Sugar in bodybuilding. Yes or no?
Posted by: Dicker Cintia Posted date: 6:06 AM / comment : 0
I am glad to welcome all honest people!
Today we will delight our simulator life and talk about sugar in bodybuilding. After reading every one of you to determine whether to use it in their training practice, what is its role as his pravlno choose and when to use, and other miscellaneous.
So, you can go for a cup of tea, the article is going to be sweet, let's go.
All you need to know about the sugar in bodybuilding
Sugar ... how familiar the sweetness of modern man, and how strongly it was coined chaepitnogo any feast. Do not know about you, but we have gas in the apartment in the family sugar is very popular. He bought bags and added wherever not laziness: in pastries, cooked in a variety of jams and of course tons of thumps in a mug. What can I say, of course, sugar - it is necessary in the day to day activities and domestic product and the cheapest way to quickly raise your mood. However, your humble servant for a long time to protect themselves from total sahareniya poposlipayuschy and uses the product (or rather its better analogue) only at certain times and only in metered amounts. That's what all we'll talk further.
Sugar (sucrose) - carbohydrate natural product obtained from plant material. It is easily digestible carbohydrates, which is getting into the body, it breaks down to simple components - glucose and fructose, and then absorbed into the bloodstream. Glucose provides more than half of all energy consumption of the body and is essential for maintenance of normal work of the think tank.
Note:If a person uses with food insufficient amounts of carbohydrates (including sweet) , the required starting carbohydrate "be removable" from other sources, such as muscle proteins.Thus, a person can begin to lose weight muscle.
The glucose in the human body is stored as glycogen in the muscles and the liver and deposited in the excess fat.
Far fewer are aware that there are different types of sugar, depending on the raw materials, in particular:
- beet / cane (white, refined) - from sugar beet;
- Cane (usually brown / unrefined) - from sugar cane;
- maple - from the juice of the sugar maple;
- palm - juice of young trees flower cobs;
- sorghum - sorghum stalks of sugar.
On the domestic counters often found only white and cane sugar, the rest of the Russian Federation not really practiced.
It should also be understood that if you do not eat sugar in its pure form, it does not mean that it is to you does not come out of nowhere. Most people wanting to lose weight, remove sucrose from the food basket and piled on healthy fruits and vegetables - and it is here that they can not wait to catch a "hidden sugars". Therefore it is always necessary to remember in any fruit / vegetables, and in what quantity contains sucrose. To understand this, we will help the next memo.
So it turns out that you need to evaluate each alleged unsweetened product in terms of value it glucose / fructose / sucrose. Otherwise, you can forget about losing weight.
Note:For a better assimilation of the material, all to further the story will be divided into sub-chapters.
White sugar cane VS. Who is better?
In recent years, increasingly began taldychit about the benefits of brown sugar, they say, much better version of the reed of his pale-faced fellow. Like it or not, we now know.
Brown sugar - is raw (unrefined) sugar, of which consists of natural fiber molasses (cane molasses) . It consists to 97%of sucrose, 2% water and 1% mineral vitamins and minerals. Some nutritionists say that because of these fibers in this brown sugar lower GI compared to white. Nifiga like ... table glycemic index say GI sugars (white and brown) are equal ( 70 = 70 ) . If blocked codes are equal, and hence no longer release of glucose into the bloodstream occurs.
White sugar - processed (refined) sugar, which does not have any vitamins or minerals. White sugar consists of 99.9%sucrose. A comparative table of the two types of sugar.
All the vitamins and minerals contained in the brown sugar - from molasses, sugar, and if so just paint and made "psevdokorichnevym", neither of which even the minimal utility of the question. And on the domestic shelves about80% of cane brown sugar is a fake, ie Krashenki. The question is: Is it worth paying more if the game is not worth the candle.
Conclusion: choose white or brown sugar - a matter of personal preference. In brown - richer flavor, vitamins and minerals are present, white sugar - sweeter and less expensive. However, both of them will be harmful, you do not comply with the measure of their consumption.
Sugar in bodybuilding: the main cons
We all heard about the dangers of sugar, but what its specific negative impact on the body of the athlete? Now we find out it. Thus, sugar ...:
- raises promotes obesity and insulin, causing peaks / falling blood glucose levels;
- increases cholesterol;
- It contributes to the development of stress hormones;
- It promotes the development of cortical catabolic hormones;
- promotes the excretion of calcium in urine;
- It contributes to the loss of chromium, magnesium, and vitamins;
- reduces the production of growth hormone.
Well, you see, an impressive list of "negativity"? Always remember this and take the exact dosage.
As our body is controlled with the sugar?
