How to eat? Introduction to the science of nutrition [Part 2]
Posted by: Dicker Cintia Posted date: 7:24 AM / comment : 0
My compliments, dear readers, I am pleased to welcome all of you!
Well, that we came close to the study question - how to eat ? To answer it fully, we have much to learn in theory and even more to meet in practice.
So, today we find out why the muscles are growing role played by nutrition for bodybuilders, also met an interesting process - the mechanism of digestion and more ... and indeed, I will not open all the cards at once, even to keep the intrigue.
Well, let us start ...
Research on the process of supply
Firstly, I would say that those of you who are still not familiar with the first part of the article " Nutrition in bodybuilding: the basic fundamentals. All you need to know the athlete , "I advise to learn to talk about food research you went like clockwork. Secondly ...
To learn how to eat not say, probably just lazy. Indeed, as any new-fangled diets star can be found in the vast Internet, as there are different theories as when to eat to lose weight. And everything is good, but I sincerely believe that a person (especially a novice athlete bodybuilder) must understand not in the investigation - that is, (a product)and in the cause - that is, to understand the mechanism of utilization of nutrients coming from the food, and have an understanding of energy and metabolic processes of the organism.
If simple words, it must "sees the root", ie understand how to proceed all the digestive processes as nutrition helps to build muscle, and only on the basis of this form its diet product. That's what we all talk in this and subsequent chapters. So, first let's deal with the question ...
As muscles work?
I advise newcomers to pay their respects to the article of the same name, " The Anatomy of human muscles. What's what, and why? [Part 1, boring, theoretical] "to get an idea about them. We move on, and we are interested in energy sources and modes of operation of muscles, of which there are three.
At maximum load limit muscles develop force within a very short period of time (an average of 3-5 seconds) . Energy in this case comes from the decay of adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) . To restore the consumed ATP uses creatine phosphate ( CF ) , however, and it lacks long. This mechanism has been in the scientific literature the name - " ATP-EC "or anaerobic-allaktatny, and it provides the muscle for 6-15 seconds.
Concepts:ATP - the universal energy source for all biochemical processes in living systems;KF - term reserve energy for the human body;Aerobic - associated with the consumption of oxygen;Anaerobic - anoxic.
In operation, the muscles very quickly comes a time when they lack the ATP to maintain its functionality, in which case the energy for synthesis of ATP produced by glycolysis. This mechanism is called anaerobic-lactate because almost no oxygen is consumed, and a by-product is lactic acid.
Concepts:Glycolysis - the process of "burning" of glycogen (carbohydrate reserve) , accompanied by the synthesis of ATP ;Lactic acid - a by-product of physiological processes that go in exercising muscle. It's kind of natural protection of the organism to stressful situations in the muscles.
This process is characterized in that the power developed by them to 1.5 times less than in the ATP-SF , but the amount is about 2.5 times larger. Maximum power is in the range of 1-3 minutes and the total duration of no more than 6 minutes. The following mechanisms, which move the muscle for his work - the aerobic mechanism of burning carbohydrates (aerobic glycolysis) and fat (lipolysis) with a high consumption of oxygen.
It should be noted that this is the "long-playing" source of energy, while developing their capacity in 1.5 times less than in glycolysis. At that moment, when a person performs a low aerobic exercise capacity (run) , the mechanism is activated fat consumption, the energy released at the same time enough for several hours of continuous operation.
By the way it should be said that all three mechanisms can help each other "feed" themselves, although with some loss of energy (see. Table.) .
Note:Fats are mainly used by the body when oxygen consumption to 50% of the maximum, this figure is more than significant role is played by carbohydrates.
Nutrition and recovery
Once we get an idea of the muscles, you should consider recovery processes. So, in any physical activity (and even more so when high-intensity exercises in the gym), the body spends a lot of energy to give it the burning of glycogen and fat.
During the exercise, when working with weights in the muscle fibers there are processes of microscopic injuries and damage. Also as a result of incomplete burning of carbohydrates they accumulate lactic acid (which, incidentally, can be used as a "backup power") . It should, by stage load is the recovery period - the process by which the body makes up for spent force and energy to again engage in active work. Such a mess going on with him constantly.
The recovery process is torn muscle fibers is as follows. First, the remnants of torn tissue removed cells of the immune system of the person, and then begins the synthesis of the "new meat". And recovery is up to the new, higher level, than the original. This so-called effect supercompensation. So it turns out that muscle protein is constantly updated - and grow new muscle fibers are destroyed old.
Of course, the recovery process takes time, because the body must be cleansed from all defilement (:)) (decay products) and stock everything new. The duration of the recovery period depends on many factors: stress test, the intensity of training, general fitness, sleep and food, and more.
So, as we understand, the muscles do not grow during exercise, and during recreation after it. Hence the most common mistake of all beginners bodybuilding - herachit graft in the hall to the loss of pulse 4-5 times a week and did not give the body time for the recovery period, ie there is "the effect of overtraining."
Remember, rest - is the foundation nedoest better than not have enough sleep! For further turn ...
The mechanism of the digestive system
It is theoretically boring and therefore the most underrated part of the food, which is often just falls out of sight of the athletes, bodybuilders, and people in general. And underrated because few of them represents a Path of the food in the body, and how nutrients are distributed and fall into our muscles to build them. We traced all the way, so to speak, from the plate to the toilet :). Thus, you will have an idea about the mechanism of the digestive system, which will look at the process of feeding your muscles from the inside.
Thus, once in the mouth, the food is crushed under mechanical action on it by the teeth and chemically treated saliva enzymes. This is all the necessary processes for further digestion. Then, within 10 seconds, the parts are split carbohydrates into glucose. This whole chewed and spit wad impregnated food moves down the esophagus and into the stomach, where it remains quite a long time (depending on the composition, see note.) .
