




/ / Cheese in bodybuilding. You can or can not?

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Greetings, my dear readers, admirers and others passing by the person!
On the calendar, Sunday, Sept. 21, and that means it's time to stay one's stomach and talk on nutritional topic, today it sounds like: cheese in bodybuilding. Information will absorb a lot of respect, especially practical in a variety of reminders and advice, so be prepared, we will gesture. After reading each of you will know all about the benefits of the cheese, the rules of his choice and of course about ... well, I will not get ahead of themselves all know.
Cheese in bodybuilding
So, I wish you all enjoy your meal, we begin to absorb article.

Cheese in bodybuilding: who, what and how much.

If you look at the food basket of the average person, the bulk of its costs make products such as meat / poultry, bakery products, milk (yogurt, cottage cheese, and cheese) . Milk, as they say, we have imbibed with mother's milk, and cheese - without it can not do any breakfast. I must say that the author of these lines is not very fond of cheese in childhood, adolescence and youth, and then to blame child day care facility called kindergarten. I remember us little brood privolakivali garden at breakfast, and there on the table was already (mostly) with semolina standing there at attention with a spoon and a few slices of yellow cheese zagnuvshegosya cold. Of course, Dima was not a fool, and all the insipid merged neighbor on a plate. By the way, Maxim, if you read these lines, I'm sorry that your portions were always more. That I made ​​them that way until you clicked on the sides ... mm-m face :). So, these images of cheese once imprinted in my childish mind, and once, when I was asked whether I eat cheese, I said no thank you, I'll manage.
At the moment, the dairy product can be attributed to one of my favorite, but with some reservations Freud , about which we'll talk today. Actually, closer to the body, as the Guy de Maupassant.
For a better assimilation of the material all further narration will be divided into sub-chapters.
Cheese: It is useful to know
Cheese - a product derived from syroprigodnyh bases (Cow / goat / sheep milk, cream, skimmed milk, buttermilk, or combinations thereof) with the addition of clotting enzymes, lactic bacteria and food additives (e.g., salt, mold).After removal of whey, cheese ready for consumption. In general technological process of cheese rather curious and is the following picture.
technology of production of cheese
As you know, local cheeses on the shelves there just tueva hucha. In fact, long gone are the days when you had to stand up for the only possible kind of cheese do not like it - go to a forest. Now the shelves just bursting with an abundance of cheese, and not to get lost in all their diversity, it should be remembered that they are of the following types (clickable) .
types of cheese
A separate stand out processed cheese (the most famous of which "Friendship") and the like "bread-namazyvatelnye" variation. Looking ahead, I will say that for them the speech in terms of utility, does not go, because it's garbage in the full sense of the word. Do not believe me? Then simply flip the package, read the composition and nutritional value of vote. Well, we understand that such food characteristics about any utility could not walk and talk?
As for the view of the eyes of the guardians of the cheese pieces, ie kachatsya eyes and fitonyashek, then there must be a clear divide them into good and bad. The former include low-fat cheeses following items:
  1. mozzarella - at 100 grams 280 calories, 20-25 grams fat, 28 grams protein;
  2. feta - for 100 g 264 calories, 21-24 grams fat, 14 grams protein;
  3. Cheddar - at 100 grams 402 calories, 30-33 grams fat, 25 grams protein;
  4. parmesan - at 100 grams 431 calories, 25-29 grams fat, 38 grams protein ;.
mozzarella, feta, cheddar, parmesan
I think about these cheeses you ever so vaguely heard of, and perhaps even tried, but the next instance of a very unusual, and it is to him I recently prefer. So, get acquainted, cheese Oltermani (Oltermanni) 9 and 17% fat.
It is a semi-solid cream cheese from Finland. Unfold and read the composition of the package:
  • pasteurized milk;
  • culture of lactic acid bacteria;
  • enzyme preparation;
  • salt.
Cheese Oltermanni
As you can see, nothing more, and the best nutritional value of all presented, besides the price is quite adequate.
Now let's consider ...
What are the benefits of cheese?
People, Weight Watchers, you need to know what benefits carries this or that product and whether it at all hamster.So, let's see what useful cheese. The advantages of its use are:
  • It allows you to maintain a good intestinal flora for the absorption of nutrients from food;
  • It has a high concentration of essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin B12;
  • a relatively high content of calcium, strengthens bones, besides vitamin in its composition helps the body better absorb Ca. It also is involved in the transmission of information from the brain to the body and helps to push blood to blood vessels;
  • phosphorus in cheese helps the kidneys filter waste and reduce muscle pain after exercise ;
  • low content of lactose makes the product suitable for human consumption, with its intolerance;
  • cheese average fat content (from 17 to 30% fat) is able to increase the weight by contained in a sufficient amount of animal fat and protein;
  • high protein content makes it possible to effectively cope with the process of "filling in" micro traumas received during training with the iron and the creation of new tissues (including muscle-contractile structures)of the body;
  • low-fat cheese ( 9% ) allows you to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, and also due to its protein nature saturate the body with protein - all this assists in weight loss;
  • low-fat cheese is beneficial to the pressure, not allowing him to jump much during load increase and working with heavy weights in the hall;
  • zinc and biotin in cheese helps tissue growth and repair, and zinc (in combination with vitamin B12) improves nerve activity and as a consequence channel gain brain-muscle communication .
We go further and now look at some practical issues, namely ...
How to choose the cheese?
Choose a decent cheese - a science, and it is the main connection of the head. No need to grab a piece of the first available in a beautiful package and beckoning name. Also, do not need to be carried out on advertising on TV and marketing to the manufacturer that their product is the most-most. Regarding the specific brands of cheese, I voiced my position, it is best to give a preference to them.
The general recommendations for the purchase of high-quality cheese are as follows.
how to choose the cheese
When and how much to eat?
Thus, with regard to issues, "turning" cheese, the people lean body mass you need to dial to choose the cheese more fatty than 9% , from an average of 17 to 25 grams of fat per 100 grams of product. Everyone else should keep the fat content of 9 to 17% .
Admission Rules for ectomorphs:
  • 2-3 times a day: in the morning, snack, welcome post-workout;
  • total weight in grams per day  of 80-120 c ( 1 slice of 15 - 20 c) ;
  • days per week, 3-4 .
For all other (low-fat, 9-17% ) :
  • 1-2 times a day: breakfast, a snack;
  • total weight in grams per day  of 70-100 m;
  • days per week, three .
An excellent choice of useful snack next sandwich recipe. Take a whole wheat bread, put a slice of cheese on it, then on top 2-3 sliced ​​boiled quail egg on top and cover with a sheet of green salad. This Butera every calorie in its place, and it will allow you to properly back up during the day, replacing candy pechenyuzhnye gatherings at work :).
Actually, I have everything, let's summarize and we say goodbye.


Cheese bodybuilding - that's what subject we are considering today. Now you are aware of how to behave yourself with chizom and can safely go to the store shopping.
On the sim everything all kowtow to touch!
PS. Friends, and what you eat cheese, and in general - if you bother buying it?
PPS. Did the project? Then leave a link to it in the status of their social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :).
With respect and gratitude, Protasov Dmitry .

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