearance of the first bubble surface) , close the lid tightly and rapidly cooled in cold water to room temperature. Of course, you say, "Figley me busy every day with this degassed, thawed water, when you can just defend it?". Yes, that's right - it is the easiest, so to speak fast casual option, but sometimes ( 2-3 times a week) can be pampered and over living water. Try it and you will feel a burst of energy / power much more!
So, I think I've convinced you to drink high-quality water. Now, in conclusion I will give a couple of useful tips and home :). We already have a tradition - to give good advice at the end, as if summing up all the information. Well, it will not disturb you go.
FAQ on the water
Now, remember simple tips on rules for the use of water.
- Better not finish it, nothing to drink, so now you anywhere fun together - with water;
- Stick to the rules of admission of water throughout the day: in the empty stomach - two cups (critical body needs water immediately after waking up, so just drink 2 cups of water with a small pinch of salt, for a more complete saturation of the body) , and half an hour before a meal - a glass water. On training days, connect to the basic rules and regimes more "before", "during" and "after";
- Water should be consumed in the amount of 1-2 glasses of 30-40 minutes before a meal. If you did not meet the specified interval, then it is better to reduce its volume, or do not drink, as it is not necessary to dilute the gastric juice / and enzymes to wash away the saliva that you just break the digestion;
- Do not think that the excess water is good, no. With an excess of water washed away a significant portion of electrolytes, the kidneys are working at maximum capacity, faster food moves through the intestines and fermented. Therefore, observe the measure and watch your fluid and electrolyte balance (the ratio of entering the body and derived from a water and salt) ;
- Try (an experiment) without water and exercise their vote after the state. In general, to determine the required amount of water use in training, must be weighed before and after it (not drinking while no liquid gram) . Loss of the each kg of weight corresponds to the loss of 750 ml of water;
- It should be remembered that the food contains a decent amount of water. For example, the salad on 96%consists of water, eggs - 74% , milk - 87% , oranges - by 88% , Beef - 60%. Thus, a typical 2,000 calorie diet provides 500-800 grams of water per day;
- Products that are rich in carbohydrates, not only contain a lot of water, but it is isolated during metabolism;
- The color of urine is an important indicator of the state of human health and Bezmenov in the consumption of water, so keep an eye on him. Light color - optimal level of saturation of the body fluid and a signal that all of the internal processes in the body are normal;
- If you want to lose weight, drink chilled water ( 5-10 degrees) ;
- Drink and cook (if possible) to the filtered water quality is paramount.
These valuable and simple tips will raise the possibility of a new level in your body, which means that now you are to drag the iron as much, and they you will now Nemer!
Well, that's another topic, the water in bodybuilding - revealed that, of course, can not but rejoice. In conclusion we can say that "water issues" should also pay close attention (along with power ) and then bulk muscle you just guaranteed. Well, master the material, apply knowledge in practice, and all you get.
Until next time, dear readers, our meeting place - the project "ABC Bodybuilding," and it can not be changed. While!
PS. Do not forget to see entertaining movie about the role of water in the human body:

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Dicker Cintia
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