/ Anabolic agents in food. A natural way to build body. April 5th, 2013 Dmitry Protasov
Anabolic agents in food. A natural way to build body. April 5th, 2013 Dmitry Protasov
Posted by: Dicker Cintia Posted date: 6:44 AM / comment : 0
Hello, Connected "ABCs of Bodybuilding"!
I have said many times that against the fact that novice athletes, bodybuilders (especially not competing) was used for the growth of its power performance and muscle mass some chemistry related to the class - anabolic agents .Even say more, I believe that without them could do everyone who cares not momentary, and the "long-playing" result.
Today we come to the very delicate question of anabolic agents and consider only the main points, namely: what is it and what classes exist. In addition, we will learn about the most powerful natural anabolic providing high-quality muscle growth, ie, let's talk about food.
So, all in the collection, and we begin to ...
What are anabolic agents? Introduction to the Theory.
It is important at the initial stage bodybuilding keep beginners from any rash decisions towards the use of different chemical "accelerators" of growth. Often, it is tempting for beginners to somehow spur their muscles to grow faster, and then they (to some extent) , you can understand, because they come in the room and all around are already "matured" pitching, and you're on their background is somehow lost.
And then in the head involuntarily start to climb all sorts of thoughts like "something is wrong", "kind of a setup," "can, something I do not know?". And often it turns out that they just do not know - what is the basic exercises , how to eat properly , that there is some exercise equipment and more. So, the easiest way out - the use of "Farm".However, I assure you, dear reader, you can do without them. To do this, you just need to know how to approach this issue. So there you go deal with our chemistry :).
Generally, Science, anabolic agents - is drugs / substances that stimulate protein synthesis in the body. In other words, these are substances that promote accelerated formation and updating of the structural parts of cells, tissues and muscles. Also, they promote calcium fixation in bones, which results in increased skeletal muscle mass. If we consider this definition is somewhat broader, the anabolics - is all that helps the body grow. Therefore, cheese and eggs can also be attributed to the latter, because they help to move the nitrogen balance in a positive way, so - promote growth.
Note:Nitrogen balance - the difference between the amount of nitrogen entering the body with food, and isolated from it (usually in the form of salts and urea) .
When it comes to pro bodybuilding, then everyone knows that anabolic steroids - it is forbidden (by law) drugs, leading to an increase in muscle strength and performance through the impact on the body and accelerate the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones (with the accumulation of energy) .
Anabolic steroids are divided into:
- steroid (androgen) - the most powerful class of performance-enhancing drugs;
- Nonsteroidal.
In general, the following five main groups of doping:
- anabolic steroids ;
- growth hormone;
- insulin;
- Anti-side;
- "Drying" drugs - to draw the muscles.
Note:Methane - the most famous anabolic steroid.
Very often athletes chemists for maximum effect use an explosive mixture of combining multiple drugs. In this case, it triggered synergies and increase performance much better. A positive functional effects on the body anabolic manifested in: 1) a sharp increase in appetite (we can say that it becomes a "wolf"), 2) accelerating the recovery processes 3) increasing endurance and performance (how to become a walking "energizer") 4) weight gain 5 ) decrease fat 6) increase blood supply vessels. It is said that the side effects can be easily (once and for all) erase short-term effects from the use of this kind of doping.
In general, the topic of anabolic steroids (in terms of process chemistry) - subject to a number of articles. Yes, even though they are dangerous for the body, but to know how and what it takes and what it cost to make conclusions - you need to know, and therefore, to highlight this issue is, and very thorough. In the meantime, we will focus on natural methods, and then to remember the basic rule - for the predominance of the process of muscle growth(anabolism) over their destruction (catabolism) , sufficient use of anabolic agents of natural origin, as well as some techniques that increase the body's hormones.
So let's take a closer look ...
Top 10 natural anabolics, forcing the muscles to grow
We all have our own "food basket" that we use every day. For the most part the majority of athletes, bodybuilders try to adhere to the principles laid down in the food pyramid . However, in addition to the "basic" product in the diet of athletes you can find products that have a high biological value and good anabolic effect.
These products include ...
Green tea
In addition, it promotes weight loss, it also restores the bone structure (joints) , cleanses the liver, promote active fat digestion and prevents the risk of cardiovascular diseases. And all this is due to the active substance(boiflavonoidu) - EGCG. It is understood that no matter how useful product may be, there is the most preferred dosage for the body.
Dosage : One medium cup (250 ml) will provide your body with 200 mg of EGCG. On the day can be used to threesuch plates ( 500-750 ml) .
A very controversial product in terms of health benefits, because many people say that it adversely affects the heart.But for bodybuilders - it's a very valuable drink, as In addition to improving efficiency, it has a thermogenic effect("melt" them) on fats. Drinking coffee for 1 hour prior to exercise, you reduce the "threshold" of your muscles, ie,You can train more intensively.
Dosage : You should drink 1-2 cups of brewed coffee averages. On average, you will receive 100-200 mg of caffeine per day. Here the main emphasis on the fact that the very cooked. If instant coffee (in bags not more than 80-90 mg of caffeine) , then it is better not to drink this drink.
