The training program for every body type. Part №1.
Posted by: Dicker Cintia Posted date: 8:42 AM / comment : 4
Welcome ladies and gentlemen!
Today we will have theoretical and practical note, and it will be devoted to the training program for each body type.We will analyze how to deal with, to eat and to conduct an aerobic activity of people with a certain type of the constitution. Article promises to be extremely rich, so let's get started.
So we sat, breathed, rushed!
The training program on body types, what, what, and why?
I always try to keep track Wishlist their readers and so from time to time I spend on monitoring existing draft articles. So in the course of it it has been revealed that the most commented notes, or rather even say a note in which the most active users left their questions became the [ Body Types ]. At the moment, she scored more than 100 comments, to be honest writer himself did not expect such a buzz around the seemingly unpretentious notes :), but you decided otherwise. Therefore, I thought that would be interesting to write her a kind of continuation and highlight detail as general questions of drawing up training programs for your body type, and private - to give ready-training schemes which can immediately apply in their train pelling activities.
Actually, let's see what I got.
Note:For a better assimilation of the material all further narration will be divided into sub-chapters.
Three body types: a detailed study of the issue
Body style - is the starting point to the correct building workouts, nutrition and aerobic activity. The definition of its type and characteristics of the body is very important for qualitative and quantitative training muscles. Currently, the network is scattered tons of tips, training programs, meal plans, supplementation, but usually such information is worthless and exhaust for the composition of the body of it is minimal. This is because the individual man with the features and complexion of metabolic processes, begins to work on a template scheme, which ignores its features.
Therefore, if one wants the most effective quick Start he must know himself, and the first thing to decide on the type of physique.
Often newcomers angling hudoschyavye any training program of the elite bodybuilder and start hard on it herachitwork. However, after 3-4 months, they do not understand why have not become a second Arnold Schwarzenegger. It turns out everything is simple - a program of training and nutrition should be radically different because of their physical characteristics (anthropometry) , metabolic (metabolic rate) and strategy training (number of sets / reps / rest periods) .
So let's try to correctly identify and understand your body type. Accepted provide three types of male body (for women this grid larger, we pay attention to it in the relevant articles) . Consider each separately, examining in detail the characteristics of physique, nutrition programs, and training tips.
№1. Ectomorphy
The second name of "hardgainer" or skinny guy or as they are called gossips, dryschi. Most often, this type of constitution is "easy assembly" with small joints and the same muscle mass. Ectomorph has a long, thin limbs, stringy muscles, narrow shoulders. With regard to the total weight of the body, with the growth of 175-180 cm, it may be only 55-60 kg.
Typical features of the ectomorph:
- a small bone frame (base frame) ;
- flat chest;
- thin neck;
- narrow shoulders;
- skinny buttocks;
- tall (over 175 cm) ;
- He finds it hard to gain weight;
- It has a fast metabolism (rapid burning of calories) ;
- fast metabolism ectomorphs subjects at higher risk of loss of muscle mass;
- have relatively normal profiles hormones testosterone / estrogen, but have higher levels of epinephrine and cortisol in comparison with other types of body;
- They can easily eat whatever they want and not get fat;
- low percentage of subcutaneous fat.
Training tips for ectomorph:
- Focus on large muscle groups (legs, back, chest) ;
- Avoid high-volume training, as this can increase the production of oxidants at lower androgen levels that result in greater inflammation and the greater the loss of muscle mass;
- the total number of sets per workout should not exceed 9-12 approaches (working with polyarticular exercises) and 10-15 (when the small muscle groups - the press, forearms, hands) ;
- Rest m / s from sets of 30-60 seconds;
- Train harder with repetitions in the range 4-8 ;
- Do polyarticular exercises (squats, bench press, military press, push, thrust), which are fast-twitch white muscle fibers are responsible for the total amount of muscles and their density;
- say "no" to the insulating simulators;
- training should be moderately intense and short (stowed in the range of pure time 40-45 minutes) ;
- do not do a lot of cardio;
- the best kind of aerobic activity is jogging interval.
Meals for ectomorph, tips:
- increase the current daily caloric intake for 500-750 kcal;
- the number of meals should be 5-6 in the day;
- We do not tend to keep (deposited as reserves) certain nutrients and may have a deficit in them;
- Sports Nutrition - Creatine with simple / complex carbohydrates (Weider MegaMass, Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass) ;
- to gain weight you need to consume large amounts of calories;
- lose fat easily, so there is no need to perform cardio for 3-4 times per week;
- meal for 40-60 minutes before bedtime to prevent muscle decay during the night.
