




/ / The pain in the muscles after a workout. Good or bad?

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Good day, my dear!
If you are reading this article, then you know the phenomenon of muscle pain after exercise . I have to say that many feel the pain the most important indicator of muscle growth and quality conducted training. Like it or not, we are to understand today.
So, in this article we will know whether or not to hurt the muscles how to distinguish right from wrong pain, well, what techniques can help recover more quickly and return all full circle. So it takes place, it will be interesting.

The pain in the muscles after a workout. Two sides of the same coin.

I do not know when and who blurted out that if there is no pain in the muscles after exercise , she went poorly, and about any increase is not out of the question. However, the fact remains, and the phrase "hurts-growing means" has become almost eminem proper name. Members (and not only them),  there came after trenazherka and can not move hand - or foot, thinking well and shook powerfully stimulated muscles to grow. But it is not so simple, and often the pain is not an indicator of quality work in the hall, and banal failure to exercise proper technique and work with incorrect weights. Therefore it is necessary to clearly distinguish between where lies (risk of injury) , and where the truth (stimulus to development) .
Well, let's deal.
For many advanced athletes the best gift after a hard workout is not sports nutrition, going to the sauna or a plate of porridge, namely muscle pain. They seek it by hook or by crook, and understand that for them it is - the coveted key to the desired body composition. Members are also trying to keep up with their more experienced colleagues on piece of iron and make their pain by working with extremely high weights, neglect proper technique and perform elementary safety rules.
Here it is necessary to understand that in those and other - different types of muscle pain. At first - anabolic, the second - physiological. To understand where and how in general - that is what is to be understood that the following types of pain:
causes muscle pain
№1. Usually mild muscle pain after stress.
Most often, this kind of pain experienced by most people after intensive training (for example, work with base ) with weights. The mechanism of its occurrence is considered to be microfractures and microtrauma of the muscle fibers, as well as an excess of lactic acid (lactate) in the muscles.
Ie good workout, athlete's blood (a few days) increased the content of the muscle cells. Pain also arises from the fact that the destruction of muscle tissue into the blood and stay there as long as the body part of them does not withdraw, and some will not recover.
Many believe that it is "milk" causes pain in the muscles, but it is not. Lactic acid is eliminated within 30 minutes after training, but lactate is the cause "burning" muscles during training.
This so-called right, good muscle pain that does not violate their duties. On average, it takes about 2-3 days for novice athletes and some days in advanced.
This pain is a "litmus test" that you did a good job with their muscles gave them a serious burden, thus creating a decent stress. The next day after school in the room you do not feel moderate pain. This means only one thing - your body has adapted to the load and should be shocking somehow different.
The next kind of pain, it's ...
№2. ZMB (retarded muscle pain).
It was named so because it is really "slow" and there is only a few days after training (often on the 2 day) . ZMB inhibits the full muscle contraction. It usually occurs when you change your training program , or have become "graft" in a more intense manner. Her term is from 1 to 4 days for the advanced athlete and a week for the beginner.
How to fight it? Very simple.
Instead of "score" on training and not to go, follow your normal volume, but with a reduced weight of the load in all exercises at 50% . For example, if you do  12 squats with a weight at 100 kg, then follow the same 12 squats, but with a weight of 50 kg. Do not work to complete failure, even if you still have strength, because the main purpose of this exercise - recovery + muscle growth.
Next in line ...
№3. Muscle pain from the injury.
The exact opposite of the above pain, nothing in common with them. That nagging, chilling pain that amplifies even the most insignificant load, especially at sharp movements. Very often, symptoms like pain are redness, swelling and general malaise. They occur most often immediately, in rare cases - the next day. An athlete who has received a similar injury, can not fully exercise and often he has anything at all to take time off from training or engaged in "gentle" mode, eliminating all kinds of load (range of motion) to the affected area.
The most significant representative of this type of muscle pain is a muscle rupture. There is certainly no "compresses" and Zelenka will not help, everything is serious, may even require surgery. To avoid this type of injury, do not "show off" in the hall and draft prohibitive weight, use periodization (cycling training parameters) and follow the technique exercises.
This so-called basic types of muscle soreness after exercise .
Now a few words about whether to bring themselves to muscle pain. Most beginners probably heard from their more experienced colleagues bodybuilders that muscle growth does not happen without pain. However, this is not true. In the days of Arnold is the ability to create and most importantly - to endure the pain, is your ticket to the world of beautiful body and big volumes. Therefore, in the "golden" age of bodybuilding all sought to raise from workout to workout all the more weight. It's so much harder to overcome muscle strain and hence pain they are provided to all100% . This so-called natural muscle fatigue occurs due to the accumulation of lactic acid and lactate formation microtrauma. Thus, previously it was thought that the pain - is the main trigger for the launch of growth stimulating muscle processes. However, recent research suggests that the muscle growth is possible without pain.
Many bodybuilders (including Coleman)  muscles are able to recover and adapt to the loads very quickly and so for them the pain - not an indicator of a lack of growth.
I will not say that we should not listen to the advice of the "great", but deliberately bring themselves to muscular pain, I think not. If workers are growing weight as a result of the growth of muscles will not be long in coming.
In general, in one word, it is not necessary to tear his hair and beat his head against the wall :) if you are following a regular workout muscle pain never came. Humble and repent , and just continue to train effectively, trying to continually progress in operating weight.
So, we talked about the painful part of training, but it is more important - recovery processes and methods that reduce the pain after exercise. Here are some of them and we'll talk further.

