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My respects, friend and battle friends!
Today we will never ordinary paper, and it will be devoted to the phenomenon of brain-muscle connection. I am sure each of you has at least once heard about it from more experienced colleagues down the hall or personal trainers, but what it is in practice, and how to feel - is quite another question, which is usually difficult to hear a clear answer. So in this article we will learn all about this mental connection, talk about how it works, how to pump and what tools to use to increase.
In general, everything is delicious, so let's get down to broadcasting.

In writing of this creation :)I pushed the flow beginners who in the spring and summer flooded stream in a myriad gyms and decided to join the slender ranks of slender kachatsya and fitness ladies. Well, quite a commendable first step - well done, keep it up! Of course, many of them will not survive the heating iron and passions merge in the first month, but there's no escape, will remain the most stubborn and disciplined. Anyway, back to the story.
As usual, I watched with one eye open for the "youngsters" (with all of them / you respect) and by tradition to celebrate more and more mistakes and krivosti in training. Technical errors - they occur at all, but the constant practice allows, over time, reduce them to a minimum or avoided altogether. Yes, and the information about the exercises abound. Therefore, the technique I hardly watched me drew another interesting aspect that few places covered and about which few people said of the newcomers, and his name - communication brain-muscle .
For those who do not know, in practice it is the following situation. Newbie starting the exercise (and most bench press, because it is the most promoted), and then his body starts to literally prescribe a pretzel - shaking hands, moving out of sync and discord, raise / lower shell performed konvulsionnymi frictions. All this does not occur because of the large weight of the bar, but because of the still weak mental connection between the brain and muscles. This channel transmits nerve impulses are so frail that he could not (even if the person knows the technical side of performance) will help organize other performance exercise. On what work should be carried out to strengthen this connection, and in general about the mechanisms of muscle work, and we'll talk further.
For a better assimilation of the material, all further information will be broken down into sub-chapters.
So, let's dive into our favorite theory and examine ...
№1. As muscles work?
The following image is intended to answer the question.
how the muscles
Generally, the muscles of man may be in three states:
  • relaxed (relax) ;
  • stretched (stretch) ;
  • Short (Contraction) .
muscles in three states
If viewed from a technical point of view, the reduction - should reduce the muscle, but in practice we mean by these different actions. Although only one fits that definition. Not all athletes want to dive into the intricacies anatomical muscle, and therefore are not aware that skeletal muscle have several different options for reduction.
There are two basic types of muscle contractions - isometric and isotonic. In the first - the length of the muscle when the movement remains constant (unchanged) . When isotonic - there is a change in muscle length during operation against external forces. There are also two types of isotonic contraction - concentric and eccentric. When concentric - muscles are shortened and compressed, for example by demonstrating biceps. When the eccentric muscle lengthening during contraction.
To understand what is at stake, the following visual representation of different types of muscle contractions.
types of muscle contractions
№2. How does the brain-muscle connection?
I think you noticed for experienced builders that they are able to load (drain resources) muscles even with low weight, if not with a blank stamp. Members may also be to drag tons of iron, and the effect would be almost zero.This raises a reasonable question - why? And what is the reason for this metamorphosis?
The answer is very simple - from professional athletes to better times been established mental mind-muscle connection. This relationship is a special stable channel induced muscle between the unit and the cortex of the human brain. Through it, the signal is transmitted from the control center to the coached muscle.
Communication brain-muscle has a dual nature, ie brain sends a signal to the muscle, and they in turn provide feedback in the form of feedback. Consequently, the activity of the muscles, the greater the pulse goes to the brain. In order to develop the mind-muscle connection, pro-bodybuilders use process visualization. This is when to exercise (and of course) in the head scroll process of pumping and relaxation.
The force, which creates muscle varies (can be reduced a lot or a little) and depends on the signal that sends nerve.All that makes the muscle - creates a compressive force. In the course of any given exercise (eg, the rise of the biceps) brain, besides the fact that you need to find out which muscles should be cut and in what order, it is also necessary to evaluate the force required to lift dumbbells.
The evaluation of such work produces several regions of the brain that are involved in motor function. Let's take a closer look at the main cortical areas responsible for the operation of the musculoskeletal system.
cortical areas of the musculoskeletal system
The main motor cortex (M1) lies along the precentral gyrus and generates signals that control the execution of the movement. The secondary motor areas involved in planning movements. The primary motor cortex (M1)  is one of the main areas of the brain involved in motor function. M1 is located in the frontal lobe of the brain along with the "bump", which is called the precentral gyrus.
The role of the primary motor cortex - the creation of nerve impulses that control the execution of the movement.The signal from M1 crosses the midline, to activate the skeletal muscle at the opposite side of the body, which means that the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere - left.
Each body part is represented on the primary motor cortex, and these representations somatotipichny - foot (foot), followed by a leg (leg) , which is adjacent to the torso (trunk) , followed by the shoulder (arm) , hand (hand) , etc.
the primary motor cortex and responsible part of the body
The number of gray matter dedicated to a particular part of the body is the size of the control that the primary motor cortex is over that part of the body. For example, many of the cortical space is required to control complex movements of hands and fingers. Therefore these parts of the body have more representation in the cortex M1 than the torso or legs, muscle models are relatively simple. This disproportionate map of the body in the motor cortex called the motor homunculus (see. figure above) .
Other regions of the cortex involved in motor functions are called secondary motor centers. They include the posterior parietal cortex, the premotor cortex (PMA) , and supplementary motor area (SMA) . Posterior parietal cortex is involved in the transformation of visual information into motor commands. Posterior parietal cortex is involved in determining how to direct the arm with respect to the dumbbell, where it is in space. It sends this information to the premotor cortex (PMA) and SMA-region. Premotor cortex lies right in front of M1. This allows for precise guidance and control of the more intimate muscles and muscles of the body.
Bleeding brain-muscle connection, on average, takes about 3 to 5 months of constant training in the hall.
SMA-region lies above and medial to the PMA, it is involved in the planning and coordination of complex movements of two-handed movements (for example, lifting the bar for biceps) . SMA and premotor cortex regions send information to the CIA M1, and brain stem motor region. Neurons of the M1, SMA and premotor cortex come to corticospinal tract fibers. Corticospinal tract is the only direct route from the cerebral cortex to the spine and consists of more than a million fibers. These fibers descend along the vertebral column, where the majority of them goes to the opposite side of the body. After crossing the fibers continue to descend on it, resulting in the corresponding spinal levels.
Corticospinal tract is the main channel for controlling voluntary movements of the body of man. There are other motor channels that originate from basal groups of neurons (nuclei) . They control your posture and balance, gross muscle movements neighbors, as well as coordinate the head, neck and eye movements in response to visual observations.
It is not necessary to thoroughly understand the relationships that occur between the brain and muscles, so do not worry if the information is poorly absorbed.
The spinal cord is composed of white and gray matter. White matter consists of nerve fibers, extending through the spine. The gray matter consists of a cell phone, including motor neurons and interneurons.
By itself, the "conversation" muscle-brain (or scientific, cortical control of skeletal muscle) as follows. Click on the icon «Click here to Start» to start the animation.