This yoghurt - is a product obtained by adding certain types of bacteria in the milk. They convert lactose into lactic acid, and make yoghurt and sour thick. Also, these live cultures allow a long time to maintain an anabolic state in the digestive tract by reducing its microflora. Yogurt contributes to a better and faster absorption of protein .Furthermore, it is the source of milk protein and calcium, which also has a positive effect on muscle growth.
Dosage : This fermented milk product can be used at any time, except for the period - before and immediately after exercise. In 100 gr. product often contains 100-130 calories, protein - 7.5 g, carbohydrates - 15 g, fat - 4 grams, calcium - up to 500 mg of glutamine - more than 1 g. Of course, look at the date of issue and expiry, because every minute of biologically active bacteria is getting smaller, which means that the anabolic properties of the "melt in the eyes."
Did you know that citrus fruits (such as pomelo, grapefruit) help burn fat in the abdominal area, so if you are working on abdominal muscles, eat plenty of them. Grapefruit lowers blood glucose and insulin, this is due to their content of soluble fiber pectin. They prevent the entry of carbohydrates into the blood, which leads to a decrease in insulin levels.
Dosage : Consume 1 whole grapefruit ( 2 times a day) , because it contains only 30 calories, 2 grams fiber, 20 grams of carbohydrates and 90 grams of vitamin C. Do not eat within 2 hours after exercise.
It reduces the level of involvement of estrogen in the process of accumulating fat and enhances the anabolic effects of testosterone.
Dosage : You can eat 1-2 cups fresh or boiled broccoli, and then you are guaranteed to receive a 90 mg of vitamin C and more than 45 mg of calcium.
Remember, was once cartoon about Papaya Sailor, who always "cracked" spinach was strong? So, all this is no accident, because it contains a lot of glutamine - an amino acid that promotes muscle growth and increase immunity.Also spinach makes your muscles stronger, thanks octacosanol. Since Spinach is, in fact 90% water, it must be consumed in sufficient quantities and fresh.
Dosage : Eat at one time ( 2-3 times per week) to 300 grams. spinach leaves, thus you yourself will provide 22calories, 1g. glutamine, 3 c. protein, 5 g. fiber, 280 mg calcium, 70 mg of vitamin C. Before training spinach is better not to include in your diet.
It reduces the level of estrogen accelerates the digestion process and prevents the body to store fat. Antioxidant - apigenin (a part of the parsley) protects the DNA from oxidation cell, thus maintaining muscle cells and skin healthy.
Dosage : Eat in a salad, and separately - in its pure form, in the amount of 2-3 beam, 1-2 times per week, thus you yourself will provide 10 mg apegenina.
It contains two of the most valuable substances for the body - lycopene and quercetin. The first protects the body against heart disease and male disease, prostatitis. The second - to prevent clogging of the arteries, allowing blood to circulate more actively. Quercetin also helps your muscles recover faster after an exhausting workout.
Dosage : It is said that it is better not to eat tomatoes and their derivatives: Sauces, juices and the like, because they lycopene is more active. One cup of tomato juice contains up to 25 mg of lycopene, whereas the average total tomato 3 mg. In general, a day should eat up to 5 tomatoes.
Salad onion
Its pungent odor has acquired through being in its composition sulfur components. Onions contain a useful component as APDS - it increases the secretion of insulin. It is best to use it (oddly enough) a protein-carbohydrate drink after a workout because it helps the body to better absorb all the necessary material.
Dosage : small onion salad (purple) onions after a workout. The optimal solution can be scrambled 6-7 egg whites flavored with onions and tomatoes. Oh, I already salivating flowed :).
Occasionally one of the athletes can be found in the diet of fish such as herring. Do not know if the entire fault of the Soviet film in which the main character said, "how disgusting your jellied fish .." (implying a herring under a fur coat) . It is worth knowing that this fish contains the highest (among currently known products) creatine. He, in turn, is one of the important nutrients and energy components of the muscle. It not only allows to increase their volume, but also increases the intensity of the workout. In addition, it accelerates the delivery of nutrients to the muscles, which ultimately has a positive effect on the course of their growth and repair.
Dosage : 200-250 g of herring (for 1-2 hours before exercise) will provide your body with 17 grams. protein, 11grams fat, 3 grams of leucine (promotes muscle growth) , and 2 c. Creatine.
Actually, it was the last product of the top 10 best in muscle building, we can say that these natural anabolic agentswill make your muscles "swell" in the truest sense of the word.
In conclusion we can say that many bodybuilders for some reason forget about natural products in telostroitelstva and prefer the notorious chemistry, but do not enjoy all the benefits that nature has given us, in my opinion, is short-sighted. So, my dear, turn a couple of these foods in your diet, and your muscles exactly say thank you!
On the sim all glad it's time you spent on the pages of " The ABCs of Bodybuilding ", come and see you soon!
PS. If you have questions, comments, additions and other miscellaneous, wait for their comments.
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Dicker Cintia
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