Basic training program for beginners. What is it?
Posted by: Dicker Cintia Posted date: 8:39 AM / comment : 0
Today we will bezvodyanaya particular note, and it will be devoted to the subject - the basic training program for beginners. We will look at what to look TP freshman and what features there are in training beginners. After reading each of you will be able to download the program to yourself, print, and then break in practice for efficiency.
So, take their seats, we begin.
Basic training program for beginners: what, why and why?
As you know, recently in the project the opportunity to create individual training programs . So, you said that the topic of interest to you, and therefore I decided to periodically throw various predefined training schemes, which can work in the hall. From time to time we will consider all areas telostroitelstva, levels of training athletes and their respective programs. Well, my first acquaintance, we begin by examining the basic training program for beginners.
In fact, enough to pour water
let the merits.

Note:For a better assimilation of the material all further narration will be divided into sub-chapters.
Features PT beginners
Each program has its own characteristics, that is, strategic framework of its implementation - what follows what, a time of rest and so on. That's what we'll talk. The first step is to determine the answer to the question: who is this newcomer.
Answer: a person who, for whatever reason, decided to go to the gym / fitness center without any clear strategy and tactics, how and what it will do, and the continuous training of its length is from 1 to 6 months. He does not haveneuromuscular coordination , and the body's ability to recover from the very low load. Note that we are not talking only about the young specimens, or only males, it may be the young lady and the "people of ..." in general all those who decided to change his physique, but do not know where to start and run a training program .
So, I congratulate you bolbes ball! you with the honorary title of novice! Not worth it somehow shy and add experience in the work book to appear more advanced in the eyes of others. All will come and everything will be important you have done the first step - and decided to come to the hall, they also judge the time, history will tell.
Now that we have defined the status, you can proceed to the governing principles of training to be followed by every newcomer. To those include:
- exercises 2-3 times per week;
- scheme of work - work the whole body without separating the muscle groups;
- low volume training;
- exercise basic or conditional base, with minimal inclusion of isolation and fitness;
- small variety of exercises;
- the lack of "shocking" techniques ( training principles ) with muscles;
- focus on smooth and consistent progression of weight.
These guidelines are intended to achieve the same and often specific targets beginners.
The main objectives of the program of training for beginners
Overall objectives beginners who first come into the room, similar. Of course, anyone interested in losing a little more fat or muscle building, someone wants to get stronger, but in general they all want to get to the exit a beautiful body and a healthy appearance.
Now, that's not quite true purpose, which is to set ourselves a beginner. Most of the girls want to lose weight, of the boys - to gain weight (becoming heavier) , to become stronger . Arriving for the first time in the room, you need to put a "banal" goal - to get better from workout to workout.
In more detailed form, it can be expressed as;
- development of general fitness - the ability of the body "better" to carry the load, and better able to recover from the stress of the load;
- improve muscle coordination and exercise in an appropriate form;
- improved efficiency - improving the training of volume compared to the initial value;
- an increase in the base level of power performance, increased stamina.
For a beginner, these are important goals, and achieving them allows others to approach - increasing muscle mass, decrease body fat, improve overall health and well-being as a "spillover" effect. So try to focus precisely on the "banal" to - to be better today than yesterday, and the rest will be tightened. He pulled himself up on Wednesday at a time more than on Monday - excellent, began to practice the whole program for 50 minutes (compared to the previous 60 ) , and less tired - great!
Here are all, now we go to the practical part.
Basic training program for beginners Insights

So the program will come presented below:
- beginners, whose training experience from 1 to 6 months;
- beginning with any kind of purposes;
- only people no problems with the physical / bodily health without surgery and pathology.
On the technical side FET, it is as follows:
- Type - Power program with free weights on the whole body;
- number of lessons per week - 3 times;
- the format of training - alternating "ABA BAB";
- run time - 2-3 months;
- two consecutive days of rest at the end of the week.
Actually, we go to the explanation and detail.
Driving training for two weeks as follows.

