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My compliments to the ladies and gentlemen!
In this article, we are obliged me to Paul, Oleg, Valentino and other ilk male readers project Bodybuilding Online .They were asked the question: "Asymmetry muscles what to do?" Via the feedback form and wanted to get a detailed answer. What is wanted, then it turns out well!
So, my dear Sid, will start broadcasting.

What is the asymmetry of the muscles? Nonfictional theory.

I think everyone who reads these lines arises situevina in the gym, when you do exercise, for example, alternate lifting dumbbells for biceps and suddenly you realize that the left hand did not furychit - not pulling the weight, and the right can still easily perform 2-3 repetitions. Familiar, is not it? Also be sure some of you are faced with imbalances or muscle asymmetry - is when you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that the left breast over the right or left biceps more rights. The training is manifested by the appearance of the leading (picks up the load) and slave (lagging) muscles. The result is that an athlete can not fully load the muscles and are always one or another muscle group (mirrored its equivalent) is nedotrenirovannoy. Upon visual inspection of his calf turns out that a muscle ahead in the development of his brother.
What to do, ie how to get out of this situation - to restore balance and generally, that such asymmetry of the muscles we look at next.
For a better assimilation of the material all further narration will be divided into sub-chapters.
Muscle imbalance - something with which most people face in their training (not necessarily exactly the Iron) . It implies that the force (and / or size) muscle on one side of the body is not uniform / symmetric other side.
Asymmetry can be shown:
  • in a particular sport (eg tennis, golf) , where one side of the body more than the other involved;
  • when the athlete performs the same actions over and over again - the so-called biomechanical cause of repetitive movements in one direction or prolonged postures;
  • because neuromuscular imbalance in the investigation of individual predisposition muscle groups to be strong or weak;
  • people having limbs of different length.
It lists some of the possible causes of muscle asymmetry, also makes a significant contribution here krivost the spine - a deviation from the normal parameters. Look at the physiological signals corresponding to muscle activity (EMG) , and heat maps of the human body and the ideal standard case.
perfect spine scoliosis there
These images help doctors identify patients soft tissue injuries, muscle imbalance in development and the degree of curvature of the spine.
It is said that the ideal "flat" people do not have and this is due to fetal development. All of us are in the initial position up in the womb and already there starts to be put extent "krivosti" our spine. So if you think that scoliosis(lateral deviation of the spine from the normal situation rectified) - is purely your chip, then it is not, it is almost all, only its degree is different.
So, with that understood, now in more detail and talk about science ...
Asymmetry of muscles: what's what and why
Movement and function of a person require him to balance muscle length and strength between opposing muscles surrounding the joint. Most of the joints in the body have two or more separate and opposing sets of muscles acting on it. Muscular balance - is equal to the sum of the opposing forces between the muscles that you need to keep focused (centered) position of the bones in the joint during movement. On the other hand muscle imbalance occurs, when the opposing muscles provide various directions of tension in consequence of hesitation or weakness.
To understand what was going on, look at the following image.
how there is an asymmetry of muscle
With regard to the asymmetry of it may be different, in particular as follows:
  • front and rear - for example, back behind the chest;
  • left and right - with one hand / foot larger than the other;
  • the upper and lower part of the body - a massive upper hand on chicken legs.
Regarding the muscle groups, the most frequently observed asymmetry between:
  • shins and hands;
  • biceps and triceps;
  • trapeze and shoulders;
  • head deltas (front, middle, back) ;
  • head of the triceps (lateral, medial, length) ;
  • forearms and upper arms.
Asymmetry of muscles usually occurs in the early stages of training. Once you start the exercise the brain evaluates a side of the body it is easier to perform the task. The body then sets the favorable nature of the movement (puts into his memory) , resulting in the increase of power and volume is uneven - the most commonly used areas is increasing rapidly. Over time, a fine line is increased, resulting in a constant "pull up" the load muscle group becomes dominant(stronger endurance, volume) . So there is asymmetry.
How to prevent muscle imbalance? Practical advice.
Bodybuilding is not just muscle mass - is primarily a perfect proportions and symmetry. Of course mere mortals need not become a sculpture with perfect circular shape, but to get some aesthetic body would not be bad.
Actually, let it will study.
So there are actually two types of movements that can be done - bilateral and unilateral. Bilateral - when the athlete is using two limbs (hands, feet) at the same time, for example, lifting barbells biceps. Unilateral - when one limb is used, for example, lifting a dumbbell hammer grip. Sometimes muscle grow larger on one side than the other and it is connected with the dominant side of the body. Leading is always trying to redefine and do all the work. If we talk about the hands / feet, the leading right-handers is the right, left-handed, respectively - left.
To restore the balance, that is, tjagat equally different parties (and equalize the volume) must adhere to the following tips:
№1. The use of unilateral exercises
Add in their current PT greater unilateral exercise - this will allow the body to isolate one side from the other. Use dumbbells for these purposes, single modular cables and any equipment that will help to focus on the weak side of the body. Also, if possible avoid the use of simulators and more free weights.
№2. Balance reps
Adjust the number of repetitions per exercise according to your weaknesses. To begin with you need to exercise and perform the trailing portion as long as it (for example, a weak left hand) will not give up, and the right can still perform, but the approach must be ended. As a result, the dominant party will be slightly nedotrenirovana that will allow the lagging progress and catch up.
№3. Proper technique and flexibility
The correct form of exercise with the anatomical features allow to correct asymmetry. Pre-heating of muscles and hitch / stretching at the end of training, with emphasis on the weak side, will also help in the fight against muscular imbalance.
№4. Strengthening the internal muscles and ligaments
Do not forget about the internal ligaments and muscles (deep layers) . Strong superficial muscles with weak ligaments / muscles weak bark - it's like a big building without a solid foundation. Use exercises such as rotation with a dumbbell at strengthening the rotator cuff, side bends with a barbell on your shoulders, raising the legs and body from a prone position, the bar.
Exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments bark
№5. Collect more mass
The more muscle mass of the athlete, the less visually noticeable imbalance and asymmetry, ie, differences are leveled. So try to get more lean muscle mass.
№6. Increased strength of the weaker party
When you exercise, try consciously to lay more stress on the lagging muscle, as if pulling them to the dominant. So for example, in thoracic asymmetry can be made ​​with different weight bench on the sides, a larger - 3-5% for laggards. For example, you have the left breast, more than the right, then throws left 50 kg, and the right - 52 kg and click in this mode. With dumbbells, you can do the same. Regarding the asymmetry of the biceps can do so.During lifting barbell biceps, move the arm at a lower biceps near the center of the neck, and the other left in place.
We go further and go to the practical part, namely ...

