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Ardent greetings, friend, girlfriend fighting and other good (and not) of the person!
As usual, on Sunday on a project to produce nutritious staked tradition notes, so we will not deviate from it, and talk about our daily bread, but rather about the fact how many times a day to eat . This overarching theme and arhinuzhnaya, because it is based on the construction of most of the questions correct proportions. In addition, even if you are far from fitness and bodybuilding, the answer to this question will help you to normalize your eating behavior, and even see some tangible bodily changes in the mirror.
What intrigued? Then let's get to enlightenment.

Frequency of meals: Nonfictional theory.

Well, I would like to start by saying that in most people's minds the image of the pitching has still associated with a wardrobe in shorts, stupid craving glands, and whose brain with gulkin nose. Continue to entertain this bike, my dear, and when tired, face it, bodybuilders and fitness girls - this is a man of broad specialization, as they say, "and Sweden, and the reaper, and on dude igrets" :). They need to understand not only in tyaganiya glands, but also questions of human anatomy, kinesiology movements and of course the organization of proper nutrition (ie to be a nutritionist) . Agree, is hardly a person in so many areas of the developing, slowpoke.
So, I'm all for that if you want to know - how many times a day you need to eat , then a better counselor than vysheozvuchennye characters, it's difficult to name. They'll have unanimously declared that the day should eat at least 5 times (well, that's all, on paper, you can not read :)) . Why so many and, in general, should look like a meal for a day at the person who is watching her figure and, in particular, bodybuilder, and we'll talk further.
If you have the monitor articles and subscribe to the newsletter of the project " Alphabet of Bodybuilding "is probably aware that nutrition I spend quite a lot of time. This is done not with the simple, and because the muscles are not built out of the air, and if the body is not getting enough calories, then the volume will not increase too. Under sufficient I mean covering basic needs plus a "cushion anabolism" - the amount of nutrients that will participate directly in building new muscle tissue. That is why I always encourage beginners first calibrate your diet to determine the diet and then Chapala into the hall.
Also, I recently had the opportunity to observe the life of foreign professional bodybuilders (through the new film, dedicated to the memory of Joe Weider, "Iron Generation") . So, there are athletes talked about their daily calorie diet in an area of nine, his mother, thousands of calories. To help you imagine how much this, imagine - you got up in the 7 o'clock in the morning and up to 22-00 all hamster and hamster. Indeed, the calories they consume Mama Do not Cry, and the number of meals can sometimes reach up to 7 per day. Of course, the common man to anything converted into a factory for recycling food and fertilize the soil, but some need to observe the frequency of administration. And in order to understand how, following the theory will be most welcome.
We are all more or less aware of what you need to have to create a composite body is: foods rich in protein , fiber,complex carbohydrates , fruits and vegetables. However, it often happens that the products we understand, but when and how many times a day they are - do not attach much importance. So it turns out that eating during the day in discord, our healthy food still is converted into fat and does not have the desired "therapeutic" (weight loss)effect.
From all this we can draw a simple conclusion - people do not eat when their body needs it. They think of filling too late (or early) when it is a pronounced feeling of hunger, which makes itself felt through the development of a stomach hormone ghrelin. Last signals the brain that it is high time to throw into the furnace of firewood.
So that this does not happen, you need to know that there is a concept of nutrition as timelines meal. Here's what they look like.
timelines meal
The graph can be quite obvious conclusion - your body (all of it) daily uses of stored body energy. Peaks of use comes at a time of physical activity (in this case, training in the hall) .
Conclusion: The process of power (as possible) should follow / keep up with the use of energy.
So, in terms of energy use by the body, it looks like a standard (3 meals a day), eating the majority of people during the day.
how many times a day to eat 3 meals a day reception
Three meals a day meal, the main shortcomings:
  • overeating converts the excess of nutrients in the fat;
  • less number of times leaves you hungry and weak in between meals;
  • fasting often leads to more overeating.
One of the biggest "plugging" of the regulations - too long intervals m / s from meals (eg breakfast at 8:00 am; Lunch - 14 days; Dinner - 19 pm) . If the hamster 3 times a day, your stomach will be constantly dissatisfied, the body will be in a limbo of hunger (declines in energy level and recovery rate) . Extreme hunger is often contrasted with overeating, which increases the accumulation of fat. One mistake usually leads to another, putting the body in a "vicious circle of hunger" (reduced metabolism) , followed by periods of overeating (increase of fat) .
That would look like the most rational between meals during the day.
how many times a day to eat, 6 single dose
6 meals a day, the main benefits:
  • relatively small amounts of maintaining a high level of energy and make you "filled with" all day;
  • snacks - save the body from "starving to death" during long workouts and between meals;
  • relatively small portions maintaining a high metabolic rate, thus avoiding overeating.
Conclusion: 6 -ti meals (eating every 2-3 hours) corresponds more efficient use of energy by the body. Significant refueling in the morning and before training and less rest, allow the body to not gain extra calories as fat and transformed in improving body composition.
Actually, with the number of meals per day understood. Now let's look at the steps, as it should have any "telostroitel." So, here are some tips and meal plan must adhere to all who decided to change his body.
№1. Proper power supply system.
First, you need to adjust your diet, removing him from filling, mayonnaise, sauces and ketchup. Reduce the intake of salt, sugar and spices.
№2. The frequency of meals.
There should be every 2-3 hours, the food should be rich in protein, which is to be combined with complex carbohydrates, fiber and vegetables.
№3. Eat flaxseed oil.
It will help satisfy the body's beneficial fats (omega 3/6/9) and curb your appetite.
№4. Drink plenty of water.
To determine the average water needs, divide your weight (in kilograms) to 30 . For example, you weigh 80 kg, then the day should drink 2.6 liters of clean water.
These were the basic tips, you want to start. As for the meal plan, it may look like.
№1. Breakfast.
1-2 dimensional scoop of protein, diluted with low-fat milk plus 1/2 cup frozen berries / fruits. All thoroughly.Scrambled of 1 whole egg and 2 -x proteins. Half a cup 125 grams) of oatmeal with low-fat yogurt. 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil .
№2. The second meal.
200-250 grams of tuna. Protein shake with skim milk.
№3. The third meal.
150-200 grams of chicken breast, a plate of brown rice, 1-2 pieces of whole wheat bread, 1 tsp linseed oil.
№4. The fourth meal.
100-120 grams of salmon or lean beef steak. Poltarelki buckwheat, green salad.
№5. Fifth meal.
180-200 g of seafood (shrimp) . 1 large portion of lettuce cauliflower, cucumbers and tomatoes with olive / linseed oil.
№6. Six meals.
1-2 dimensional scoop casein protein (or 200 grams of cottage cheese) , 2 egg protein.
№7. Fruits and vegetables.
Eat week about 5 kinds of fruit and / or vegetables. The latter can be mixed with a protein (eg, turkey fillet with green salad or asparagus) .
Well, perhaps that's all for today, we have answered the question - how many times per day should eat and what the power scheme to adhere to. It remains only one small thing - to follow all of this :).


She went to the end of another nutrient note, there we are one small step closer to the goal under the name - "the body of their dreams." I am sure you will now have food for thought in relation to the frequency of food intake and you will try by all means to go from the classics - 3 -x receptions to 5-6 . Good luck, my dear!
PS. Each comment - Your trail of descendants, so watch out, do not hesitate!
PPS. Did the project? Then leave a link to it in the status of their social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :).

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