Muscle recovery. Reduce muscle pain after exercise.

Of course, any pain (and if they are persistent and nagging)  affect the condition of the athlete. Therefore, to reduce the pain, you must adhere to the following tips.
№1. Hydrate before training.
This advice will be useful for those who want to minimize their pain in the muscles during exercise. Drink to the gym or fitness glass of water with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Thus you will reduce the acidity of the blood, and muscle pain threshold would be higher. Habitual burning you to easily be able to avoid.
№2. Proper nutrition.
Oddly enough, but many neglect this holy rule and include in its food pyramid completely wrong products. You should consume about 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight, from 2 to 4 grams of carbohydrates (depending on the level of metabolism) . About fats and do not forget they need to be 15-20% of total calories.
№3. Beta-alanine and askorbinka.
Start taking ascorbic acid (about 1 g after training) and beta-alanine (natural amino acid) .
№4. Water.
That it displays all toxins, thereby creating favorable conditions for the start of recovery processes. Drink enough if you do not know how much to "lap", use the formula: your weight * 0.04 = X liters per day.
№5. Hitch.
Before training follow the warm-up , and after it - a hitch. Well, pull your muscles and how to relax and breath.
№6. Pleasant procedure.
Bodybuilding and fitness is not just the sweat and gnashing of metal. Let your body rest after the high-quality training. In particular, it can take a contrast shower 40 seconds under cold water, 1 minute - under hot) , go to the sauna or pool, can also give yourself in the experienced hands of a masseur. All these measures will increase the blood circulation in your body and your muscles will not gain a foothold.
№7. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Take in a sufficient amount 300 mg / kg body weight) essential fatty acids, they have anti-inflammatory properties.As their sources can choose: flaxseed oil, fish oil, various types of nuts (almonds, walnuts) .
№8. Periodization and training.
Periodization is very useful to athletes who train hard and consistently. For them, it is important to "play" with parameters of training as repetition, weight, rest time, the angle of attack of muscle, intensity and so on. Also, do not "linger" in the hall over 60 minutes, because it is through such a time, the level of the main anabolic hormone decreases, and cortisol (stress hormone) - increases.
№9. Gels and ointments.
Some warm-up gels and ointments can be the lifeline that needs a drowning man to relieve pain and fatigue in muscles. You can try "namazyukatsya" balm Ben-Gel, Viprosal or "42 gel balm." There is still a good horse ointment, however, I can not remember the name.
№10. Sleep.
Of course, healthy sleep - is the cornerstone, so try to sleep for 7-8 hours. If you can not sleep, take a warm shower and drink a glass of milk. You can also buy in a drugstore earplugs - earplugs, irreplaceable thing, if you decide to relax, and the neighbors still can not uymutsya.
Here are tips here that are sure to help you beat the pain in the muscles after a workout .
Well, actually, and all the things I wanted to tell today.


Another article came to an end. I hope you learned a lot from it useful. Chief same experience that you need to endure the pain - it's not always (and not all) measure qualitatively conducted training. You should not chase the pain, to work properly, progressive weight and muscle come, will not disappear!
Until we meet again, my dear. Do not forget to sign up for updates, and then will always be a topic, bye!
PS. If you can (and in this I have no doubt) , a pair of three osilte pozadavat comments and questions, I will be glad to answer.

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