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My compliments, dear readers!
More recently she passed away Joe Weider , who can truly be called the founding father of bodybuilding (in the form in which it exists today) . Of course, this is a great loss to the sport, and we have to also somehow honor the memory of this man, we explain the training principles of Joe Weider .
So, today we are waiting for a fascinating journey into the world of bodybuilding foundations, so sit comfortably, we begin.

Basics of bodybuilding. What are they like?

First of all, I would like to say that Joe - mentor Arnold Schwarzenegger's most famous bodybuilder of today. In addition, Arnie had (in his best years) simply magnificent landscape. Therefore, we must believe that he, at least, quite often listened to the advice and, in particular,  the training principles of his teacher Joe Weider . Therefore, we must carefully study them and most importantly - try to practice, ie introduce in their training process and track the results.
What is the training principles?
It's simple. As in any sport, bodybuilding (over time) kopilos a lot of information on how to properly train, warm up, approach to drawing up training programs and so on. So, all this vast amount of information found a way out in the form of a set of rules (time-tested) , the fundamental principles of training for any athlete power. You could say that these principles is the cornerstone of the foundation of bodybuilding and building a harmonious development of the body.
basics of bodybuilding
In general, all training principles can be divided into three main categories:
  • Planning the training cycle;
  • Planning individual training;
  • Principles of exercise.
Of course, it is an error of attributing laurels in creating the foundations of basic training only one person. Yes, many of them existed long before the Joe Weider, but they were clean in words, not "take notes". Joe is compiled, systematized and presented in a clear structured manner all these data plus, of course, added a lot of their own developments.
Now that we have identified the main categories, let's talk more about each of them.
Scheduling training cycle
  • The principle of "konfyuzhn"
It states that the muscle - a "fastidious lady," you want to constantly surprise. And this is true. The muscles eventually become accustomed to any stress and training programs. Therefore, to increase muscle progressed, they must be (at times) "shock." In other words, changing the angle of attack of muscle, they can surprise the change of working weights, the number of repetitions, approaches, etc.
  • The principle of "split"
Perhaps the most fundamental and most famous contribution to the science of bodybuilding Joe. The principle of a split - it is nothing like the separate training of various body parts. In practice, it looks like - a training week 7 days)is divided equally and the first half 3-4 days) relegated to the upper body, while the second - completely bottom.Since basically all train for 3-4 days per week, respectively, the first two days you're working the upper body, the other 2 - lower body. This principle will allow you to train in a more aggressive style with greater intensity.
  • The principle of "2 and 3 split"
Not all suitable but having a place to be the principle, which states - Train often. Ie not one, but two / three times a day, breaking a long workout in the short and less intense intervals.
  • The principle of "cyclical"
The recommendation is to divide the whole year training cycles: 1) power (work on increasing the weight of the projectile) ; 2) massonaborny (increase muscle mass and volume of the body) 3) zhiroszhigatelny (study of the relief of the muscles) , etc. In general, the principle is aimed at increasing the adaptive capacities of the organism, as well as unloading of the psyche and the reduction of injuries.
  • The principle of "comprehensive training"
Since Human muscles are made ​​up of different types of fibers (fast and slow) , different measurable training, this principle states - uniformly work through all the fiber. To do this, you must use a different degree of intensity of exercise, different schemes of sets and reps.
  • The principle of "overload"
It formulated as follows: "If your working weight progresses, so you grow and you." Permanently increase the weight of the projectile, the muscles are forced to work more intensively and seriously.
  • The principle of "eclectic"
Formulated as - combine exercise (endurance, strength, weight and terrain) together. Combine them together during the training session - this will give the best result.
So, with the first category sorted, we go to the second ...
Planning for each workout
  • The principle of "the system sets"
States that carry one (even severe) approach to the target muscle group is extremely inefficient. To create stress to the muscles, they should give more stress and do several approaches 3-4 ) for the session. All this will lead to more efficient muscle growth.
  • The principle of "complete sets"
It is the combined effect of (enhancing effect) two exercises on the same functional muscle group. Exercises are performed "locomotive" (each other) with a minimum amount of rest between sets.
  • The principle of "superset"
This is also a complex two exercises, but on the opposite muscle (antagonists) . With a minimal (up to 40 seconds)rest periods between sets. An example may serve as supersets complex "biceps-triceps."
  • The principle of "triset"
As can already guess from the title, the principle is to perform three exercises to target muscle group. A good example - the classic barbell bench press , bench press at an angle of up and down.
  • The principle of "giant superset"
It is to perform 4-6 exercises on the same muscle. Suitable not all athletes principle, since its high exhausting endurance capacity.
  • The principle of "Set step"
It consists in bringing the (approach) the target muscle to failure. Then resets to a lighter weight and is "the ultimate finishing moves" muscle weights. Performed without any rest.
  • The principle of "striping"
It states that it is necessary to alternate (interleave) exercises on large and small muscle groups. Ie between sets on the large muscles (legs, chest) is necessary to perform sets on small groups (calves, forearms, etc.)
