




/ / Warming up before training. An effective set of exercises.

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My respects, ladies and gentlemen!
Warm up before exercise - it is an important structural component, which many beginners (and not only them) are neglected in the gym. Important because the effectiveness of your training depends on the operational readiness of the whole organism. Well, neglected because they consider this action absurd pastime, not giving any positive results. Like it or not, we are in it and have to make today.
Well, take their places in front of us there is lots of fascinating and useful information, let's go.

Why is a warm-up before exercise?

As the theater begins with a hanger, so any workout should begin with a warm-up. It is an axiom (which does not require evidence) , no, not so - a truism, which, unfortunately, it only 3-5% of people working in the room. It will be honest with ourselves as the beginning of our training?
Well, first of all, we go into the gym (or gym) and slowly, imposingly strolling, hands and click "zdorovkaemsya" a good half of the audience. Then throw their "possessions" and abruptly, jumping up from a low starting flies to the first free simulator or projectile, forgetting some Anyway warm up before exercise . Why spend her strength: she that raises muscle mass or lose weight can help? - No, that means it is not necessary to do.
Here is a typical philosophy of tightly entrenched in the minds of 95% of people visiting the gym or fitness rooms.Something to hide, I had myself been a - "scored" warm-up and immediately go to the Home, "nakachatelnoy" part.However, these things disgrace lasted very long, it ended right after my first successful experiment with a warm-up.Since we had not spill water. Anyway, enough of the lyrics, we turn to the subject matter.
So warm up - a set of special exercises aimed at the general warming of the body, the development of muscles and articular mobilization of joints and ligaments. Usually performed before training, but can also be incorporated into the training program and after.
Main tasks solved workout is:
  • stretching and putting in a tone all muscle systems of the body;
  • increase in cardiovascular activity (increased blood flow to the skeletal muscles with 20% to 75% ) and active muscle blood supply;
  • getting aerobic type of load;
  • increase heart rate to 100 beats / min for 10 minutes workout.
It also include a warm-up warm-up series or sets, before each exercise. This is the "lead-in" approach with 50% of the weight burdening the working (for 7-10 reps) . Usually work with "podvodkami" must be completed within 30-40 seconds, otherwise the process will happen acidification of muscle lactic acid.
In addition to the above tasks as a whole, particularly in bodybuilding workout is needed to:
  • prevent injury when working with heavy weights;
  • increase the intensity and effectiveness of training, due to the release of adrenaline (an anabolic hormone) ;
  • increasing the extensibility of the capillaries;
  • improve the tone of the nervous system;
  • the acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • increasing the speed of nerve impulse transmission  (increasing sympathetic neuro-response brain) ;
  • concentration, concentration and the creation of the "right" attitude on strength training.
How to properly perform the workout that it is not turned into a strange, erratic movements, and looked quite decent?
This is the next chapter.

Stretching exercises. From theory to practice.

