




/ / Going to the gym? What it does not.

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I am glad to greet you, dear readers, for communication project " ABCs of Bodybuilding "!
Today we'll talk about the myths of ancient Greece but not as well as stereotypes of behavior and thinking that there is almost everyone who still resides in thought about whether to go to the gym or not. Often, most people draw such pictures in your mind regarding the gym, that sometimes you wonder - where they all took. Some strange (often invented) barriers, conventions, fears and fear.
After all, something to hide, almost everyone wants to have a beautiful, toned body, relief muscles and overall attractive appearance, but for some reason most people never reach the nearest sports facilities or a gym to finally do them. And no, it's not because they do not care for their health and body particularly easy (as they think) there is a whole heap of objective reasons, which do not give / give them to do so in principle.
So, in general, we will deal with the reasons (objective, subjective, fictional) that deter people from every proclivities toward physical activity classes in general and by going to the gym - in particular.
The key is to start, go ...

Myths about the gym. What are they like?

Every day in the human brain generates thousands of ideas, even more sweeping ideas, and it can not but rejoice.However, there "dumalka" a place that is responsible for the feedback and the body's response to new developments, which can happen to a person. And often this space is so littered with garbage and podzabito and "cockroaches" that space for new activities / hobbies does not have enough, and all of the brain perceived "hostility."
So, if we consider that the attic ledge called - a gym, we can see these are the most common causes that prevent a person to take and begin to engage in physical activity, fitness, bodybuilding, etc.
Here is a list of myths that we debunk (familiar to you underline) :
  1. Trenezharka - heavy, continuous, long hours of work - this is a real "hard labor";
  2. What's the room - and so I do not have time, also, I get tired at work;
  3. Well, I do not like fitness classes and gyms: it is the sweat, dirt and gnashing of iron;
  4. It is expensive;
  5. No, well, where I am and where the sport? I never tried it, and the meaning has to start?
Well, as my learned something of their own?
Even so, there is nothing wrong with that, because as I said - it's a vision of the gym at  95% of the people through the prism of their stereotypes of thinking.
Our task to understand what is true and what is fiction, and make their own decisions. To do this, we go through each item more thoroughly and find out from what is rid to start going to the gym and have fun.
Actually, they moved down the list.
Trenazherka - a heavy, steady, long hours of work - this is a real "hard labor"
The most absurd and at the same time the most powerful reason, which lingers in the minds of most people. Absurd, because everyone thinks that it is necessary not vylazit of fitness are constantly (a few hours a day) strongly engaged in general ve .. vpahivat as "nigger in the galleys" and does not see the light of day. In addition, if you are overweight and more available, then hours of jogging are set to power classes.
Where did it come from, say, dear comrades? In bodybuilding, everything is completely different. At the initial stage, the novice should not take more than 45-50 minutes (maximum time) , 2 times a week, including warm-up, rest, etc.
Che, much much? In my opinion, even minuscule.
Of course, I did not say how to do, and that's the trick. Engage need hard, intense and mostly working with the "base" and not in waltz tempo slip all simulators and namylitsya to the plate with the inscription "way out." Well, in order to understand how to deal with during this hour, have a lot to understand and to understand the issues of the muscles ,the principles of nutrition , etc. (all this we will continuously deal on the project) .
So, in general, training should not be a "hard labor" - a permanent drag burdens from place to place, for hours, grueling sessions on block / insulating simulators. Do not try to get around all of the time trainers and linger as long as possible in the room, so to recapture their money for one-time visit. Optimal training - is a small amount 2-3 )polyarticular exercises with the number of reps 6-8 to 2-3 approach, and of course, all this combined with moderate rest.
Actually, I hope, the myth under the name: "the more, and I will work harder in the gym - the faster increase my muscles" - debunked. Use your head, not your hands thrust glands for several hours, for it is not in the power of perseverance muddled comrades.
It's all!
What's the room - and so I do not have time
Greetings, the busiest person on the planet Earth is  :)nice to meet you.
I often hear from many people (not even, already take - my close friends) phrases - I would like to go to the gym, do fitness, swim in the pool, but I have no time. Then I bring a killer argument that makes them think about their words and called it - the numbers. So, take a calculator in hand and believe.
We have found that for the occupation, we (mostly beginners) need to allocate an hour (take the maximum) and 2(even let them take 3) days a week. Total turns 3 hours from 168 hours over 7 days. Do you like the ratio? In my opinion, neillyuzorno-ridiculous. And that can not distinguish what the mossy 180 minutes? I do not believe. No, not so - I believe that you will find them with ease.