In the first week interleaving scheme performed ABA, second - BAB and so on for 8-12 weeks.
The very basic training program for beginners as follows.

And in picture form ...
- A Train

- Training in

As you can see, the program uses only basic polyarticular movement, slightly supplemented by "highly specialized" exercise. PT This is great for healthy beginners who know how to perform these exercises and have dealt with them.This program provides a fast progression of loads and relatively more positive bodily changes (an average of 2.5-3months of permanent employment) .
Now, let's highlight some technical points.
A training program: details and explanations
Here it is necessary to know that:
- MMA exercises are - squats, bench press and pull;
- Squat - advised exercise for feet; however, it maybe changed to bench feet in simulator at the event "individual intolerance";
- bench press - the recommended exercises for the chest, but it can be replaced with a dumbbell bench press in the case of "individual intolerance";
- Rod rod reverse grip allows you to use a large range of motion and also sighting get a load of the latissimus dorsi.
The training program: details and explanations
Here it is necessary to know that:
- MMA exercises are - deadlifts , pull-ups on the bar and the military press ;
- Classic becomes - recommended exercises for beginners, but it can be replaced by a thrust from the skirtings(short amplitude) or the Romanian deadlift . In the first case the number of repetitions can be up to 12-15 per set;
- pull - recommended exercises for the back, but it can be replaced by a thrust from the upper block to the chest and pulling in the simulator gravitron (for girls) ;
- bench with his chest standing - the recommended exercise on his shoulders, but it can be replaced by a chest press with dumbbells sitting bench or sitting / standing.
How to make the training program to work, or that you need to turn their attention?
First of all you need to pay attention to:
№1. The embodiment
The first two weeks you have to break in the program, ie, identify the workers to carry the weight of a given volume of training in the proper form. The latter refers to the exercise in accordance with the unique capabilities of its technical goals. After a steady exercise in a given number of repetitions / sets and technology, it is possible to focus on a consistent and gradual progression of loads (possible increase in the weight burdening each workout) .
№2. Sets, recurrence and progression of loads
Space-force progress in training - is the performance of a given program (the number of sets / reps in motion) and gradually increasing the weight of the projectile is not at the expense of technology and numerical parameters of the exercise.
In other words, you should try to gradually increase the weight of the projectile and to perform the same amount of work, ie, If you lift the biceps 30 kg in 3 sets of 10 repetitions, then the weight lifting 31 kg in the same (without reducing) the numerical scheme is your progress. If 31 kg lift only in the first or the first two approaches, it means move to overweight ( 31 ) early, you should try to 30.5 kg.
In such cases, this minzurochny weight ( 0.5-1 kg) is quite difficult to find, and then can come to the aid of various rezinochki, tesemochki, rope, that will fix loose weight (small pancakes) , for example, not folding dumbbell.
Conclusion: The move to the new weight should be on condition that the amount of exercise (scheme number of sets / reps) .
Note:Members at the beginning fairly soon able to progress in the working balance only because of their status, then such an "easy" way to significantly slows down.
№3. Following the plan and "no experiments"
Many beginners like "zasandalit" in the training program is something of their own, so to speak, exercise otsebyatinkoy. However, all that is required of them at first, is to follow the instructions and training concepts. In our case, this means a consistent progression in the working balance while maintaining the exercise equipment, as well as work with a given amount of exercise a given numerical and Stay training scheme. This work will allow newbie count on comprehensible results, remember this is not a "gag smack" or "from someone else-slime" :).
Actually, I have sim all, let's summarize all this boltologiyu.
Now you have on hand a basic training program for beginners, you can now proceed to its approbation in the hall.Therefore, the finish line is printed and when the wind blows in the hall on the run-in, moved!
I also let otklanitsya, see you soon!
PS. Friends, and what program you doing? Answers write comments.
PPS. Did the project? Then leave a link to it in the status of their social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

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Training program
Dicker Cintia
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