Firstly, it should be said that there is some kind of a perfect warm-up program that fits all and sundry. This is due, primarily, the body's physiological characteristics, body type , joint mobility and more.
Also, before performing the warm-up, you must get a clear idea of what you want from it in the end: a light warm-up of the whole body or targeted blood supply to some target muscle group. Include any cardio (jogging in the form) in your workout - and a question that you have to answer on the basis of its objectives.
One foreign literature, it was found that the conventional (slightly intense stretching) workout only "lulls" the body. To shake it before a workout, you need to make sudden, ballistic and "mahatelnye" movement.
So when with the goals defined, you can proceed to the practical part. And then training workout can be divided into:
  • general;
  • special;
  • hitch;
  • stretching.
Total Workout
Thanks to the PR, there is functional training of the body and all its systems for the upcoming training. In the course of its execution to increase the temperature of the body, the metabolism is activated, muscle abundantly supplied with oxygen. OR Duration depends on fitness of the athlete, it usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes and includes the following values:
  • any exercises for the muscles of the hands / feet;
  • jogging at a speed of pulse in the first aerobic zone 50% of the maximum) ;
  • jumping rope;
  • rotational exercises to increase the flexibility of the joints.
Special warm-up
Typically, completely mimics the athlete's future work with aggravating shells, however, are minimal and operating weights up 10-20% of the maximum. Performed before each exercise training program, no more than 10-12repetitions. Most bodybuilders a workout called - "feed" and it is aimed primarily at consolidating the (recall) the body proper technique of a particular exercise.
If you thought that was a hitch - it is some unforeseen "technical" failure, it is not so. It is a complex post-workout relaxation exercises for 5-10 minutes, allowing the body to move from the excited state (after basic training) to calmer. The most common example is a not a quick hitch running, gradually turning into walking and gentle stretching from side to side. Thanks hitch achieved removal of lactic acid from the muscles, decreases heart rate and body temperature, blood flow is normal intramuscular veins.
Usually a sudden stop training leads to the accumulation of blood in the veins of the muscles.This makes the heart work harder, increasing its frequency and load to maintain optimum blood flow throughout the muscle. The hitch to prevent such "blood congestion."
Stretching the muscles is probably the most commonly used type of "warm up" the muscles before exercise. There are three kinds of it: statics, dynamics and ballistics. Static - is "immobilization" limbs, ie fixing in position. Dynamic - in a slow, controlled movement performance. Well, ballistic - it is fast, motor and chaotic movements.
The most effective of the three are essentially dynamic stretching. In the west, but rather among Hollywood stars, it is becoming more popular, this type of training as plyometrics - a special set of exercises to be performed on its own weight. It combines warming up muscles and a simultaneous increase in their strength.
For many, the word stretching and warm - synonyms, but they profess are completely different principles of preparation for training. Warm, in general, gradually prepares the body for the main load, stretching is directed to stretch the muscles. Therefore, you first need to slightly raise your body temperature (warm-up warm-up) , and then to produce a stretch. Ie in the "cold" stretching should not be done, because it can lead to travme.Takzhe should not skip stretching after a good warm-up, the consequences can be the same.
Now let's look at the most effective and easy to perform "stretching" exercises.
Stretching muscles before training (upper body)
So rundown with "head to toe" and learn what movements can help most effectively to deal with the problem of stretch marks.
№1. Stand up straight and press your chin to your chest. Remain at this position for 2-3 seconds. Feel the stretch up the back of the neck (see. picture) .
№2. Take a starting position - feet shoulder width apart. Holding his chin on one level, turn the neck to the side (up to where you can) . Return to the ready and follow the turn in the opposite direction. Do this 8-10 times (see. picture) .
Stretching the neck
Take a starting position - right hand on his head. Slowly lower your head on his shoulder (while you can) . Remain at this position for 4-6 seconds, then repeat another 5-6 times. Then, change the head arm and repeat again for another (see. picture) .
Stretching trapeze
The pectoral muscles
№1. Go to any vertical support, put her arm, bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Lean body forward and slightly to the side, to the voltage in the thoracic muscles. Hold on as 3-4 seconds and then repeat the exercise with the opposite hand (see. picture) .
№2. Stand up straight, take a hand in the "lock" and pull them back. Try to gently lift the arms up, keeping them straight. Feel the tension of thoracic (see. picture) .
Stretching the chest muscles
Stretching back
Hold one hand on the vertical support (pole) and tilt back, straighten legs. Hold on as 3-5 seconds, and then repeat the movement, succeeding hand.
Stand up straight and rewound one hand (over the top) of the neck. Put your other hand on top, hold the elbow and pull it until you feel stretching the triceps. Remain at this position for 3-5 seconds, repeat with the other hand.
Stretching triceps
Put one hand on the waist and torso in the same direction, drag over the hand. Repeat with the other hand the slopes.
Stretching the oblique abdominal muscles
Delta (rear beam)
Standing straight, pull your elbow to the opposite side. Hold for 10-15 seconds and do the other side. When pulling the elbow, forearm should remain perpendicular to the floor.
Stretching deltas
Take the starting position - feet shoulder width apart. Raise your hands up at shoulder height and follow the rotational movement of the shoulders and torso to the side (to stop) . Go back to the source and do 8-10 repetitions in the opposite direction.
Stretching shoulders
Stretching muscles before exercise (lower body)
We are moving lower, and turn ...
Stand with feet together and grab hold of the knees. Run for 10 circular movements in and out.
Stand in front elevation of the step platform. Cast leg straight up and stretch your whole body to the leg. Feel the stretch hamstring.
Stretching attacks
Fix the feet shoulder width apart. To step back and perform the lunge, bending the knee. Keep your back straight.Return to the starting position and repeat this several times. Make like the other leg. The number of repeats from 6to 8 times.
Quadriceps femoris (quadriceps)
Stand on one leg and grasp the second hand on the ankle. Hold for a few seconds, so do not. Then release the leg, step and repeat the same with the other leg.
Stretching the quadriceps
So, as mentioned above, there are a lot of all kinds of warm-up complexes, each of which is fairly effective and suitable for almost any person. In the majority of their warm-up begins with a slow kardiosessii to 10 minutes (say "ride" on a stationary bike , an ellipsoid) , followed by 5-7 minutes of dynamic stretching. Trends are usually aimed at practicing the art before strength training.


Today we have considered another tool to improve the efficiency of its activities - a warm-up before exercise . If you previously did not make it, be sure to include these things useful exercise in their training program. Our article also came to an end, I hope you will gather a lot of useful things from it.
On the sim goodbye, I was glad to see and hear all, until we meet again!
PS. Do not forget about the comments that are waiting for your active part.

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