Signals generated in the primary motor cortex, go down corticospinal tract (green) through the white matter of the spinal cord in synapses on interneurons and motor neurons in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. In turn, the latter neurons send their axons (blue) through the ventral roots to innervate individual muscle fibers. In this example, the signal from M1 passes through the corticospinal tract and is of about the sixth cervical spine level.
Peripheral motor neurons transmit a signal up to activate a group of myofibrils in the biceps, as a result, the muscle contracts. Taken together, the ventral horn motor neurons, axons and its myofibrils are called single motor block(EDB) .
Lower motor neurons innervate usually smaller muscle fibers. Motor neurons innervate are any number of muscle fibers, but each fiber is innervated by only one motor neuron. When motor neurons are activated, the muscle fibers contract.
In a schematic illustration, this process looks like.
connection cord with muscles
In the spine, there are two types of motor neurons - alpha and gamma motor neurons. Alfa motor neurons innervate the muscle fibers, which contribute to the development of strength.Gamma Moto neurons innervate fibers in the muscle spindles - the structure inside the muscle, which is responsible for the length and degree of stretching muscles.
Global conclusion: value of the motor unit and the number of fibers, which is excited to contribute to the force of muscle contraction and, as a consequence, the weight lifted weights. Consequently, the "thicker" the channel becomes brain-muscle, the higher quality will flow nakachatelnaya work actively to increase the weight of the workers. So, before you approach the projectile, you need a good "Bugger" your brain - or to learn how to call the state of the release of anger, or the methods used outside, for example, the music for the workout .
Uff-Q, with the theory sort of finished. Joke - this is only the beginning. No, everything, to the practical side of the issue.