Sugar - simple carbohydrate, chemical compound composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in a ratio of 1-2-1 .Glucose, fructose and galactose - a single sugars or monosaccharides, sucrose - disaccharide, which comprises one molecule of glucose and fructose. Digestive enzymes (enzymes) decompose all entering the body carbohydrates into glucose, which affects blood sugar. Whether simple or complex carbohydrate you eat, their primary function - providing the body with energy. However, the number (how many grams at a time) and the quality (type of carbohydrate) play an important role in sugar metabolism effectively.
Contact with large quantities and regularly simple carbohydrates "annoying" our body. These carbohydrates quickly and for a brief period, raise the level of blood sugar (briefly plugging hunger) , after which the brain again rebelling in search of a long source of energy for the body's satiety. If complex carbohydrates he finds, the body begins to squeeze the energy from the auxiliary nutrient nutrients - fats and proteins, which in principle are not designed for this.
Thus makeup wrong carbohydrates (simple) or delayed loading of (fasting) , can and does lead to the appearance of fatty deposits.
In conclusion I would like to understand ...
Sugar in bodybuilding: Practical information
It is gone lean years, when sugar was worth its weight in gold. Currently, the stores can be found Tuyev Khuchua different brands, types and varieties of sugar. In this connection it is necessary to know how to choose. Well, this will help us next memo.
Now let's talk about ...
When and how much can you eat sugar?
For many athletes the impression that white sugar - a great source of glucose to feed the muscles after a workout.Some even take with them to the hall water with sugar to make up for the energy balance. Actually beet sugar contains only empty calories, without the vitamins and minerals that promote the metabolism of sugars, and therefore its use has not after exercise some mega advantages. Much better to fill the electrolytic and energy balances by fructose - fruit sugar or honey.
In addition, the sweet food (including sugar) creates a high spike in blood insulin, the body can store glucose as glycogen in the liver / muscles or direct the excess into fat. So, when the glycogen depots packed to capacity, there is sugar bad, because He put on his stomach and sides. When the muscles are depleted (glycogen stores are minimal), the sugar can refuel your body and thus start the process of protein synthesis - muscle recovery.
Total: Yes - after physical activity and work with the iron the body needs amino acids and glucose replenishment, yes - for this purpose you can use white sugar, but more advanced option is fructose, honey or fruit such as a pear / apple / banana. And at first it is necessary to raise the level of insulin (ie, eat uglevodinki within 5-10 minutes after exercise) , and only then (after 10-15 minutes) to provide the building blocks of the body. The protein component in this case may be either amino or whey protein or a protein shake , a home-cooked.
Some studies have been carried out as to which of fast carbohydrates is the most effective post-workout. All three body types are included:
- endomorph - 0.2 g / 1 lb (0.45 kg) of fat;
- mesomorph - 0.4 g / 1 lb of fat;
- ectomorph - 0.6 g / 1 lb of fat.
Note programs are meant, not attributable to the total weight of the body, namely fats, i.e. you must firstdetermine the percentage of fat . For example, here the numbers: if the weight of the total fat mass is 20 kg, the figures are as follows: 9/18/26 c; if the fat mass of 30 kg, then: 13/26/40 gr, respectively. One teaspoon is 7.5grams.
Note:The average percentage of body fat can also automatically calculate using a calculator. To do this, we go through the site, to drive their data and obtain the result.
Thus the wrong dosage of sugar throughout the day and after exercise in particular can make (and make) the body to switch the toggle switch to the "fat-burning" on "the accumulation of fat."
After treadmill workout glycogen depleted much stronger, and in this case the ideal option replenish reserves of the body will be the carbohydrate-protein drink , weight gainer.
It is also necessary to raise the level of insulin immediately after waking up, because During this period your body is severely malnourished. Therefore, sugar and protein (and then many carbohydrates) - the two most important substance in the period from shit. And the sugar in the morning must be an order of magnitude less than after a workout.
For the record, we note that another reason why bodybuilders sugar sweeten your life, is the use of creatine.Elevated insulin helps deliver more efficient and faster muscle creatine, avoiding bloating. Moreover, the smaller particle grinding creatine, the lower the concentration of sugar in the sugar water portion. Ie milled, micronized creatine, requires less sugar for their assimilation. So if you consume creatine, do it with sweet water or juice, for example, grape.
Uff-F, well, like everything, but ... no, just everything). Let us summarize all this fuck 's information and make the appropriate conclusions.
Well, no one did not stuck in the course of the article? 
That's good, because today we are talking about the sugar in bodybuilding. Now we know? how to use this product in their daily trenazherno-nakachatelnoy activities.
On the sim all happy that this time invested in yourself, until we meet again!
PS. And how do you feel about the sugar to sweeten the love?
PPS. Did the project? Then leave a link to it in the status of their social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed).

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