The training program to get rid of muscle asymmetry

The main rule to remember in order to eliminate muscle imbalance is that working through these muscle groups to be trained well and their antagonists (and not necessarily in the same workout) . In particular, here is a list of groups of muscles:
  • chest and back;
  • Press and extensors of the spine;
  • biceps and triceps;
  • quadriceps and hamstrings;
  • caviar and tibial muscles.
Make sure that your current PT gives the muscles antagonists equal share of the training load. So you hover balance and build a harmoniously developed body.
Further understanding of the anatomy of the muscles and kinesiology (the functions and movements) will correctly select the exercises and incorporate them into their training days. As an example, take the bench press , which in addition to infants influences the front delts, triceps are also connected. So many other exercises - indirectly loaded non-core muscles. In this case (at the bench) fall back delta. Therefore, in the days of separate training necessary to work through shoulder rear beams (both loses load in basic exercises for a week) , rather than "hollow" front and middle of the head.
Now let's look at specific routines to eliminate muscle imbalances.
PT №1. Remove the thoracic asymmetry.
  • barbell bench press at an angle up 4 sets, 8-12 reps;
  • dumbbell bench press with one hand, 4 sets, 8-12 reps.
  • dips, 3 sets, 8-12 reps;
  • breeding dumbbell with one hand, 3 sets, 8-12 reps.
how to correct the asymmetry of the thoracic program
PT №2. Remove the asymmetry deltas.
  • abduction of one hand on the lower block, 3 sets, 12-15 reps;
  • broaching the bar to the chest, 3 sets, 8-12 reps.
  • Breeding of dumbbells in the slope, 3 sets, 10-12 reps .;
  • dumbbell bench press standing up 3 sets, 12-15 reps.
how to correct the asymmetry of shoulder program
Between sets 1 minute rest, and soon you will be able to watch the picture of the growth of lagging regions.
In general, in order to avoid asymmetry (preventive measures) is necessary to use a special type of training - a balanced exercise program . It's such a FET, which also focuses on several muscle groups.
It may look like this:
  • squats on his shoulders, 3x12 / 10/8 ;
  • bench dumbbell lying on the horizontal bar, 3x12 / 10/8 ;
  • pull the lower unit to the housing, 3x12 ;
  • pull-ups, 2 to failure;
  • push-ups, 2 to failure;
  • bending the legs in the simulator, 3 × 15/10/15 ;
  • twisting the casing at fitbole, 2 × 25 ;
  • bike, 3 × 30 seconds.
Asymmetry muscles training program, exercise
Such a program is periodically scrolled (twice a week, every 2-3 months) , then you definitely will not have any muscle asymmetry.
Well, that's probably all what we would like to report to sum up the left and podosvidankatsya :).


Today we discussed the question of the asymmetry of the muscles. You will now be possible even and proportionate, and therefore will look spectacular.
Something like this, was glad to write to you until we meet again!
PS. And you have all the same or slightly mow?
PPS. Did the project? Then leave a link to it in the status of their social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

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