/ Nutrition in bodybuilding: the basic fundamentals. All you need to know the athletes.
Nutrition in bodybuilding: the basic fundamentals. All you need to know the athletes.
Posted by: Dicker Cintia Posted date: 7:25 AM / comment : 0
Welcome, dear readers and visitors of the " ABCs of Bodybuilding "!
Well, here we reached the bread of our sustenance - food. I wondered how soon will come the day and hour when I lift the veil of secrecy in the world, which affects 60-70% success in bodybuilding. And, finally, the time has come - you already know enough, know a lot and are able to deal with the issues on the order of those complicated that we discussed until now.
Firstly, I want to say that you heard right, these are the figures in the successful construction of the relief structure of the body are assigned in bodybuilding nutrition, and secondly, yes, understand the issues of proper nutrition - is always difficult, but you can do it, and what will make today.
So, we'll talk about nutrition in bodybuilding, the rules and principles which must adhere to any (and especially a beginner) athlete.
Moved, or something ...
Power: introductory word
I will start from afar (from abroad :)) .
Every person who decided to change his life, starts to make certain steps in order to start to change. And he's not just doing old things in new ways, no, he radically changes their previous way of life - habits, habits of thinking.Well, because You are on the pages of "The ABCs of Bodybuilding", hence, the goal you have set ourselves, as a clearstumpDay - to become more fit, energetic and, ultimately, to change your body. And of course, to achieve results on the changes of the past, you must give it the necessary nutrients (nutrients) .
Everyone is familiar with the phrase "we are what we eat", and it is a fact, and scientifically proven. So, we are not a single day without food, and the body gets a lot of our products during this time, which in varying degrees (positively or negatively) affect it. And okay, if we were measured way of life of the common man, but no, we have chosen the path of bodybuilding, nutrition, and therefore should be an important part of our training program.
Generally I'm not a supporter of various types of diets, some theoretical calculations or academic programs supply all known stars / athletes. I prefer the debriefing: How does our body (the study of the issues of digestion, the mechanism of food waste, etc.) , then the monitoring of them and smooth settlement to building an optimal diet based on information analyzed and, of course, scientific advances and facts.
We are all "men" unique and each of us his body (yes well, the truth is that right? :)) , your metabolic rate(metabolism) , and more. Therefore, some universal programs and procedures simply do not exist, what is good for Malysheva, not the fact that good for you, and vice versa. In this regard, it is not necessary to believe and blindly follow another newfangled diet.
The human body - is unique, as an athlete, a bodybuilder - unique double, so you have a lot of work, a lot to learn in order to help your body and bring it to an optimal diet, necessary for gaining lean muscle.
How to eat bodybuilder? The basic principles of nutrition and simple tips for every day.
In order to answer (or go to the answer) the question of the title, it is necessary, first of all, once again remember that the power athlete in bodybuilding is fundamentally different from normal human nutrition, both qualitatively and quantitatively. It is not surprising, because heavy exercise and power loads impose specific requirements to the functionality of the body and supply it with nutrients nutrients.
Let's run through the list of problems that can be solved with the help of power:
- Change the composition and the qualitative and quantitative composition of the body, increasing the share of muscle and a decrease of subcutaneous fat;
- Correction of body weight: increase / decrease or a permanent state;
- Providing the body enough calories, macro / micro-elements and vitamins in order to maintain the optimum level of physiological activity for the task;
- Normalization and the acceleration of metabolic processes using dietary supplements (biologically active additives) ;
- Creating a favorable hormonal environment in order to realize the fullness of all physical abilities and achieve maximum results in the training process.
Here are the problems can be solved through nutrition. So, what to do about it and where to start? Here are some questions arise from novice athlete bodybuilder. And you need to start with education, or rather, self-education, ie,the study of specific literature, magazines, books, articles, etc. And then the question will disappear by themselves.Rather not disappear, but will be transferred from the category of questions in the category of answers, and taken for granted. How can I ask questions: "Why do not grow muscles?" And "what to eat for their set?", If you "oak-oak" in matters of nutrition. However, not everything is so bad, and then it is quite easily remedied, most importantly, we must remember that every athlete must be an individual approach to catering.
In fact, to solve this, you can proceed to the basic principles of nutrition, which must adhere to every aspiring bodybuilder (and not only). Well, let's go.
Oh, and very helpful to read the article " The best Christmas gift for 2013, or laying the foundation of a relief body ", which tells about the many preparatory processes in the organization of the correct nutrition.
So, back to our principles.
Eat often
I will not be mistaken if I say that you eat standard - 3 times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. So, it's time to get rid of this habit is not less than 5-6 times. Frequent meals play an important role in normalization of power.
Consider an example.
