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I think you often wondered - alcohol and bodybuilding , these activities are compatible, as one affects the other, and in general, whether or not to take on his chest? I was very interested, and similar questions, and I decided to collect all possible (and impossible) to information and bring it to you.
So, today we learn what role alcohol has on muscle structure which is preferable to use alcohol, if absolutely "unbearable," and how to reduce its effects on the body as a whole.
Well, take their seats, we begin.
The impact of alcohol on the muscles in bodybuilding
We are all humans and we live by the laws of the society that surrounds us. For Russia, these laws are - that no day is a holiday (take at least a month to his May long weekend) , and that no holiday - the noisy celebrations and feast.Well, where a feast, where he was a loyal friend and comrade - General alcohol. Of course, professional athletes eventually developed a kind of immunity to the green snake, although they are sometimes a no-no, and give yourself slack. What here to speak about ordinary mortals :). Spend a little experiment on yourself, answer the question: "When was the last time I took (s) on chest intoxicating? ". I think the answer will be a time interval of the order of 2-3 months, not more.
That I am getting to that if you do not live on a desert island, what would be the mode you are either stuck, whatever willpower nor possessed, you are more or less susceptible to "nehoroshesti", including alcohol. The paradox - but as soon as you give a vow that for at least 2-3 months to alcohol "no-no" is not pritroneshsya immediately begin weddings, name days, christenings and other various events. What do you do in this situation? Of course, the first thing you need to "know the enemy in the face" and make appropriate conclusions. That we are just now do.
So, under the alcohol solution will be understood any internal application that contains ethyl alcohol. Ethanol is a psychotropic agent and, despite its low toxicity (as compared with other alcohols), possesses significant psychoactive effect that inhibits human CNS. However, this is not the only negative impact that it has on the body, in particular - the results in bodybuilding ( muscle growth , strength gains) alcohol also affects negatively.
The athlete should always remember that:
- the degree of light intoxication ( 1-2 glasses of wine) corresponds to skipping one workout in the hall;
- moderate degree of intoxication ( 1-2 bottles of beer) to pass Compliant 1-2 weeks of training;
- the constant use of alcohol (every other day) in small quantities (a glass of beer) leads to stagnation in 80% ofthe athletes and a significant reduction in muscle growth ;
- the body needs 48 hours to bring every 30 grams. alcohol;
- Vodka contains "empty calories" that are slowly digested (at an average speed of 10 m / h) . 200 ml recycled only for 8 hours!
- 30 grams of alcohol contained in 0.5-1 liter of any beer, the latter also contains phyto-estrogens (female hormones) , which are easily converted into fat;
- Ethanol is very rapidly absorbed from the small intestine ( 80% ) and stomach ( 20% ) , even before the time to other nutrients digested.
If we consider the physiological processes of the impact of alcohol on the muscles, it is:
- Lowers levels of growth hormone.
After the alcohol in the subsequent two days at 40% reduced secretion of the hormone IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) , and growth hormone ;
- Inhibits the synthesis of muscle protein.
Alcohol, by releasing catabolic (breakdown) hormone cortisol , slows for 20% of the synthesis of muscle protein;
- Decreases (by 25% ) the level of the male sex hormone - testosterone and increases the level of women - estrogen. Also, alcohol causes a rapid conversion of androgens to estrogens;
- Toxic to fast (white) muscle fibers that give the greatest increase in muscle mass.
- It reduces muscle glycogen - the main energy source of muscles.
- It destroys the body's aerobic capacity and negatively impact endurance.
- It causes dehydration.
The binding of water by intense fluid secretion by the kidneys. Therefore, a deficit in the body of water, and muscle growth ceases, decreasing the rate of their recovery;
- Starts processes zhiroobrazovaniya.
Besides the fact that this high-calorie alcohol compound ( 1 g contains 7 calories) , it also gives the Krebs cycle - the oxidation process of fats. It was proved that 24 g Alcohol reduces lipolysis in the fat of 70% . This means that the body is so difficult to digest alcohol, which is about the processes of fat burning, he simply forgets;
- Increases appetite, it does not chew all flies.
- It leads to the depletion of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
There is a lack of calcium, zinc, iron and vitamins such as A, C, B, which play a key role in muscle contraction and relaxation as well as their growth;
10. Violates the sleep function.
There is a breakdown of fast and slow phases of sleep, causing reduced its restorative effect on muscle. It turns out that after receiving the "firewater" body will direct all of its resources to neutralize toxins, and only then (that will)for the reconstruction process.