- to absorb such quantities of food, drink for 30 minutes before eating 1.5 cups of water, it will increase the secretion of gastric juice and spur the body to ohomyachivaniyu;
- Consume Creatine (including pets) 1-2 times a day during periods of exercise to increase caloric intake;
- Include nutritious diet and high-calorie foods such as nuts, peanut butter ;
- break up large portions into several (if not in a state at a time to digest the current amount of food) ;
- 50-60% of the diet should be complex carbohydrates, 25% protein, 15-20% fat;
- Drink plenty of ( 0.5-1 liters / day) of milk (up to 3.5-5% fat) ;
- Eat moderate amounts of foods that you enjoy, even if they are unhealthy.
Famous people ectomorphs:
- Brad Pitt (sample "Fight Club") ;
- Bruce Lee;
- Chris Rock;
- Edward Norton;
- Vasily Alexeev (in his youth) ;
- Kate Moss;
- Audrey Hepburn;
- Cameron Diaz.
Do not worry about gaining lean muscle, ectomorph fully able to dial it using the right type of training (aerobic / anaerobic) and adhering to an appropriate diet and nutritional plan. In particular, here's what to look for when recruiting lean ectomorph muscle.
№2. Mesomorph
Genetic lucky with the perfect platform to build muscle. Very athletic and big solid "base frame". The best body type for bodybuilding. Pretty easy to gain muscle and lose fat weight. Value "growth-weight" is in the ideal range X (kg) = height - 100/110.
Typical features of the mesomorph:
- athletic physique (geometric shape of the body inverted triangle) ;
- broad shoulders and strong back;
- "Symmetrical assembly";
- average growth of about 170-175 cm;
- rather broad and massive bone;
- good muscles, and it is already visible outlines;
- good power performance (can easily pull up, push-ups) ;
- relatively easy set of muscle mass;
- a moderately high rate of metabolism;
- as energy sources are used carbohydrates and fats, and proteins are used to build new contractile muscle structures;
- body fat (total weight) is typed easier than ectomorphs;
- perfect hormone profiles with higher levels of testosterone and growth hormone , and lower levels of estrogen and cortisol.
Training tips for mesomorph:
- the body responds well to body-weight training inducing optimal balance m / s from stimulation of muscles and fat burning;
- training should be sufficiently intense, heavy and relatively long ( 45-60 min) ;
- beginners should not be performed more than 3 exercises for each body part 3 times a week;
- medium-high amount of reps ( 8-12 ) for engaging the slow-twitch red fibers;
- one exercise should include a 3-4 approach;
- 30-60 seconds of rest m / y sets;
- moderate amount of aerobic activity per week ( 2-3 times) ;
- the best kind of cardio to ignite fat is jogging and interval running.
Meals for mesomorph, tips:
- diet nutrient composition should look like this: carbohydrates 40-45% , 35-40% lean protein, 25-30% fat;
- is necessary to maintain an anabolic diet slightly increase daily caloric intake by 350-500 calories;
- serving size by volume must be closed fist;
- 4-5 meals a day;
- exception beloved and insalubrious products;
- Sources include in the diet of healthy fats such as flaxseed oil , fish / bear fat , almonds.
- selectively allow low levels of insulin after exercise to lean on simple carbohydrates and protein more effectively closing the carbohydrate-protein window ;
Famous people mesomorphs:
- Arnold Schwarzenegger;
- Sylvester Stallone;
- George Clooney;
- Bruce Willis;
- Jennifer Garner;
- Tina Turner;
- Halle Berry;
- Anna Kournikova.
Such prospects (in the best case) can expect mesomorph the recruitment of muscles.
№3. Endomorph
Body style with a "short assembly", thick arms and legs. Has an impressive weight sufficiently low growth. They have a massive skeleton (chunky) and fairly strong legs. It is easy to gain fat mass and get rid of it a long time.
Typical features endomorphs:
- loose and round body (usually the stomach) ;
- strong and massive bone (oil) ;
- low growth;
- slow metabolism;
- big fat stores and muscle being lost in the fat mass;
- easy to gain both muscle and fat, giving preference to the second;
- quickly stored in the depot carbohydrates and fats, and proteins poorly used (they have low reserves stored)for muscle growth ;
- fatigue and poor endurance;
- often suffer water retention;
- have higher levels of estrogen and kotizola circulating insulin, as well as lower levels of testosterone.
Training tips for endomorphs:
- bulk of training should be less than the mesomorph;
- overtraining this type could result in the loss of muscle mass, and increased inflammation endomorphically trends;
- One lesson should be within 65-75 minutes;
- rep range 15+ ;
- 30-40 seconds of rest m / y sets;
- Recommended number of sets 7-9 ;
- weight weights must be significant, that is conducive to the transformation of fat into muscle;
- moderate-volume training with the obligatory presence of polyarticular movements with a focus on the start of training, help increase lean muscle mass while reducing body fat, helping to move metabolic profile mesomorphic characteristics;
- It works perfectly circular workout (when exercises are performed one after another locomotive) for the development of the entire body;
- a large number of all kinds of aerobic activity, and it can be done, as in the days of rest and immediately after exercise;
- the best views of cardio are running at a fast pace during the 30-35 minutes and rowing simulator.