  • The principle of "priority"
The most logical principle which says that the most lagging (underdeveloped) muscles need to work out at the beginning of training, when the body has not yet been exhausted and there are enough forces. Thus, the best place to start your training with exposure to large muscle groups.
  • The principle of "holiday break"
Is arranging for the body of short (up to 5 seconds) intermediate sessions during the rest of approach with submaximal (80-90% of a single repetition) weights. Technology working principle is as follows. You do 2-3 reps with submaximal weight, then make a momentary pause, and then another 2-3 repetitions and so on around the circle, until you have the number of repetitions of 8 to 12 .
Mikropauz is enough to restore ATP levels. It allows you to prepare for a new repetition when working with heavy weights weights.
  • The principle of "pyramid"
Study of muscle groups start working with small weights and a large number of repetitions. Then, step by step, gain weight weights while reducing the number of repetitions until the weight reaches the muscles work in a range of 6-8times, then again, you can reduce the weight to the original. For clarity look at the image.
Pyramid Principle
There are different varieties of the pyramid, for example, "polupiramida" - this is when you reach only up to the maximum possible weight and more of it is not reduced. Ie in our example, 10 reps at 90 kg will be the pinnacle of the pyramid.
  • The principle of "pre-fatigue"
The idea of the principle is that it is necessary before "serious" work of muscles (for example, integrated polyarticular exercises) pre-load the working muscles. Ie you must first odnosustavnoe, isolation exercises and aiming to load the target zone, and then to indulge in all serious :). For example, in working through the triceps should be performed first on the block insulating exercise with rope handle, and only then move on to a narrow grip bench press.
So ended the second category, at last turn ...
Principles of exercise
  • The principle of "chitting"
Assisting (help) all over themselves in order to overcome the most difficult phase of movement. Often, the weight takes a lot more than usual and the work carried out in the "snatch" mode, ie, Rod (if the rise of the biceps) just thrown on the chest.
  • The principle of "isolation"
Is to separate the target muscle (antagonist, protagonist, synergist or stabilizer) and directed only exploring its impact by hitting the weight is in the work area. Ie there is no dispersion of the load on the rest of the (adjacent)muscles.
  • The principle of "quality training"
Mainly used already trained athletes, and is gradually increasing weights and weight reduction of rest time between sets.
  • The principle of "burning"
To make the most sense to work the muscles, perform (in the end of the set) several repetitions with reduced amplitude.
  • The principle of "forced reps"
During the exercise with sufficient weight weights after the "failure" of your muscles, resort to the help of a partner and do another 2-4 repetitions.
  • The principle of "high tide"
It provides that before the beginning of the direct impact on any muscle needed to perform 1-2 exercises for the muscles of the antagonist. This will provide the necessary blood flow to the area and allow it to work more qualitatively.
  • The principle of "continuous tension"
The basic idea is to maintain a constant voltage to the target muscle area. You should not be intermediate points of rest in the exercise. Muscle work should take place in the "non-stop", ie she must swing the pump, without interruption.
  • The principle of "partial repetition"
Somewhat similar to the principle burning. It is necessary to "isolate" the amplitude of the entire length of the muscle exercises, which loses load and run in an abbreviated repetition of the amplitude on him.
  • The principle of "negatives"
There are two phases of motion in the exercise - a rise of (positive) and lowering (negative phase) projectile.Negative better promotes muscle growth, as when lowering can operate with a weight burdening on 30-40% more than the rise. You can exercise only in the phase of descent of the projectile, but with more weight.
  • The principle of "peak contraction"
It states that there must be a delay (for 1-2 seconds) in the top of the movement. This will strongly stimulate the muscle to grow.
  • The principle of "isometric contraction"
This principle is often used by bodybuilders protruding, and his technique is based on the pose. The meaning of isometric contraction is muscle tension, without any complication. Ie it turns out that you just need to focus and strain muscles (30-40 times), p rinimaya various poses.
  • The principle of "speed training"
With a view to the qualitative development of "fast" muscle fibers, increase the speed of the exercises without compromising technique.
In general, summing up the presented training principles can be derived one, most important, that sounds like: "Listen to your body and experiment," or the principle of "instinctive training". It can easily be included in each of the three major categories, because he says, "build your own training program, relying on the experience, knowledge of the body, and the results obtained." Therefore, all the principles articulated in the furnace, use only the last (joke ... :)) .
So finally give specific recommendations, which it is better to apply the principles.
  • Novice athletes (lessons in the hall to 1 year) . Principles: isolation, priority handling, konfyuzhn;
  • Mid-trained athletes (class 1 year or more) . Principles: Split, pyramid, supersets, cyclical;
  • Advanced bodybuilders. Principles: trisety, cheating, pre-fatigue superset giant, burning.
Something like that. Decide what type of you, and go to the principles in practice in the hall.


Well, that was our next article to an end. Today we have laid another brick named Joe Weider training principles , the foundation of building your body. I am confident that the information will be useful for you and the right, I was glad to share it.
Good luck in the hall, see you soon!
PS. I will be glad to answer your questions, "neponyatki" and other miscellaneous comments on this article, please contact.

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