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Today we talk about a chip, and more correctly - a special technique that will help you in matters of pumping large muscle definition. They call this chip - Pumping . Many of you have probably already heard of it, and even know something, others may know and do not know about this unusual "Pribluda" helps the athlete get the necessary amounts of muscle. Well, let's educate both sides.
So the agenda - Pumping deal with the full program and to fill another gap in the "nakachatelnyh" issues.

Muscle Pumping: the theoretical foundations

I will not tell you for all Odessa, how long have I personally acquainted with this phenomenon, but what Pumping - this is one of the most powerful ways to shock your muscles, believe me. I believe (and on my side and the opinion of many professional bodybuilders) , this tool should be in the arsenal of any self-respecting athlete.
Well, we will not helluva lot rassusolivat and immediately proceed to the basic fundamentals.
Pumping (with English. pumping - filling, pump) - specific subjective feeling of fullness athlete muscles in which it feels as compaction and strong flow of blood into the target work area. Achieved through the implementation of common, uniform repetition of the same movement.
Temporary (visual) increase in body tissue edema caused by increased blood flow. Pumping mechanism is very simple - more blood begins to push on tissues and organs in the smaller unit of time. This is not the ordinary method of pumping, and it is primarily related to the work of the brain - or rather, with the intervention of the mechanisms of blood flow in the nervous regulation of muscle.
During Pumping when we perform the same movements over and over again, the muscle starts to work as a pump, gradually filling the bloodstream. At a time when the exercise comes to an end, the athlete dramatically increases the rate of recurrence and the last (3-4) doing in the "Fast and the Furious", ie at high speed. As a result, the muscle to failure clogged blood (there is an overabundance of it) and natural pump simply do not have time to pump it back into the mainstream. All these processes bodybuilders called in one word - Pumping.
Inflating the muscle cells occurs as a consequence of entering into them large amounts of sugar (which accounts for "stored" inside the cell) and other substances for pulling a water. Increasing the total mass of mitochondria and content of the cell fluid. The cell membrane becomes more permeable, it begins to absorb everything like a sponge, and then it starts "bursting" from the inside.
If you have only recently started to go to the gym, then you have not yet had occasion to observe in practice the effects of Pumping. Do not worry, watch the fellow who thrust a piece of iron with a large number of repetitions, and you will see how, after the exercise of their visual setting change. They turn red, vzduyutsya serious vein, and you will see a significant blood flow to working muscles.
There are three types of Pumping:
  • productivity;
Simply achieved naturally in the process of training in the hall: in particular - work with the slow muscle fibers, stretching the fascia. The purpose - stimulation of muscle growth .
  • beauty;
Just like cosmetic repairs in the apartment - is induced before the sale (read before the performance in the competitions, photo shoots) . The goal - giving the maximum amount of muscles and sharper relief appearance. The average increase in visual component enables the athlete to 15-20% .
  • pharmacological
It achieved "himoznym" by using various additives and components of sports nutrition.
So, go on, now let's take a closer look at the issues of benefit and harm Pumping.
What are the benefits?
First, consider the useful points introduced by Pumping.
№1. Stretching the fascia.
All our muscles and organs with special protective cover from the connective tissue. It fascia keep the "inner world" of the person in a sealed envelope and help him cope with various shakes, vibrations and other pleasures of life.
Having trained in the gym and a well-researched certain muscles, the fascia is stretched, but after training it once again compresses the muscle. Thus, Pouch (fascia) operates as a spring, compressing it, then clenched muscle. If you regularly attend rocking and stretch the fascia, it "forgets" its original shape and acquire a new, larger in size - this will allow the muscles to grow.
№2. Hyperemia.
If you are waiting at the door for a variety of flash cameras filming the Pumping - this is your loyal assistant. He briefly increases your volume up 20% . Now I understand why bodybuilders pictured are much more powerful than in real life. They just "Pumping" before the shooting :).
№3. Rapid transport of nutrients.
By increasing the blood flow is also accelerated delivery of nutrients and oxygen into the cell. So if your body is braked before the delivery of various utilities in the cage, but now the process of transportation will be a lot faster.
№4. Increasing the number of capillaries.
When injecting blood in the body increases the number of open capillaries - special tubes capable of ensuring the necessary transport of blood in the muscle.
№5. Reduced trauma.
Usually Pumping work is done far from the maximum / submaximal weights, so the ligaments and joints work in "lay up mode" and are not subjected to excessive load.
№6. The release of anabolic hormones.
Muscles clogged during exercise and various decomposition products of lactic acid. All this, in turn, can increase the secretion of somatotropin (growth hormone) and testosterone .
№7. Detailed study of muscle and definition.
Pumping - the maximum squeeze all the juices, develop muscles. It gives maximum feel every single muscle fiber.
№8. Fast drying.
Fast drying - this is not a new kind of bakery products and the burning of body fat and muscle relief carving clear.Here, it goes much faster and better.
What's the harm?
From the back side of the coin can be noted Pumping burning muscle. If you find it difficult to gain muscle mass and every gram of it has been difficult, you can easily vysokopovtorny training "to burn" your precious muscle. On the downside, perhaps, everything. As you can see, the pros at times more, so it makes sense to look at the training style Pumping.
Well, it's time to go to practice, and more particularly to ...