So, from all of this can make an unambiguous conclusion: bodybuilding and alcohol - two opposites that should not is not something that attracts and even touch. It's like black and white, yin and yang. Why go to the gym , sweating from exercise equipment, if all the results after a little Saturday revelry with friends (and a couple of cups of spirits) will be reduced to nothing, and everything is possible again to start over?
All this, of course, true, but then again - is to understand that if you're not an athlete competitor, then you are unlikely to adhere to the total of "dry law". Therefore, in everyday life, if you just go to the gym consistently, eat properly, and generally watch your physique, the small alcoholic indulgences for you have the place to be. The key word here - "small", for example, a glass of wine per month - a small bottle of beer ( 0.5 liters) every two weeks - already too much.
Now let's look at how you can still reduce the negative impact of alcohol on the body, if it is not output, and you realize that this evening a little "vmazhete" :).
Reducing the harmful effects of alcohol. Calories and nutrients in popular alcoholic drinks.
To protect your muscles from the effects of alcohol intake, remember the following rules:
- before a banquet drink plenty of water;
- take a double dose of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) , about 500 mg;
- before going to bed, eat something protein (egg white, cottage cheese) ;
- Forget about training for 2 days from the date after drinking alcohol;
- immediately after the "missing" cup, a snack lean (low-fat meat, cheese, poultry) ;
- after the banquet (the next morning) , drink a glass of orange juice and two glasses of mineral water;
- Take before breakfast 5-10 grams of glutamine to prevent muscle catabolism;
- breakfast should consist of foods rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron - buckwheat porridge with milk, banana and cheese plate - that's the best option.
In general, if we consider the mechanism of the effects of alcohol on the body, it is rather primitive. After drinking alcohol is rapidly absorbed from the small intestine into the bloodstream and easily passes the blood-brain barrier(responsible for thought processes) . Furthermore, alcohol has an intoxicating effect on the cerebral cortex, resulting in a blurred rational thinking. Then he reaches the limbic system with its "primitive" parts of the brain, and she takes on the role of rational thought. Thus it turns out that a man begins to think not the head, and "emotions".
Now we go through the habits and carry a small educational program among beverages.
For the most part, alcoholic drinks also contain calories from other sources, which are added to the total caloric content. Almost all canned cocktails contain fats, wine and beer have a high content of "empty" carbohydrates. Beer contains more carbohydrates and a smaller percentage of ethanol than wine. Due to its high energy component, the beer contributes to greater accumulation of excess weight.
Long gone are the days when the alcoholic drinks were a novelty, now in any store you can see only a few dozen varieties of beer. Therefore, if we decided to "sin" and attach to the green snake, then it will be useful to know the percentage of alcohol content, calories and more in a variety of strong drinks.
Let's start with ...
Beer (ethanol content of 5%) (see. Table I) .
Wines (ethanol content of 6 to 12%) (see. Table I) .
Strong alcohol (see. table) .
From all the above, the following conclusions. If you do decide to "treat ourselves", then:
- best to drink alcohol with low calorie and a high percentage of alcohol (ie wine, beer is preferred) ;
- best to avoid high-calorie palatable liqueurs;
- When you drink, keep always at hand
voblasnack; - Drink plain water in between alcohol intake.
Uff-F, well, that's all, our topic - alcohol and bodybuilding , has come to its logical conclusion.
So, alcohol - is, of course, fun, but remember that attractive (in the eyes of the opposite sex) make you a beautiful body and a high level of the male hormone, but not overweight and constant shortness of breath. Conclusion - if the itch "nalakatsya" fun, try to get him out of the habits of alternative sources. In the most extreme cases, you can afford to organize a "heated", but it kindly, spent in a hall full of this innocent prank :).
Good day, dear comrades, to touch!
PS. Do not forget about the comments, always nice to receive news from you.
My respects, ladies and gentlemen!
This article could have been avoided if I had, once again, walking past the food stalls of the local market is not stopped at the meat department. As soon as I did it, it dawned on me that my dear readers know very little about one of the main nutrients in the diet of any athlete - meat. Not long tormented by doubts, I went and wrote this article. I must say that the note will be quite impressive, on the agenda for consideration of this question as a bodybuilder for the meat : use of the role it plays in the life of a sports person, how to properly select and cook, nutritional value and more.
I can not wait to report to you, so hurry to take their place, we begin.