Note:Dairy products, tea, juice, water - up to 2 hours;Cooked meat, fish, eggs - up to 3 hours;Bread, cheese, vegetables - up to 4 hours;Fatty meats, canned in oil, baking - to 6 hours.* When mixing different types of food in the stomach of the delay time may vary.
In the stomach by acid, enzymes, bile and undergoes partial cleavage of proteins to polypeptides, lipids - to glycerol and fatty acids, carbohydrates - to glucose / fructose and other monosaccharides. Then the whole consistency of half-digested food enters the intestine where already it is taken for digestive enzymes and completely "finish off" the proteins to individual amino acids and fats - into fatty acids.
The thus obtained components (in aqueous solution) are absorbed through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream.The whole thing ends with the assimilation of relevant / useful components of food and elimination of unnecessary by forming the "cough, cough" mass in the intestine, well below - exit through the duodenum into the hole that needs no introduction.
Then all the nutrients carried by the blood to the liver (where sugar is processed into glucose, coming forth to various organs) , and in those places where there is a constant decay and renewal of the body's own proteins - for example, into a muscle. Also part of the wastes carried away through the liver to the kidneys and out in urine excreted. Something goes on "recycling" - for example, lactic acid, and some waste (carbon dioxide) shall be made through the lungs.
Well, actually, and the whole process of transportation. Analyzing it, you will be more scientific approach to the process of its power knowing what / which receives, recyclable and leaves.
Come on.
An important aspect in understanding the answer to the question " how to eat " , is the mechanism of calorie consumption. Ie We get food-received, but that's how most of these calories are consumed, not yet aware of. We understand.
Consumption is the energy consumption of our calories to:
- basal metabolic rate;
- physical activity;
- Food thermogenesis - energy for the digestive process;
- optional (optional) thermogenesis.
So, in order ...
Basal metabolism
This amount of energy is expended to ensure that all physiological (respiration, circulation, etc.) , and biochemical functions (synthesis of new cells, etc.) processes in the body in a "handle with care" (ie complete rest) . The value of basal metabolism is dependent on several factors. In the first place, than to train people, the value of the basal metabolic rate (V.O.O.) above, an average of 5% , than the average person. Also, the age makes its own adjustments, namely, every 10 th anniversary, after 40 years - V.O.O. decreases by 3% .
Of course, the main exchange higher for men than for women, because they (we) more muscle and fat percentage is only from 15 to 20% against 21-27% in women. Weather - another factor that affects the V.O.O. When the cold / hot conditions, it is intensified. It should also be said that 30% of the total quantity of basal metabolism in the liver is spent on the course of various biochemical processes. In second place (about 20% ) is the human brain. Therefore, charge the brains!
Note:If you are an ectomorph in stature, then your metabolic rate by an average of 6-8% higher / faster than standard mesomorph. On the contrary, if you are under the constitution endomorph, then the value of the primary exchange for 6-8% less / more slowly.
BMR can be increased as a result of permanent physical stress on the muscles (the most metabolically active part of the body) . The more muscle a person has interest, the faster basal metabolic rate (one kilogram of muscle burns 60to 110 calories per day) .
Physical activity energy expenditure
It is worth noting only one thing - to always be in good shape, you need to spend more than 30% (of total energy consumption) of energy on physical activity. Of course, if you are a bodybuilder, your energy will be much higher (up to 60% ) than in normal human activity.
Food thermogenesis
On average, its value is 10% of the total exchange energy. Proteins - the most energy-intensive nutrient, which spent the most energy, fat is deposited easiest (accumulate in the tissues) , carbohydrates and occupy an intermediate position.
Note:Remember, different seasonings (sauce, mayonnaise, spices, etc.) increase the amount of thermogenesis, ie organism spends more energy on decomposition (up to the simplest component) flavored food. Therefore, by using seasonings, you reduce the caloric value of the product, based on proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Optional thermogenesis
Like so abstruse name, and if in a simple way, it is called "no horse - food", ie when a person eats a lot and not gain weight. This phenomenon is due to the dispersion of energy from food.
It should be borne in mind that there is such a thing as positive and negative kaloritichesky balance. If your goal is to gain weight, the calorie intake should be less than the amount spent, and vice versa -
in the case of weight loss. It is very important to learn how to determine the overall energy of the body (based on all4 types of exchange) and the (included) will be discussed in a separate article.
Nitrogen balance
Since the process of training in the gym and build muscle mass is directly related to the basic building block of muscle - protein, you should have an idea about the nitrogen balance of the body, for nitrogen - the main chemical element in its composition. In the process of building muscle your body uses nitric and holds more than the outputs, ie, there is a positive nitrogen balance. If you notice that the muscles started to leave, then the balance has shifted in the negative direction. When the receipt and release of nitrogen is at the same level - muscle mass is constant.
The more valuable the product in terms of protein (above its biological value) , it becomes more positive nitrogen balance. However, the latter does not mean that switching to a high-protein diet, you can quickly build muscle.Excess protein is consumed to power, and if caloric excess energy as fat to be postponed. So it is not so simple.
Uff-F, in fact, on all, or add or subtract, as they say.
Well, here come our journey into the world of proper nutrition (in terms of internal processes and the mechanisms of their occurrence) to the end. I would like to repeat once again: despite the fact that the articles on nutrition is always difficult to understand (because there are a lot of new, complex terms and all that) , but it is a clear understanding of such issues ( as the need to eat) and give you the desired result in the construction of relief body.
So re-read once more a minute, suddenly lost sight :). Until next time, future steel body!
PS. As always, if you have any questions about nutrition, supplements, specifi

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Dicker Cintia
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