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Bodybuilding - is not only tyaganie irons and straightening the grub, it's also the ability to listen to your body and to solve various production problems. On one of them, called delayed onset muscle soreness muscle , today we'll talk.After reading, you will learn that this phenomenon, what is the nature of its origin and what to do if you met him in person.
I ask everyone to the table to take their seats, we begin.

What is the delayed onset muscle soreness muscle? The physiological side of the question.

First of all I want to say that we have already touched briefly and in passing a similar theme in [ pain in the muscles after a workout ]. Today we delve into it in more detail and examine the problem from all sides. We will not raise excessive demagogy and immediately move on to the point.
So, how do you remember one of the indicators of the effective conduct of training is a pain in muscles for the next24 hours. Distinctive features or characteristics of a generic pain are:
  • fullness and swollen muscle group after training;
  • easy pleasant ache and ductility;
  • not to fulfill the usual traffic loaded muscle;
  • not long duration up to 2 days and a speedy attack.
Now, for comparison the symptoms of muscle pain with a delay, for example, when your leg workout. Typically, such a condition in the muscle I begins with a brake 24 hours and lasts, the least three days, at most 7 days. He is (in this case meaning the quadriceps) razpuhaet slightly when pressed against the hand feel fullness fascia, blood. When making a habitual movements, such as climbing stairs, you feel like the front thigh is included in the work and the slightest load begins to moan.
Often it is impossible for the morning after a workout (when friction in the morning) and get out of bed to go down a few flights of stairs, behind a newspaper. Feet are like cotton and habitual movements are not so quick and easy.With regard to the feelings of the training, I usually feel severe muscle burning, I can not exactly go through his legs give way, to mean it resembles the picture: "I'm learning to walk again" :).
Most people equate muscle pain after exercise and delayed onset muscle soreness of muscles, in fact, two different things. Well, let's deal with it.
In the foreign literature is called delayed onset muscle soreness muscle DOMS or delayed muscle soreness. This muscular attack, which affects almost every person who has been active sports activities. Some syndrome DOMScomes only occasionally, and some suffer from them on a regular basis.
Delayed onset muscle soreness of muscles affects all aspects of the preparation of an athlete, in particular, it affects:
  • labor intensity;
  • muscle strength / weight;
  • body composition;
  • hormone levels;
  • processes anabolic / catabolic and recovery.
All further narration will be divided into sub-chapters for better assimilation of the material.
What is DOMS?
It is a debilitating and painful condition of the muscles, which is different from the usual pain (Regular Muscle Soreness) , its seriousness, duration and occurrence of causal factors. Typically, delayed onset muscle soreness muscle keeps a lot longer than the pain after a hard workout performed.
If we evaluate the visual side, the difference between the ordinary and "enslaved" muscle as follows.
normal muscle and pain
Where there is delayed onset muscle soreness muscle?
Until recently it was thought that the cause of DOMS was lactate accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue. But a new study has (University of Applied Physiology in Louisiana) denied this hypothesis. Now it is absolutely certain that the usual muscle pain occurs mainly due to structural damage to muscle fibers, microtraumas. Delayed onset muscle soreness is a result of the feedback of the organism (its inflammatory response) to perform various exercises person.
The concentration of lactate lactic acid reaches the level of rest after 20-40 minutes after exercise. Therefore, it can not cause delayed onset muscle soreness of muscles.
Today, scientists know that DOMS is influenced by:
  1. athlete athletic form, age and musculoskeletal system. Your degree of physical fitness to loads, i.e. how the body is adapted to the training will determine the body's inflammatory response to exercise. Young athletes are DOMS as their bodies have not fully developed for heavy and intensive training. Age athletes are DOMSbecause of their age, hormonal status, and reduce slow recovery processes;
  2. Structural damage to muscles and tendons. They contribute to delayed onset muscle soreness of muscles, but due to the inflammatory response to muscle injury;
  3. inflammatory response system. During weight training body launches pro-inflammatory response system that draws water to the affected areas of the body. This leads to swelling and increased sensitivity to pain when performing the exercises.
Delayed onset muscle soreness muscle affects all athletes at some stage of his training climb to Olympus.
DOMS is most often arises when I have the place to be for long periods of training (for example, go on vacation or seriously ill) . Also, the implementation of new exercises and a change of trainers, may be the cause of delayed onset muscle soreness. The sharp increase in the duration and intensity can lead to pain with zapazdaniem. Exercises with a greater emphasis on the eccentric (lengthening / stretching) play a significant role in the manifestation of "brake" pain and are the main initiator.
The mechanism of DOMS
Next image easily and clearly help to understand the mechanism of delayed onset muscle soreness of muscles.
the mechanism of occurrence of delayed onset muscle soreness muscle
Muscle pain, good or bad?
I am often asked: "muscle pain - is it good or bad?". You can not give a definite answer categorically. On the one hand it is a sure sign that the load is received for training, it has caused a necessary and sufficient for the growth, muscle damage. Ultimately, this will lead to positive pain muscle adaptation and make your muscles bigger, stronger, protecting them from further damage.
The harder we exercise, the greater the pain must feel our muscles.
On the other hand, the constant "batches" and stress to the muscles - is the brake fluid for the quality of their development. You can drive your body so that it simply does not remain free reserves to start the anabolic processes.
Conclusion - around the need to seek a middle ground.
The pain in the muscles and delayed onset muscle soreness - a sure sign that I will build more muscle?
No, but the tools that increase the chances to do it.
Total exists in nature 3 key to muscle hypertrophy:
  1. mechanical tension;
  2. metabolic stress;
  3. muscle injury (microtrauma) .
In terms of DOMS we are most interested in microtraumas after training. It is this disturbing factor contributes to hypertrophy, although he is not the only and necessary (muscle growth can occur without microtrauma, under the influence of the first two factors) .
In the study, Dr. Schoenfeld and Contreras (US) says so on the muscle pain / delayed onset muscle soreness and hypertrophy: "... DOMS says only a certain degree of damage to muscle tissue, it is not the ultimate measure of this phenomenon. You should not feel pain in the muscles after exercise to build muscle. You should not be relied upon as an accurate indicator of productive employment. "
Thus, we have thoroughly studied the theoretical side of the question of muscle pain and delayed onset muscle soreness. It's time to move on to the practical part of the article and learn how to avoid or reverse the effects.