Meat: all you need to know and not just pitching.
Warning! ... Remove from the monitor screens vegetarians, or the author is not responsible for the consequences :).Let me ask you a question: what is the lion's share of your nutritious diet?
Most likely the answers will be as follows: potatoes, rice, chicken, ham / sausage. Surely, if the meat is available in your grocery shopping cart, it turned out it was there by chance, and then in the form of a frozen piece of semi-obscure or sausages. Note that this does not in any way is not a criticism of your diet, but a simple statement of fact.I will say even more than one time, I myself preferred different psevdozamenitelyam meat: jars and sklyanochkam with interesting names, such as - foie natural, 100% stew and other heresies.
To reconsider their views on the main nutrient component I also prompted the film "Pump the iron," with Arnold Schwarzenegger and other stars of the golden age of bodybuilding. In it, I noticed that almost all bodybuilders frames all together "ohomyachivayut" huge chunks of meat - beef, and even fried. The moment I said to myself as - "we should pay attention." After a while I glanced through a couple of books about nutrition and - lo and behold - there is also always talked about the benefits of meat . And the last straw (in the decision to write an article about the role of bulk meat in life bodybuilder) became friendly visit to Russia overseas bodybuilder Victor Martinez. In his interviews, and just in the adventures of a Russian "canteen", he chose a different burgers, happy-mil and Chicken - Solid piece of natural meat.
So it was a kind of preface, that you understand that the article is not fallen out of nowhere on your head. This is the result of painstaking research of nutrient experience recognized world stars and Mr. Olympia. Therefore, take the following material pencil and draw their own conclusions, at least, it is worth.
In a previous article [ How to run? ] I have said that for me it was a matter of honor to deal in such matters. With this theme - the situation is similar. I can say with certainty that a very serious progress in "meat" issues and is ready to share this experience with you, my dear. Well, it started ...
Meat - a key component of high-grade animal protein, containing all essential amino acids needed to build muscle tissue. Meat is considered to be part of the carcass, which is a set of muscle, connective and fatty tissue.
By "pure" meat (muscle) usually include:
- beef;
- pork;
- veal;
- lamb;
- poultry (turkey, duck) .
Everything else - meat offal: liver, heart, kidneys, etc. The exceptional characteristics of meat are as follows:
- contains all the essential amino acids;
- a lot of creatine;
- high content of vitamins (B1, B2, B12, PP) , and minerals (phosphorus, iron) ;
- extractive elements - catalysts food juices.
Let's take for example the most common type of meat - beef, and evaluate its concrete benefits for bodybuilders.
Beef contains a fairly large number (about 22 grams) of high quality protein.
The beef contains the greatest amount of creatine (in comparison with any other products) . In addition, creatine - a natural energy source for the muscles, it is also effective from the standpoint of strength and temporary increase inmuscle mass .
Carnitine to support a normally constant exchange of fat, promotes BCAA BCAA.
The amino acid used as a low-calorie sugar. Together with carbohydrates provides fuel for the muscles of their activities.
Potassium and iron
The body of the athlete is often faced with a deficit of potassium. Its low level inhibits protein synthesis and prevents the development of growth hormone and IGF-1 (hormones, stimulants, muscle growth) . Increased content of Fe increases the total volume of blood in the body.
Zinc and magnesium
Zinc strengthens the immune system and promotes muscle dew . Magnesium raises the level of intensity and increases the effectiveness of insulin.
Beef (lean) - a powerful antioxidant and an excellent source of linoleic acid. It has anti-catabolic effect, helps recovery after a heavy weight training.
Vitamins B6 and B12
The greater the athlete consumes protein intake, the greater the need for its B6 . Vitamin support the required level of protein synthesis. B12 carries oxygen function - delivers O2 to the muscles, through the development (through it)of red blood cells. Spurred products BCAA metabolism and is involved in the process of the body's energy.
So now let's talk about the nutritional value of meat rather not even talk, and take note of the following information(see. table) .
Always keep this information on hand before going to the store, and then you'll not only satisfied, but also properly fed (the highest amount of protein, the minimum - fat) .
Note:I sincerely believe that every self-respecting athlete (bodybuilder) should understand nutritional issues better than the average person. Meat - a "heavy artillery" in animal protein and one of the main sources of building muscle. In addition, it is quite expensive product, so you need a good understanding of double issues of its acquisition and proper preparation.