Meals for endomorphs, tips:
- diet nutrient composition should look like this: carbohydrates 30-35% , 55-60% lean protein, 10-15% fat;
- it is the most expensive (for finance) body type as lean protein is the lion's share of the diet, and it is not cheap;
- Include in the diet of whole grains;
- Eat plenty of vegetables and fiber (sold in pharmacies including in the form of bran) ;
- to drink 3 liters of water per day (for 2 cups before each meal) ;
- the number of meals per day 5-7 ;
- trim on the current diet of 250-500 kcal;
- Minimize the intake of empty calories (exclude foods that provide energy only for a short period - sweets, sugar) ;
- sports nutrition Weight loss products - Lipo 6 (Nutrex) , Hydroxycat hardcore Elite (Muscle Tech) ; a complex of vitamins and minerals - Animal Pak.
Famous people endomorphs:
- Philip Seymour Hoffman;
- John Goodman;
- Jack Black;
- Jennifer Hudson;
- Oprah Winfrey;
- Beyonce Knowles.
Such prospects (in the best case) can expect endomorphs when recruiting muscles.
So, these were the three main body types and even repel them and in the preparation of programs and plans treniroavochnyh power, but still the ball is ruled mixed body types.
№4. Mixed constitution
If you look at the comments on the article of the constitution by type, you'll see that most of the questioning, iereaders and visitors of the project The ABC Bodybuilding have a mixed type of body, most often ectomorph, mesomorph.
For example, look at the anthropometry of some people to ask questions and see for yourself.
In this case, the combined focus on both types, their features, tips and advice on nutrition and training.
For example, if you mesomorph, endomorph, then you need to:
- carry out your aerobic activity as ectomorph, ie lean heavily on cardio to lose fat;
- conduct weight training as the backbone for the mesomorph;
- eat with the characteristics of the organism, ie, as he quickly turns food into energy calories and speed with which puts them in fat. In other words, if you noticed that the body does not hesitate to postpone the fat, then you need to eat as endomorph, otherwise as a mesomorph.
Conclusion: "purebred" body types are much rarer than mongrels :). Therefore it is necessary to correctly identify its constitution and take into account both its positive and negative sides.
In general, it was clear and clearly what it is about, take a look at the following image.
He wore pure ectomorph (left) and pure mesomorph (right) , and between them a combination of the two. Now let's look at a concrete example of the mixed type and nutrition programs, sports nutrition and training.
Note:It is important to understand that there are also mixed types are not highly visible, ieektomorfizma percentage can be greater (e.g., 68% ) , and less mesomorphism ( 32% ) .
Conventional example:
- man, shoulders the same width as the hips;
- loose pants perfect buttocks sitting around without a belt;
- It has little forearm;
- the body has excess fat and looks round and soft;
- thumb and middle finger at the circumference of the wrist do not touch each other;
- weight easily typed, but it's hard to lose;
- chest girth is 94-105 cm.
Such peppers we have traits of three types.
As a result, body type and (training programs / power) line up on the dominant characteristics and traits, ie, in our case it endomorph ( 50% ) -mezomorf ( 38% ) .
I. General recommendations
- endomorphs for:
Strength training is the primary means to improve the ratio of muscle, fat and help speed up the metabolism . Use a moderately heavy weights and short rest m / y of sets and reps. Reduce your calorie intake, eat small, frequent meals. Work can be 4-6 times a week using a system of separation of muscle groups (split) .
- for mesomorph:
You can conduct training on the power more often and for longer periods, however, observe throughout the measure.Aerobic activities are carried out not more than 2-3 times a week for 30-35 minutes.
II. Recommendations for sports nutrition:
- whey protein, low carbohydrate (e.g., Dymatize ISO-100) ;
- Complex Multivitamin for whipping up the metabolism and fat burning process improvement (eg, Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men) ;
- fish oil capsules.
As you can see on the basis of the basic body types and their characteristics and anthropometry, it can be fairly easy to define the type of the constitution. Most likely, he will not thoroughbred in this case must take into account the extreme types and to identify the dominant features (ie what type is more prevalent and is the leading) .
Well, now it's time to move from the general to the particular, and to consider specific training program on body types. Or is it better to leave then? Moreover, the article has already exceeded the number of characters and indecent information was given plenty. Objection not hear, then will proceed.
She went to the end of the next article. Today, we have deepened our knowledge of the types of body and now know which strategy in training and nutrition should be followed. In the next article we start with the analysis of specific training programs, you will be able to take, print and break in practice. And yet so far!
PS. Friends and your current training program takes into account the peculiarities of your body?
PPS. Did the project? Then leave a link to it in the status of their social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.
Tagged with:
Training program
Dicker Cintia
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