Delayed onset muscle soreness of muscles: the practical side of the issue.

Few of the gym wants to (and able) to endure the pain of muscle, it's not nice nifiga. Especially if you are new and it is your first soreness after exercise. I will say on their own emotions during these periods are twofold: on the one hand - you know, that he had made ​​a good stimulus for muscle growth, but on the other - you feel complete wreck :)for several days. Your humble servant has become accustomed to this state, and vice versa, even looking for it, but someone it can scare from training and generally make the goal to go to the gym.
The output in this situation is the knowledge of techniques / methods, and a variety of practical pieces that are able to prevent and alleviate the suffering of the "Iron Man".
muscle pain how to treat
Now we look at them and start with ...
I. Advice on how to prevent muscle soreness after exercise.
It is impossible to completely prevent muscle pain, but to reduce their intensity and duration of pain are quite capable of anyone. To do this, follow these tips and tricks.
№1. Do not rush time and progresses slowly.
Remember the famous phrase of Neil Armstrong: "It's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." So, the most important method of prevention - a gradual increase in exercise time, balance and intensity. Add to your post just 1 kg - well, ran for 30 seconds more, great! The main sequence and smooth progression. Use the rule of 10% for the week. Ie let your weight dumbbell in the beginning of the week (in the first training) 10 kg, it means the end of the week (in the third training) it should be 11 kg.
№2. Help from the outside.
Often you can see in the gym / fitness room, the equipment used to visit not earmarked, ie a misunderstood principle of the simulator, or the exercise is done correctly. All this could eventually result in muscle spasms and irregular muscle pain. Therefore, use a hint - "help room coach, "Take some advice. Let him hold you for a pen in the hall and show you how and what you need to properly and safely perform various types of simulators .
№3. Easy job.
Before proceeding to the working weights performed in a given amount of reps and reps , start the exercise with light weights and lots of repetitions 10-12 ) .
№4. Training - is not always good.
We are all humans and dependent on external circumstances. Therefore, each of us must adapt to them. That's what I mean. You planned day lethal training in day Saturday. But your plans violated the circumstances - all night galdeli neighbors and did not allow you to fall asleep on the job at ventilate air conditioning and simple, cut off the hot water and you do not have time to cook the grub and a good workout to refuel.
All this seemingly everyday things, but their synergistic effect is able to negatively affect the training process, up to the injury. So you do not talk into the trouble occurred: "I'm still thinking that can not walk?" - Better do not go, then all catch.
№5. Avoid dehydration.
Man - this is a walking gidrostruktura. Muscles are composed to 70% of water, so a small amount of this important electrolyte can cause muscle pain. During physical activity, the person should drink a lot of water more that For example, if your weight is 60 kilograms, divide by 30 , we get 2 liters - a standard rate of water consumption per day. Add to it even 0.5 liters and get the figure covering the water needs during exercise.
Additionally, you must drink plenty of during training to effectively deliver the water to your muscles the nutrients, and the blood is not thickened muscle and did not experience oxygen starvation. These preventive measures will help as little as possible to feel pain in the muscles.
Now let's go over ...
II. Tips on how to deal (in fact) with delayed onset muscle soreness of muscles.
Below we look at a couple of tips that will reduce already have pain in the muscles. To those include:
№1. Acupuncture.
Methods of alternative medicine allows unleash serious muscle and bring them into the former tone. The meaning of the procedure is that the pad is made ​​of you, which are stuck (in certain places) needles. During the procedure, you become like a hedgehog. This procedure allows to remove clips of the muscles and often resort to it even professional bodybuilders.
№2. Massage and chiropractic.
Manual procedures - helps reduce pain and swelling of the muscles. So take a couple of massages - it is better that it was a person with strong hands, not just relaxing strokes.
№3. Prolonged rest.
Budget option, which is perezhidanii and hope that everything will resolve itself :). Most often, pain passes when a person provides a calm body (no physical activity in the room) for 2-5 days. Do you want to make sure that the time really heals, then this is your option.
№4. Non-steroidal drugs.
The following pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory - aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium or Nurofen, you can temporarily reduce the muscle soreness. However, remember that they can not sit down and also undesirable to use before training.
№5. Sports nutrition.
The following types of sports nutrition - amino acids with branched side chain BCAA ) and glutamine, are designed to reduce the pain in the muscles and speed up their recovery. Supplements can be taken after or during a workout.
Well, that's probably all for today. Now you know what a delayed onset muscle soreness, why it occurs and how to effectively deal with it.


Another article written today we met (in more detail) to the phenomenon of delayed onset muscle soreness of muscles . I'd love to have all of the articles you have made ​​the following conclusion: muscle pain - is the body's feedback tool that helps him grow qualitatively and quantitatively. They need to learn how to effectively use to their advantage and while progress is not long to wait.
On the sim all industrial success and see you soon!
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