At first, you can help a simple weekly schedule their cases recorded on a sheet. I am sure you have seen that there is a free box, which can take. Now a few words about "rabotyazhkah." Of course, I know that after working directly He does not want to drag his body into the hall. But what there is room in the scrap at all, even to actively move, it is best to lie down, watch telly and relax. Let disagree, for the best holiday - a change of activity, and not just a change of scenery and the external environment, namely the nature of the activity. Ie if your work is connected with the negotiations, telesales and other passive activities, then change it to an active - fitness, gym, you'll feel more rested, cheer up than you would just have sat TV.
Generally, you notice that the fatigue at the end of the day is simply unrealistic, but it is a kind of fatigue (not the same as after vigorous activity - such as skiing) , but rather some kind (of zae ... :))  heaviness head, stiffness throughout the body. Scientific evidence shows that active exercise reduced body after mental work and routine work. So the male part of the population, to the right - in the gym, women - left, fitness or aerobics to choose from.
 Well, I do not like fitness classes, gyms
Do not likeAnother misconception is that the sports hall - a place sweaty, brutal men (gnashing dirty iron) , which reigns constant jostling and hanging in the air "indescribably-odorous" atmosphere.
I hasten to disappoint you, because your information is outdated. I can not say for all Odessa :), of course, but what sanitized fitness facilities and gyms has grown at times, it is a fact. So you can safely visit the nearby restaurant and see for yourself. I assure you that at least will want to return.
Now a few words about the distress, turning red, shyness, and so on. Of course, one of the psychological barriers which man himself had built - a fear of appearing around the eyes, not in his best shape. Type - otelis on loaves and cakes and now, you see, conscience devoured and have something to do, but afraid to appear in light, and suddenly someone would think that.
My dear, it's full of crap that sits in most heads. All absolutely do not care what you - thin, thick or have one arm shorter than the other. Do not think that in the halls every second chiseled body, and you'll be on their background, to put it mildly, "play". Yes, although at first will that from this? The main thing to realize that people come to the gym are all different, but one thing unites them - they want to work on yourself and improve your ratio.
So nefig shy, blow into the room!
Yes, to somehow get a general idea about gyms, fitness centers, please, here there is a good article to learn.
It is expensive
And then let me disagree with you, do not need a huge budget. Enough to get the necessary ammunition (read about it here )  , or at least look for and find in the bins homeland (cabinet)  is more or less adequate clothing - shorts, T-shirt. Oh, and it would not hurt to buy a subscription to a gym because With it, you save money on lessons. In addition, to be at the right time in the right place powerful discipline. Especially I would not want to miss training because you have already invested in it their money and, therefore, want-not, you should work. So, of course, your budget will be a new cost item, but you are sure that this extra article?
So it is difficult to find the necessary minimum-cash equivalent amount? Maybe you start saving? On what? - You ask.Well, for example, can be smaller cracking sausages or not to buy pipes (if you smoke while), and then the savings to invest in their own health.
Ways to weight, and a ridiculous amount, so another myth debunked.
No, well, where I am and where the sport? I never tried it, and the meaning has to start?
it's never too late
It is a common misconception type entire adult life I drove the wrong way of life, but now he will take and for no reason, no reason I go to the gym. And rightly so, I tell you, for a healthy, muscular body will bring your life to a new level. And do not think that you are too late or too early. Here, as in love - for all ages. Of course, you will reveal the secret of the most effective period in the buildup of the body and laying the foundation of the future of muscle - from age 16 to 19 years, but this does not mean that your age does not fit. So there is no limit, and all the doors are open, most importantly, effectively knock.
Actually, like all myths debunked, it remains to sum up.


At the end I will say a phrase that steal someone of the greats. So, the aforesaid said: "If you exercise regularly, I can not guarantee you a hundred percent, you live longer, but I can guarantee that after the last glass of water you stand up for yourself ...". Succinctly, is not it? So, throw away all stereotypes that we are now dismantled, they are not. It is fiction, heresy and unreasonable whim, into the furnace all the conventions and "cockroaches". Well, to make sure that I speak the truth, start going to the gym,  and you will see how things are real. In general, the act, I believe in you!
On the sim all, let me leave, dear readers, to new meetings and come to the light.
PS . If you have something to say as a whole, or have their assumptions, why people do not go to the gym in particular, then you are welcome in the comments.

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