Of course, the best place to buy fresh meat, it is usually sold in specialized markets. However, if that is not (or you looked in the supermarket) , it will be useful to know that the meat has the following classification.
According to the thermal condition :
- Man - has not yet cooled down (within 2-3 hours after butchering), the meat of an animal carcass. It is rarely used for cooking, as quite hard and has a specific taste and smell;
- cooled down - after cutting was about 6 hours but not more than a day. During this time it is covered with a crust of pale red (pink) color. If the meat is not sold in time, then it is cooled or frozen;
- Cooling - cooling at a temperature of 0-4 m in special cold rooms. Store no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.
- frozen - a product of the past rapid and deep-frozen immediately after cooling. It can be stored for several months without loss of taste and beneficial properties.
- defrosted - meat, subjected to defrosting. At times it loses its nutritional value if not followed the correct technique of freezing and thawing.
Actually, everything, now let's talk in more detail about the nutritional value of meat and nutritious nutrients. The food composition of meat usually distinguished: proteins, fats, vitamins / minerals, and water and extractives(helping to digest food in the intestines) . Nutritional value myastsa depends on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of proteins and fats. We walk all the nourishing nutrients.
There are high-grade and inferior. The latter contain a complete amino acid profile (including nesinteziruemye body Aminka) . Myosin (major muscle protein, about 50% ) and actin (up to 15% ) to couple contain all amino acids necessary for the body. Meat - is mostly complete proteins (from 75 to 90% ) , which relate to the solubles. Meat proteins exhibit a high degree of digestibility (up 95% ) and slow digestion, so they create the feeling of satiety for longer compared to other products.
It should be understood that meat proteins during heat treatment become the broth, but under the influence of temperature and rapidly coagulate virtually insoluble. During cooking, the meat is reduced in size, it is due to coagulation of protein and water loss.
Note:In order to preserve the "protein" meat, it must boil over high heat and boil continuously, but this soup you would not want to try. And still gelatin, which is sold in bags, as a condiment - is nothing short of gluten obtained by digestion of bone collagen.
Defective proteins are important in meat. For example collagen (which is not initially absorbed by the body) as a result of heat treatment becomes gluten. The process of softening of meat - is a consequence of this transformation.
Other meat contains a different amount of fat in their formulation. It is best absorbed by the low-melting fats. So pork is not so useless, fatty meats (especially sirloin) , because of pork fat (like meat and poultry) the lowest melting temperature. If you look at beef or lamb, their fats - "unsophisticated web browsers," ie, refractory (note, this is one word :)) , and therefore less digestible.
On average, lean meat contains 3-8% fat, which is quite acceptable for the athlete and a person who is watching their body composition. The fats in the meat largely - saturated, polyunsaturated (omega-3/6) is very small.
Minerals and extractives
The meat contains minerals such as potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, and zinc ( 30% comes from meat) , selenium.The most important mineral element, for which the meat is valued - is heme iron (which is part of hemoglobin) , it is almost 100% absorbed by the body.
Extractives impart a unique flavor and a tempting taste of meat dishes.
Of course, the meat is inferior to the content vitamins fruits and vegetables, but there are red meat, thiamine, niacin and other. B vitamins, which are practically not present in plant foods. Also present are vitamins A, C, E and D.
Well, actually, and all. About nutritional composition and use of meat we talked, now we go to the most delicate part of the article ...
How to select and properly cook the meat?
Before moving on to practical advice, I suggest you read the following interesting statistics (see. picture) .
I think of the chart you become clear on what guided both sexes in the selection of meat.
Of course, statistics - it's good, but some figures will not be full. The process of buying meat pretty responsible job. I remember my barefoot childhood, we, together with the parents, "Chapa" market and Mom meticulously select the most lovely piece. Then I had no idea how to do it and all the meat seemed to me for one person (just like our brothers narrow-eyed :)) . Now, after the time when the handle you have no leads, you start very enlightened in such matters and know that nothing complicated about it.
So, if until now you did not know anything (or very little) about the process of selection of quality meat, then the following information to quickly teach you this.
Let's go in order.
The meat of young dairy calves - one of the top contenders for the role of diet for an athlete. Color - pale pink, red;consistency - tender; internal fat - dense, white / cream; subcutaneous fat - is virtually nonexistent. When a cut piece can observe the characteristic "marbling".
Note:Marbling - characteristic blotches of fat in muscle tissue, is achieved through intensive animal rearing last 3-4 months grain and corn.