Given: The average calorie intake ordinary man (men from 20 to 30 years) is equal to 2,400kcal / day. Number of meals: 1) Three 2) five.Task: In what case (for any number of meals) people lose weight and lose weight at all?Solution: 1) in 2400 divided by 3 , we get 800 kcal. Such an amount necessary to fit a three meal. 2) 2400 divided by 5 , we get 480 kcal.Answer: distribute the same amount of calories to a greater number of meals, we not only improve its understanding, but also begin to better control the feeling of hunger. In addition, we will be less sit at the table and will be able to free up time to spend on the activity. So the correct answer - 2 .
Moreover, better absorption of nutrients increases the thermogenic effect of food that promotes weight loss. You can even increase the caloric content of each meal to 30-50 calories and still lose weight. That is nonsense: eat more and still losing weight.
Note:The average calorie daily diet food for athletes involved in power physical exercise is 3000-3200 Kcal.
If you belong to the stature of ectomorph (hardgainer) , and you are hard of surplus weight, then you need to have 6times a day (every 2.5-3 hours) and slightly increase the caloric content of each meal. Also, each meal should contain high quality protein and complex carbohydrates (of which we will discuss in future articles) . Thus, the body will be more efficient use of nutrients consumed and stabilizes the levels of the hormone insulin which is responsible for resistance to catabolism (destruction process) muscles.
So summarize. Eat often, and after some time will notice changes in their body proportions.
Be attention to the appetite
We all know that the appetite comes with eating, but it is not so - it may change throughout the day and like a wave with the wind. So do not ever absorb the same amount of food. Sometimes you lukewarm attitude to eating, and sometimes (usually after strength training in the hall) hunger manifests itself in a "loud voice." It is worth to listen to your body and make adjustments on the fly.
Note:Experts distinguish between "true" and "false" hunger and satiety are the same. True hunger - an urgent physiological need to "feed" your body. False (or emotional) hunger - the desire to eat something that occurs not because there is any physiological need.
Remember, do not go on about each request / call of the stomach and adjust your diet under his "Wishlist". However, to ignore this kind of signals is also not worth it. Learn to listen to your appetite.
Rui, Rui - swallow!
All of us in childhood (and sometimes into adulthood) heard from parents phrase: "Not enough pieces, chew well." It would seem that some platitudes! And from that we often neglect it, but in vain. And now I will explain why.
The process of mastication has an important function - it prepares the food to digest in the stomach. The enzymes contained in the saliva treated proteins and carbohydrates, partially destroying their fat - also turns in an easily digestible substance. In addition, with careful chewing, you can control the process of saturation, because the food enters the body in slow motion. I do not know who said the following sentence: "The liquid food chew solid - drink", but that is exactly what we need to do.
What do you think, why it should drink a cocktail (eg, protein) through a straw? A: besides the fact that it is aesthetically pleasing look such route of administration in the body can fully absorb the entire range of nutrients(proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins) , which contains a cocktail.
Say "no" fastfood
It would seem hackneyed theme, but circumvent it simply can not be.
I will not talk to you about the fact that different pancakes, donut, siropchikovye - it's bad. This you can see a whole bunch of scientific programs, I will only say the following. All foods that contain preservatives, flavors, sweeteners and other chemicals, have a very negative effect on either body. Moreover, all this "fast food" has a low nutritional value (because the more a product is processed / spiced up, so it is below) .
Yes, I understand that the pace of modern life (when you work for 8-10 hours) , a person is difficult to organize a full home meals (especially when you eat 5-6 times a day) and it was then, and come to the aid fastfood.
However, there is a way out - "portable foods". No, it does not mean that we are to work with him taking a satchel full of food at lunchtime and begin to cook their own healthy food. You can completely do two-three fruits, vegetables and protein bars, nuts, etc. "Small HVD" food.
Moral: Eat high-quality, natural products and the maximum excluded from the diet all chemistry - dyes and preservatives. They will not help you build the body of the relief, it is a fact.
So, the problem seems to be performed at least for today - have learned about nutrition in bodybuilding a little more. The next time an article has to be serious at times, because we consider the process of power, so to speak, from the inside. Ie talk about the mechanism of the digestive system, learn why and how muscles grow food that helps. So, get ready, we will gesture :).
In conclusion I would like to reiterate the figures: 60-70% success in building a relief body depends on the proper organization, rational process food. Therefore, this kind of paper we study carefully, you can even write something, because there will be technical issues (complex concepts, process descriptions, etc.) , but I know you can handle and you can do it!
Something like that. I am glad that this time you have spent in the company of the project, " The ABCs of Bodybuilding "until we meet again.
PS. As always, if you have something to say - there are questions, comments, additions - comments are provided.

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Dicker Cintia
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