How to work on Pumping? Exercises.

Pumping exercises
I have to say that the exercises Pumping  best suited for beginners (fitness experience which about 1 year) .Abundant blood filling her muscles and "fullness" can be achieved in many ways, in particular, very well the following general principles:
  • Standard training
It should be intuitively pick up a shell weight with which you will be able to perform at least 12 (up to 20 ) reps. The number of approaches 3-4 . The main goal that you need to reach - acidification of muscle and bringing it to the full.Choose any exercise (about them later) and begin to work in mnogopovtornom mode, "killing" the muscle.
  • Super sets
Probably one of the most effective ways to make your muscles fill with blood. Its meaning lies in the nearby Pumping antagonist muscles (triceps, biceps, hamstrings, quadriceps) . All exercises are done without rest, ie, one after the other - locomotive.
  • Drop-sets
Also very effective way "compacted" their muscles. He is to perform approaches to dropping weight. Perform each set, you get to failure, then reduce the weight by 25% and immediately immediately do another series to complete muscular failure. Total made ​​up 5 of these approaches.
  • Partial recurrence
The work is not done in the muscles of the full range of motion and is 1/2 or 1/4 of normal. It is best used at the end of the set, when the forces already on the wane. You are "robbing" full range, perform another 4-5 repetitions, thereby extending the set to complete failure (when the muscle is not listening to you) .
  • Pre-fatigue
The name speaks for itself. You load (up to "okolootkaza") muscle in any isolated exercise, and then seek its powerful database. For example, first you can do concentration curls triceps on the block, and then the simulator "vdarit" Bench Press narrow grip. So after all the pre-fatigue base load gets right on target.
  • Negatives
In operation, with the weights concentrated on the lowering of the lifter of gravity and not on its ascent. It is also useful to periodically add an extension to the end of the set of forces. Ie performed 12 repetitions with latching shell at two points, and the last 5-6 repetitions "sfilonili" and worked only in lower portion of the range of motion.
  • Peak reduction
At the top of the amplitude (when the muscles are fully contracted state) athlete deliberately holds ultimate power without shutting down the process of working muscle. Due to this the maximum voltage surges in blood levels of the task force.
  • Burning
Technology got its name because of the feeling it causes in the working muscle. First exercise is performed in the standard mode, but with the growth of fatigue movement began to wear a quick and short character (similarity flip) .Continuing these things mess up, as long as there is not a strong burning sensation due to the accumulation of lactatelactic acid .
Exercises and programs Pumping there a whole lot, and they all use some principles above. Consider a couple of examples of the practical work in the blood supply of the muscles.
Example №1. Pumping feet.
Feet - the largest muscle layer in the body, which responds well to a large number of repetitions. For Pumping the quadriceps would be the best options are: leg extension on the simulator sitting with lots of reps 18-20 ) and then "dobivochka" squats with weights (you can squat ) . Do 3-4 of these approaches, and your feet will always remember what Pumping :). Calves best pampingovat, using the principle of pre-fatigue. Ie first made ​​80-100 ups on your toes with its own weight, and then the wind blows on the simulator lifting of socks from a sitting position and perform 15-20 repetitions with an appropriate weight.
Example №2. Biceps and triceps.
Biceps and triceps - the muscle-antagonists, so to them most effectively apply the principle of supersets, in particular as follows: extension of the dumbbell behind the head while sitting (triceps) and the classic ascent to the top of the bar biceps from a standing position. The number of repetitions per exercise  10-12 , the number of sets 3-4 .
Example №3. Biceps.
Drop-sets are also effective technique for "compacting" the biceps and extreme blood supply. The method works as follows:
  1. warm - concentration curls with a dumbbell from a standing position (shell weight 3-5 kg, the number of repetitions 10-12 , sets, 1-2 ) ;
  2. the curl with a dumbbell large caliber (a set of 6-7 reps) ;
  3. changed hands - Repeat 2 points;
  4. change "caliber" dumbbell (weight decrease by 2.5-3 kg) and a set of 8-9 repetitions on each hand;
  5. 2 sets for each hand with decreasing weight 2.5-3 kg and increasing the number of repetitions on two .
  6. between sets - no rest;
  7. upon the completion of drag, and then cut the powerful biceps, and hold them in such a state, increasing with each passing second isometric exercise.
Well, actually, some outlines for training in the style of "Pump".
Finally I give you a few statements of the planet's most famous bodybuilder - Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • "The highest feeling that you can get in a gym - a Pumping".
  • "You have to carry heavy weights Pumping - only then will the effect."
  • "Pumping is a fantastic feeling - it is comparable to the process for me, when I get sexual pleasure."
Here such here pies. And after these words can be dispensed Pumping?


She went to the end of another article today, it was devoted to the special chip, which really helps in achieving the desired amount of muscle. I am sure that the article will be useful for you and will be useful in achieving goals. I hasten to bow out on a SIM, all the best, dear readers!
Come back often, subscribe to updates, and remember - you are the best!
PS. Do not forget about the individual zhlobometr as buttons of social networks, generous always divided.

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