It is not necessary to eat meat of older animals. His color is dark red, burgundy; fat - yellow; muscle tissue tough and fibrous.
Note:Small cheat code, how to understand what the meat in front of you. Before going to the market to pick up a small clean plastic bag (or similar gloves) . Approaching the counter, ask to see you enjoy a piece of fresh meat. Next, put a package on a hand and lightly pressing your fingers go over the piece, making two or three touches. If the pit from depression will disappear and the meat does not stick to hands - so you can safely take it.
It should be borne in mind that different parts of the carcass meat suited for different tasks. Some - perfect for soup, some for barbecue. Therefore, coming to a store / market, always remember why you need the meat, ie, you want to get out of it eventually.
To maximize the choice was simple and not time-consuming, the next image will be most welcome.
Next in line ...
The best nourishing and dietary properties are suckling pigs (up to 3-4 weeks, 2-10 kg) and animals of 7-8 months of age. Color - pink, pinkish-red; muscle tissue - soft / gentle; internal fat - white; subcutaneous fat - pink / white.
Selecting the "consumer" part is also determined, based on your needs.
Next is ...
The best "dining" option is the meat of sheep 1-2 years of age. Color - light red; fat - white; smell - specific, bluff.Adults / older animals, color - brick red, fat - yellow.
What's better (and useful) to submit to the mouth :), will help you understand the next image (clickable) .
Poultry (chicken, geese, ducks, etc.)
We got to all oprotivevshihbodybuilders favorite chicken breasts. Qualitative characteristics: the color of pale pink;leather - soft, white; fat - light; Bird - elastic, dry; meat on the cut - slightly damp.
The most "running" part shown in the figure.
Purpose: 1) breast / fillet - simmer and cook for 2) Leg / wing - soup, toast.
Well, we bought livestock, and now there is still to learn how to cook meat ? So there you go.
Just specify what questions roasting and different "pripravilovki" we're not going to be considered, for this is a box, let it broadcasts. We will consider only the general principles and minor subtleties of healthy cooking.
To distinguish the following types of cooking meat: cooking, stewing, grilling and smoking (look at the first two) . We begin with the general aspects of cooking.
Cooking can be done in two ways:
- meat initially put in cold water and then heated to boiling;
- meat initially put in hot water;
The first method
Most of the substances from the meat enters the water, saturating broth proteins, fats, minerals and extractives.This broth (strong) leakage of juice strengthens and increases appetite, but because of the high temperature becomes loose connective tissue, proteins isolated meat moisture and loses its juiciness.
Second method
With rapid heating chafing soluble proteins in the thick meat forming a film that prevents the transfer of extractives in the broth. Meat obtained very juicy.
Now let's move from the general to the particular, and go over our meaty product :). You are always on hand should be the next mosaic cooking (see. picture) .
Note:Quenching process is quite simple: you can simmer the meat in a small amount of liquid by immersing it for at least half the dishes, close the lid.
Well, now you know not only how to buy animal protein, and how to cook it. Ie correct calories provided.
Kachkovskii FAQ on Meat
Finally I would like to note a couple of facts that must always keep in mind with respect to meat bodybuilder. So there you go:
- Eat at least 2-3 times a week red meat (at 200-250 g / day, preferably in the days free training) . Use it as a long-running source of protein;
- The meat is absorbed much worse (or more) "Milk" and eggs. The thing membranes of muscle cells that stores the amino acids. At the meat they are too thick, so you first need to overcome them, and only then begin to digest protein;
- It is best to eat lean (8.2% fat) beef tenderloin;
- Only 60% of the nutrients from meat completely absorbed (from eggs to digest 95% ) ;
- You should not ever "cracking" poultry (chicken breast fillets) , as It contains the entire list of essential acids.Combine poultry meat;
- The meat is better absorbed in the presence of carbohydrates, so combine protein and carbohydrates (eg, salad - turkey breast with broccoli or stew with vegetables) ;
- The longer and more intensely you process the meat, the less it is "useful";
- Eat a "pure" meat, ie sausages, sausages, sausages, canned meat - is "not a" meat.
Remember these facts and will always be full!
Well, that came to an end, our powerful article on the topic - the use of meat for the bodybuilder. The main idea in this note - if you are going to put things "rustling" in bodybuilding, then you just need to eat meat. Well, actually, and all sure that the article will help in solving all the problems of meat.
So long, my dear, subscribe to updates, check back often, then you are always welcome!
PS. I look forward to individual comments, questions - write, analyze everything.
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