The benefits of bodybuilding for the brain. As the bleed connection -myshtsy brain?

Many still consider bullies stupid fellow, a la wardrobe in shorts. In fact, if a person is able to pump more or less visible muscles - the brain and did not go unnoticed, because communication (as we already knew)  straight. So, ladies, if you are looking for Me "distant Man", then you are welcome in the room :).
As bodybuilding consists of:
  • regular exercise;
  • the organization of proper nutrition and diet;
  • large amount of recovery.
All these three components are useful for the cranium in an attempt to increase its capacity and, as a consequence, the thickness of the channel-brain muscle.
Let's go through the list.
№1. Exercise and the Brain.
By itself, any regular physical activity is very useful for the brain, because:
  • It improves blood circulation;
  • It improves the level of saturation of the blood with oxygen;
  • improves mood, relieves stress;
  • It accelerates the removal of waste produced by the brain.
3-5 workouts a week (for 45-90 minutes each) , preferably aimed at training the entire body - is optimal for pumping its "myslitelki." At least  two of them must be aerobic (for 30-45 minutes) , i.e. any type of cardio. Perfect running in the woods, hills, and where the air is discharged, and a person may experience oxygen starvation (mountainous terrain) . Stretching exercises the whole body are also the place to be included in the training program for brain bleeding.
№2. The best foods for your brain.
The following products will provide your brain needs for optimal functioning of its nutrients. Turn them into your meal plan on a weekly basis. So, eat:
  • Bilberry - improves motor skills and memory. It contains carbohydrates, high in fiber and antioxidants, which help to get rid of free radicals;
  • fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel) - contains protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which improve communication between neurons, increase the ability to learn and improve heart health;
  • lean meat (beef steak, tenderloin) - contains high-quality protein and amino acid tyrosine, which is entering the brain increases its vigor;
  • whole grains - whole wheat bread, bran. They contain a lot of carbohydrates and kletchatki.Oni improve blood flow to the brain and help to reduce the risk of heart disease;
  • dairy products - milk and yogurt with high protein content. They contain tyrosine - amino acid that increases alertness brain;
  • Broccoli - contains carbohydrates and antioxidants that help protect the brain;
  • Avocados - is an excellent source of monounsaturated fat, which improves blood flow to the organ system, including the brain and reduces the blood pressure;
  • nuts (almonds, walnuts) - contain protein and vitamin E, which improves the functioning of the brain.
Walnuts are very useful for the brain, no wonder they are similar in structure to the brain from the grooves. Napoleon liked to charge their brains walnuts with a spoon of honey.
№3. Recovery.
Recovery through rest and sleep increases the "power" of the brain. For the full restoration of the brain takes about6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. The optimal time for recovery of the brain after a hard training 2-3 days before the next class.
Actually, I have everything today, all questions are considered, then, it remains only podosvidankatsya :).


Well, my dear readers, we dismantled topic - bodybuilding and communication brain-muscle . I am sure you realize that bodybuilding will help you not only get a formless body, but also to develop their intellectual capacity. Well, what girl can resist such a superman? Similarly, no - go!
PS. The most brainy cherkanut ask a couple of lines of comments, check the beginning of the article you have to act!
PPS. Did the project? Then leave a link to it in the status of their social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.


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